[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: opencsw:[374] utilities/packagesStatistics/tools/ updateQaStatistics.pl

wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net wbonnet at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jun 26 23:35:23 CEST 2011

Revision: 374
Author:   wbonnet
Date:     2011-06-26 21:35:22 +0000 (Sun, 26 Jun 2011)

Log Message:
Initial commit

Added Paths:

Added: utilities/packagesStatistics/tools/updateQaStatistics.pl
--- utilities/packagesStatistics/tools/updateQaStatistics.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ utilities/packagesStatistics/tools/updateQaStatistics.pl	2011-06-26 21:35:22 UTC (rev 374)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND 
+# DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) (the "License"); you may not use this 
+# file except in compliance with the License. 
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+# either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPL"),
+# in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead
+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+# under the terms of either the GPL, and not to allow others to
+# use your version of this file under the terms of the CDDL, indicate your
+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+# and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+# the terms of any one of the CDDL, or the GPL.
+# Copyright 2011 (http://www.opencsw.org).  All rights reserved.
+# Use is subject to license terms.
+# Contributors list :
+#	William Bonnet wbonnet at opencsw.org
+# Version :
+#  $Id: $
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Switch;
+use DBD::mysql;
+use DBI();
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Definition of the variables that will receive command lines values after parsing
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Database connection
+my $dbHost	 		= "localhost";				   	# Variable containing the database hostname 
+my $dbUser	 		= "qa_stat";					# Variable containing the username for database connection
+my $dbPasswd 		= "qa_stat";					# Variable containing the password for database connection
+my $dbSchema 		= "qa_stat";					# Variable containing the schema for database connection
+my $DSN; 											# Variable containing the database connection string
+my $dbConnect;										# Variable containing the database connection
+# Schema
+my $dbTablePrefix 			= "QA_STATS_";						# Prefix to all tables names
+my $dbTableUwatch     		= $dbTablePrefix . "UWATCH"; 		# Name of the table containg the uwatch stats
+my $dbTableBugs        		= $dbTablePrefix . "BUGS";	        # Name of the table containg the bugs stats
+# Uwatch schema
+my $dbUWatchTablePrefix 	= "UWATCH_";			        			    # Prefix to all uwatch tables names
+my $dbUWatchTablePackages  	= $dbUWatchTablePrefix . "PKG_VERSION"; 		# Name of the table containg the packages
+my $dbUWatchTableHistory	= $dbUWatchTablePrefix . "VERSION_HISTORY";	    # Name of the table containg the version history
+# Command line arguments
+my $command;			   							# Command to process 
+my $verbose; 										# Versbose flag 
+# Date override
+my $forceYear;										# Override, from the command line, the value of the current date
+my $forceMonth;										# Override, from the command line, the value of the current date
+my $forceDay;										# Override, from the command line, the value of the current date
+my $noDateCheck;								    # Override, the control on the date using this option you can update with old data
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#	args : year and month to increase
+#   This functions increase the update counter for the given month and year
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub updateUwatchStatisticsErrorCount {
+	# Pop the packages list from the arguments
+	my $dbConnect     = shift;	 	# Database connection
+	my $dayToUpdate   = shift;	 	# Day of the record to update
+	my $monthToUpdate = shift;	 	# Month of the record to update
+	my $yearToUpdate  = shift;		# Year of the record to update
+   	# Try to retrieve the record containing the field to update
+   	my $sqlQuery = "select count(1) from " . $dbUWatchTablePackages . " where PKG_LAST_UPSTREAM_CHECK_STATUS = 0 and PKG_GAR_PATH is not null limit 1";
+   	# Now retrieve data from the table.
+   	my $sth = $dbConnect->prepare($sqlQuery) or die "Error:" . $dbConnect->errstr . "\n";
+   	# Execute the query
+   	$sth->execute() or die "Error when executing query : " . $sqlQuery . "\n";
+   	# Fetch the result into ref variable	
+   	my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
+   	# We have to finish previous query
+   	$sth->finish();
+   	my $count = 0;
+   	# If ref is not empty then the record already exist in database
+   	if (scalar @row) {
+       	$count	= $row[0];
+    } 
+	# Try to retrieve the record containing the field to update
+	$sqlQuery = "select ID_STU from " . $dbTableUwatch . " where STU_YEAR = '" . $yearToUpdate. "' and STU_MONTH = '" . $monthToUpdate. "' and STU_DAY = '" . $dayToUpdate. "'";
+	# Now retrieve data from the table.
+  	$sth = $dbConnect->prepare($sqlQuery) or die "Error:" . $dbConnect->errstr . "\n";
+	# Execute the query
+  	$sth->execute() or die "Error when executing query : " . $sqlQuery . "\n";
+	# Fetch the result into ref variable	
+	@row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
+	# We have to finish previous query
+  	$sth->finish();
+	# If ref is not empty then the record already exist in database
+	if (scalar @row) {
+		# Copy the row id into a local variable and finish the query. Nothing else to do...
+    	my $idDb 		= $row[0];
+		# The only two fields we set yet are the package name and the catalog name
+		$sqlQuery = "update $dbTableUwatch set STU_UWATCH_ERROR_COUNT = ? where ID_STU = ?";
+		# Execute the query
+		$dbConnect->do($sqlQuery, undef, $count, $idDb)	or die "Error:" . $dbConnect->errstr . "\n";
+  	} else {
+		# Entry does not exist, then we have to create it with the update counter set to one
+		$sqlQuery = "insert into $dbTableUwatch (STU_YEAR, STU_MONTH, STU_DAY, STU_UWATCH_ERROR_COUNT) values (?, ?, ?, ?)" ;
+		# Execute the query
+		$dbConnect->do($sqlQuery, undef, $yearToUpdate, $monthToUpdate, $dayToUpdate, $count) or die "Error:" . $dbConnect->errstr . "\n";
+	}
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#	args : year and month to increase
+#   This functions increase the update counter for the given month and year
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub updateUwatchStatistics {
+	# Variables used to store current time
+	my $curSecond; my $curMinute; my $curHour; my $curDay; my $curMonth; my $curYear; my $curWeekDay; my $curDayOfYear; my $curIsDST; 
+	# Connect to database
+	$DSN = "DBI:mysql:database=" . $dbSchema . ";host=" . $dbHost ;
+	$dbConnect = DBI->connect($DSN, $dbUser, $dbPasswd, {'RaiseError' => 1}) or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
+	# Retrieve execution date
+	($curSecond, $curMinute, $curHour, $curDay, $curMonth, $curYear, $curWeekDay, $curDayOfYear, $curIsDST) = localtime(time);
+	$curYear += 1900;
+	$curMonth++;
+    # Process date overriding. If command line has defined the variables, then we replace local time values
+    if (defined($forceYear))  { $curYear  = $forceYear;   }
+    if (defined($forceMonth)) { $curMonth = $forceMonth;  }
+    if (defined($forceDay))   { $curDay   = $forceDay;    }
+    # Update the statistics about the number of errors
+    &updateUwatchStatisticsErrorCount($dbConnect, $curDay, $curMonth, $curYear);
+    # Disconnect from the database.
+    $dbConnect->disconnect();
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#	args : package list list to import
+#   This functions compare each package version with the one in the database
+#   and updates if necessary
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub updateBugStatistics {
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#	args : none
+#	Display command usage to stdout
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub displayUsage {
+	print "updateQaStatistics version: 0.1\n" ;
+	print "Copyright (C) 2011 OpenCSW http://www.opencsw.org\n" ;
+	print "\n" ;
+	print "This tool is used to produce weekly QA statistics.\n" ;
+	print "updateQaStatistics process the uwatch and bug tables and compute statistics used by the web site to display the qa statistics pages\n" ;
+	print "\n" ;
+	print "Usage : updateQaStatistics [OPTIONS] cmd1 cmd2 ...\n" ;
+	print "\n" ;
+	print "  Command list :\n" ;
+	print "        --command=[command]\n" ;
+	print "          updateUwatchStatistics       : Parse a catalog and stores statistics in the database\n" ;
+	print "          updateBugStatistics          : Parse a 'newpkgs' email, and stores update only statistics in the database\n" ;
+	print "\n" ;
+	print "  Options list :\n" ;
+	print "     Database options\n" ;
+	print "        --dbHost=[mySQL hostname]         defaults to : $dbHost\n";
+	print "          Defines the database host to use in the connection string\n" ;
+	print "        --dbUser=[mySQL userame]          defaults to : $dbUser\n";
+	print "          Defines the database user to use in the connection string\n" ;
+	print "        --dbPasswd=[mySQL password]       defaults to : $dbPasswd\n";
+	print "          Defines the database password to use in the connection string\n" ;
+	print "        --dbSchema=[mySQL database name]  defaults to : $dbSchema\n";
+	print "          Defines the database to use in the connection string\n" ;
+	print "\n" ;
+	print "     Old catalog import options\n" ;
+	print "        --forceYear=[year]                defaults to : <unset>\n";
+	print "          If set, force the year value used when updating packages and statistics\n" ;
+	print "        --forceMonth=[month]              defaults to : <unset>\n";
+	print "          If set, force the month value used when updating packages and statistics\n" ;
+	print "        --forceDay=[day]                  defaults to : <unset>\n";
+	print "          If set, force the day value used when updating packages and statistics\n" ;
+	print "        --verbose                         defaults to : <unset>\n" ;
+	print "          Make output a bit more verbose\n" ;
+	print "\n" ;
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                             Main part of the script
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Check for the number of arguments. If zero then display usage and exit
+my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
+if ($numArgs == 0) {
+	displayUsage() ;
+	exit ;
+# Parse the arguments
+my $result = GetOptions ("command=s" 		=> \$command,   			
+                         "dbHost=s"   		=> \$dbHost,    	  		
+                         "dbUser=s"   		=> \$dbUser,    	  		
+                         "dbPasswd=s"   	=> \$dbPasswd,  	    	
+                         "dbSchema=s"   	=> \$dbSchema,  	    	
+                         "forceYear=i" 		=> \$forceYear,  	    	
+                         "forceMonth=i"   	=> \$forceMonth,  	    	
+                         "forceDay=i"	   	=> \$forceDay,  	    	
+                         "noDateCheck"	   	=> \$noDateCheck,  	    	
+                         "verbose"   		=> \$verbose);  			
+die ("Error : missing command\n") unless defined ($command);
+# Select the procedure to call to handle the command
+SWITCH: for ($command) {
+	# Command is : import a catalog file in pkg-get format
+	/updateUwatchStatistics/i && do { 
+									&updateUwatchStatistics ; 
+									last ;
+								 } ;
+	# Command is : update packages and stats from the content of the newpkgs emails
+	/updateBugStatistics/i && do { 
+									&updateBugStatistics ; 
+									last ;
+								 } ;
+	# Default is : unknown command. Exit with an error message
+	die ("unknown command : $command\n") ;

Property changes on: utilities/packagesStatistics/tools/updateQaStatistics.pl
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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