[csw-devel] [PATCH] checkpkg: allow collection of obsoletion info
Ben Walton
bwalton at opencsw.org
Sun Mar 27 16:49:26 CEST 2011
Excerpts from Maciej BliziĆski's message of Sun Mar 27 10:22:26 -0400 2011:
> > + def GetObsoletedBy(self):
> > + """Collects obsolescence information from the package if it
> > exists
> > +
> > + Documentation:
> > + http://wiki.opencsw.org/obsoleting-packages
> > +
> > + Returns:
> > + a tuple (bool, list) of (syntax_ok, obsoleted_by)
> This bit needs updating.
Ah yes. Good catch.
Index: package.py
--- package.py (revision 13944)
+++ package.py (working copy)
@@ -358,6 +358,39 @@
return depends
+ def GetObsoletedBy(self):
+ """Collects obsolescence information from the package if it
+ Documentation:
+ http://wiki.opencsw.org/obsoleting-packages
+ Returns:
+ a dict { syntax_ok: bool, obsoleted_by: [[pkg,cat], [pkg2,cat2], ...] }
^^ I'm not sure if I'm describing the data structure in the proper
python way here. Should the [] be ()?
+ If the package has not been obsoleted or the package predates the
+ implementation of this mechanism, the list is empty. If the
+ package provides obsolescence information but the format of the
+ information is invalid, syntax_ok will be False and the list will
+ be empty.
+ """
+ obsoleted_syntax_ok = True
+ obsoleted_by = []
+ obsoleted_by_path = os.path.join(self.directory, "install", "obsolete")
+ if not os.path.exists(obsoleted_by_path):
+ return obsoleted_by
+ with open(obsoleted_by_path, "r") as fd:
+ for line in fd:
+ fields = re.split(c.WS_RE, line)
+ if len(fields) < 2:
+ obsoleted_syntax_ok = False
+ logging.warning("Bad line in obsolete file: %s", repr(line))
+ continue
+ pkgname, catalogname = fields[0:2]
+ obsoleted_by.append((pkgname, catalogname))
+ return { "syntax_ok": obsoleted_syntax_ok, "obsoleted_by": obsoleted_by }
> Incrementing of the data structure version doesn't need to be done
> in this change, if it only adds this function. It will need to be
> in the change in the code creating pkg_stats in package_stats.py.
Right. And I'll do my best to keeps the commits atomic in the 'git
way' where each change is as self contained as possible, newer
building on older.
Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302
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