[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[14920] csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jun 28 11:25:37 CEST 2011

Revision: 14920
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2011-06-28 09:25:37 +0000 (Tue, 28 Jun 2011)

Log Message:
checkpkg: Memoizing GetPkgByPath

Speeds up execution of certain tests. In the case of CSWncurses, the analysis
time goes down from 17m to 1m30s.

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py	2011-06-28 09:23:38 UTC (rev 14919)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py	2011-06-28 09:25:37 UTC (rev 14920)
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
     self.catrel = catrel
     self.catalog = catalog
     self.common_paths = {}
+    self.pkgs_by_path_cache = {}
     if lines_dict:
       self.lines_dict = lines_dict
@@ -353,19 +354,22 @@
   def GetPkgByPath(self, file_path):
     """Proxies calls to self.system_pkgmap."""
-    pkgs_in_catalog = self.catalog.GetPkgByPath(
-        file_path, self.osrel, self.arch, self.catrel)
-    # This response comes from catalog; we need to simulate the state the
-    # catalog would have if the set under test in the catalog.  First, we
-    # remove all packages that are under test.
-    pkgs = set(pkgs_in_catalog.difference(set(self.pkg_set_files)))
-    if file_path in self.pkgs_by_file:
-      for pkg in self.pkgs_by_file[file_path]:
-        pkgs.add(pkg)
-    logging_response = pprint.pformat(pkgs)
-    logging.debug("GetPkgByPath(%s).AndReturn(%s)"
-                  % (file_path, logging_response))
-    return pkgs
+    key = (file_path, self.osrel, self.arch, self.catrel)
+    if not key in self.pkgs_by_path_cache:
+      pkgs_in_catalog = self.catalog.GetPkgByPath(
+          file_path, self.osrel, self.arch, self.catrel)
+      # This response comes from catalog; we need to simulate the state the
+      # catalog would have if the set under test in the catalog.  First, we
+      # remove old versions of packages under test.
+      pkgs = set(pkgs_in_catalog.difference(set(self.pkg_set_files)))
+      if file_path in self.pkgs_by_file:
+        for pkg in self.pkgs_by_file[file_path]:
+          pkgs.add(pkg)
+      logging_response = pprint.pformat(pkgs)
+      logging.debug("GetPkgByPath(%s).AndReturn(%s)"
+                    % (file_path, logging_response))
+      self.pkgs_by_path_cache[key] = pkgs
+    return self.pkgs_by_path_cache[key]
   def GetInstalledPackages(self):
     return self.catalog.GetInstalledPackages(
@@ -624,8 +628,10 @@
-    logging.debug("_ReportMissingDependencies(error_mgr, %s, %s, %s)",
-        pkgname, declared_deps, pprint.pformat(req_pkgs_reasons))
+    # Disabling the logging, because pprint.pformat can take an awful lot of
+    # time.
+    # logging.debug("_ReportMissingDependencies(error_mgr, %s, %s, %s)",
+    #     pkgname, declared_deps, pprint.pformat(req_pkgs_reasons))
     missing_reasons_by_pkg = {}
     for reason_group in req_pkgs_reasons:
       for pkg, reason in reason_group:

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