[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[17697] csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Apr 15 16:18:26 CEST 2012

Revision: 17697
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2012-04-15 14:18:25 +0000 (Sun, 15 Apr 2012)
Log Message:
GeoIP/trunk: Update to 1.4.8, split package, general rework

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/Makefile	2012-04-15 14:17:16 UTC (rev 17696)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/Makefile	2012-04-15 14:18:25 UTC (rev 17697)
@@ -1,45 +1,68 @@
-VERSION = 1.4.7
+VERSION = 1.4.8
-define BLURB
-  GeoIP C API
 MASTER_SITES = http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/api/c/
+PATCHFILES += 0001-Remove-gcc-specific-flags.patch
+PATCHFILES += 0002-Do-not-use-unnamed-union.patch
+PATCHFILES += 0003-Explicitly-print-NULL-when-passed-nullpointer-instea.patch
 VENDOR_URL = http://www.maxmind.com/app/c
-PACKAGES                 += CSWgeoip
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgeoip      = geoip
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip = CSWgeolitedb CSWzlib CSWgcc4corert
+# PKGFILES is catchall
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip += CSWlibgeoip1
-PACKAGES                      += CSWgeoip-dev
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgeoip-dev       = geoip_dev
-SPKG_DESC_CSWgeoip-dev         = GeoIP C API development support
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip-dev  = CSWgeoip
-INCOMPATIBLE_PKGS_CSWgeoip-dev = CSWgeoipdevel
-PKGFILES_CSWgeoip-dev          = $(PKGFILES_DEVEL)
+PACKAGES += CSWgeoip-update
+SPKG_DESC_CSWgeoip-update = Updater for GeoIP.dat directly from MaxMind
+PKGFILES_CSWgeoip-update += $(sysconfdir)/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWgeoip-update += $(bindir)/geoipupdate
+PKGFILES_CSWgeoip-update += $(mandir)/man1/geoipupdate\.1
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip-update += CSWlibgeoipupdate0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip-update += CSWlibgeoip1
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip-update += CSWlibz1
+PACKAGES += CSWlibgeoip1
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibgeoip1 = GeoIP library, libGeoIP.so.1
+PKGFILES_CSWlibgeoip1 += $(call pkgfiles_lib,libGeoIP.so.1)
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibgeoip1 += CSWgeolitedb
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibgeoip1 += surplus-dependency|CSWgeolitedb
-# Tests require internet connection
+PACKAGES += CSWlibgeoipupdate0
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibgeoipupdate0 = GeoIP database update library, libGeoIPUpdate.so.0
+PKGFILES_CSWlibgeoipupdate0 += $(call pkgfiles_lib,libGeoIPUpdate.so.0)
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibgeoipupdate0 += CSWlibgeoip1
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibgeoipupdate0 += CSWlibz1
+PACKAGES += CSWgeoip-dev
+SPKG_DESC_CSWgeoip-dev = GeoIP development files for libGeoIP.so.1
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip-dev += CSWlibgeoip1
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgeoip-dev += CSWlibgeoipupdate0
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/csw
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-static
+# CONFIGURE_ARGS += --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/csw
+# CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-static
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgeoip += non-uniform-lib-versions-in-package|sonames=libGeoIP.so.1,libGeoIPUpdate.so.0
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgeoip += surplus-dependency|CSWgeolitedb
+# There is one test failing on sparcv9, skip for now
+EXTRA_MERGE_EXCLUDE_FILES += $(sharedstatedir)/GeoIP/GeoIP\.dat
+EXTRA_MERGE_EXCLUDE_FILES += $(sysconfdir)/GeoIP\.conf\.default
+PRESERVECONF += $(sysconfdir)/GeoIP.conf
 include gar/category.mk
+	-cd $(WORKSRC) && ./bootstrap
+	-cd $(WORKSRC) && /opt/csw/bin/libtoolize

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/checksums	2012-04-15 14:17:16 UTC (rev 17696)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/checksums	2012-04-15 14:18:25 UTC (rev 17697)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-a802175d5b7e2b57b540a7dd308d9205  GeoIP-1.4.7.tar.gz
+05b7300435336231b556df5ab36f326d  GeoIP-1.4.8.tar.gz

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0001-Remove-gcc-specific-flags.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0001-Remove-gcc-specific-flags.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0001-Remove-gcc-specific-flags.patch	2012-04-15 14:18:25 UTC (rev 17697)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+From 91d2141f9891e71491609a8cd1295b1722db568a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <da\xC2m at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 19:04:53 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Remove gcc-specific flags
+ Makefile.am          |    2 +-
+ apps/Makefile.am     |    6 +++---
+ libGeoIP/Makefile.am |    2 +-
+ test/Makefile.am     |    4 ++--
+ 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index bd4da3a..5c12337 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-INCLUDES = -Wall -ansi
+ SUBDIRS =		\
+ 	libGeoIP	\
+diff --git a/apps/Makefile.am b/apps/Makefile.am
+index 46cf501..19fac17 100644
+--- a/apps/Makefile.am
++++ b/apps/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+-	-I$(top_srcdir)/libGeoIP		\
+-	-Wall
++	-I$(top_srcdir)/libGeoIP
+-AM_CPPFLAGS = -DSYSCONFDIR=\"$(sysconfdir)\" -Wall
++AM_CPPFLAGS = -DSYSCONFDIR=\"$(sysconfdir)\" 
+ DEPS = $(top_builddir)/libGeoIP/libGeoIP.la
+ LDADDS = $(top_builddir)/libGeoIP/libGeoIP.la
+diff --git a/libGeoIP/Makefile.am b/libGeoIP/Makefile.am
+index 5fa0a90..90c2cdf 100644
+--- a/libGeoIP/Makefile.am
++++ b/libGeoIP/Makefile.am
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ lib_LTLIBRARIES = libGeoIP.la libGeoIPUpdate.la
+ EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.vc md5.h global.h types.h GeoIP_internal.h
+-AM_CPPFLAGS = -DGEOIPDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" -Wall
++AM_CPPFLAGS = -DGEOIPDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\"
+ libGeoIP_la_SOURCES = GeoIP.c GeoIPCity.c regionName.c timeZone.c
+ include_HEADERS = GeoIP.h GeoIPCity.h GeoIPUpdate.h
+diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
+index fffcbed..2745604 100644
+--- a/test/Makefile.am
++++ b/test/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+-	-I$(top_srcdir)/libGeoIP		\
+-	-Wall
++	-I$(top_srcdir)/libGeoIP
+ check_PROGRAMS = test-geoip

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0002-Do-not-use-unnamed-union.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0002-Do-not-use-unnamed-union.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0002-Do-not-use-unnamed-union.patch	2012-04-15 14:18:25 UTC (rev 17697)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+From 75432862a6a889ebfcfbb9305b12df021e209188 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <da\xC2m at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 19:17:40 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Do not use unnamed union
+ apps/geoiplookup.c     |    6 +++---
+ apps/geoiplookup6.c    |    2 +-
+ libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.c   |    2 +-
+ libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.h   |    2 +-
+ test/test-geoip-city.c |    2 +-
+ 5 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/apps/geoiplookup.c b/apps/geoiplookup.c
+index bd3c6fc..43915e6 100644
+--- a/apps/geoiplookup.c
++++ b/apps/geoiplookup.c
+@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ geoiplookup(GeoIP * gi, char *hostname, int i)
+ 			}
+ 			else {
+ 				printf("%s: %s, %s, %s, %s, %f, %f, %d, %d\n", GeoIPDBDescription[i], gir->country_code, _mk_NA(gir->region), _mk_NA(gir->city), _mk_NA(gir->postal_code),
+-				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->metro_code, gir->area_code);
++				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->code.metro_code, gir->area_code);
+                                 _say_range_by_ip(gi, ipnum);
+                                 GeoIPRecord_delete(gir);
+ 			}
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ geoiplookup(GeoIP * gi, char *hostname, int i)
+                                 _mk_conf_str(gir->postal_conf,  postal_str,  5);
+ 				printf("%s: %s, %s, %s, %s, %f, %f, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", GeoIPDBDescription[i], gir->country_code, _mk_NA(gir->region), _mk_NA(gir->city), _mk_NA(gir->postal_code),
+-				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->metro_code, gir->area_code,
++				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->code.metro_code, gir->area_code,
+                                        country_str, region_str, city_str, postal_str                       
+                                      );
+                                 _say_range_by_ip(gi, ipnum);
+@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ geoiplookup(GeoIP * gi, char *hostname, int i)
+                                 strcpy(accuracy_radius_str,"N/A");}
+ 				printf("%s: %s, %s, %s, %s, %f, %f, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", GeoIPDBDescription[i], gir->country_code, _mk_NA(gir->region), _mk_NA(gir->city), _mk_NA(gir->postal_code),
+-				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->metro_code, gir->area_code,
++				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->code.metro_code, gir->area_code,
+                                        country_str, region_str, city_str, postal_str, accuracy_radius_str
+                                      );
+                                 _say_range_by_ip(gi, ipnum);
+diff --git a/apps/geoiplookup6.c b/apps/geoiplookup6.c
+index dc0ff9b..00c9101 100644
+--- a/apps/geoiplookup6.c
++++ b/apps/geoiplookup6.c
+@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ geoiplookup(GeoIP * gi, char *hostname, int i)
+ 		        }
+ 		        else {
+ 		                printf("%s: %s, %s, %s, %s, %f, %f, %d, %d\n", GeoIPDBDescription[i], gir->country_code, _mk_NA(gir->region), _mk_NA(gir->city), _mk_NA(gir->postal_code),
+-				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->metro_code, gir->area_code);
++				       gir->latitude, gir->longitude, gir->code.metro_code, gir->area_code);
+                         }
+ 	        }
+diff --git a/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.c b/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.c
+index d308b45..d716e79 100644
+--- a/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.c
++++ b/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.c
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ _extract_record(GeoIP * gi, unsigned int seek_record, int *next_record_ptr)
+       record_buf += 3;
+       for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
+ 	metroarea_combo += (record_buf[j] << (j * 8));
+-      record->metro_code = metroarea_combo / 1000;
++      record->code.metro_code = metroarea_combo / 1000;
+       record->area_code = metroarea_combo % 1000;
+     }
+   }
+diff --git a/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.h b/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.h
+index f6f8fc8..0ed752f 100644
+--- a/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.h
++++ b/libGeoIP/GeoIPCity.h
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ typedef struct GeoIPRecordTag {
+ 	union {
+ 	  int metro_code; /* metro_code is a alias for dma_code */
+ 	  int dma_code;
+-        };
++        } code;
+ 	int area_code;
+ 	int charset;
+ 	char *continent_code;
+diff --git a/test/test-geoip-city.c b/test/test-geoip-city.c
+index 4a48fde..c32291a 100644
+--- a/test/test-geoip-city.c
++++ b/test/test-geoip-city.c
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	     _mk_NA(gir->postal_code),
+ 	     gir->latitude,
+ 	     gir->longitude,
+-	     gir->metro_code,
++	     gir->code.metro_code,
+ 	     gir->area_code,
+ 	     _mk_NA(time_zone),
+ 	     ret[0],

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0003-Explicitly-print-NULL-when-passed-nullpointer-instea.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0003-Explicitly-print-NULL-when-passed-nullpointer-instea.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/GeoIP/trunk/files/0003-Explicitly-print-NULL-when-passed-nullpointer-instea.patch	2012-04-15 14:18:25 UTC (rev 17697)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+From 8697780bf0c23c0cbd47711eefceb6d383c4df9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dagobert Michelsen <da\xC2m at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 19:56:55 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Explicitly print NULL when passed nullpointer instead of
+ dumping core
+ test/test-geoip.c |   12 ++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/test/test-geoip.c b/test/test-geoip.c
+index 4bb209e..63bc38e 100644
+--- a/test/test-geoip.c
++++ b/test/test-geoip.c
+@@ -63,22 +63,22 @@ int main () {
+ 		while (fscanf(f, "%s%s%s", ipAddress, expectedCountry, expectedCountry3) != EOF) {
+ 			returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi,ipAddress);
+ 			if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry);
++				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,(returnedCountry == NULL ? "NULL" : returnedCountry),expectedCountry);
+ 				failed = 1;
+ 			}
+ 			returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi,ipAddress);
+ 			if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,"Test name %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry);
++				fprintf(stderr,"Test name %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,(returnedCountry == NULL ? "NULL" : returnedCountry),expectedCountry);
+ 				failed = 1;
+ 			}
+ 			returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code3_by_addr(gi,ipAddress);
+ 			if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry3) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry);
++				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,(returnedCountry == NULL ? "NULL" : returnedCountry),expectedCountry);
+ 				failed = 1;
+ 			}
+ 			returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code3_by_name(gi,ipAddress);
+ 			if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry3) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,"Test name %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry);
++				fprintf(stderr,"Test name %d for %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,(returnedCountry == NULL ? "NULL" : returnedCountry),expectedCountry);
+ 				failed = 1;
+ 			}
+ 			test_num++;
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int main () {
+ 		while (fscanf(f, "%s%s", ipAddress, expectedCountry ) != EOF) {
+ 			returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_addr(gi,ipAddress);
+ 			if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry);
++				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,(returnedCountry == NULL ? "NULL" : returnedCountry),expectedCountry);
+ 				failed = 1;
+ 			}
+ 			test_num++;
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ int main () {
+ 		while (fscanf(f, "%s%s", ipAddress, expectedCountry) != EOF) {
+ 			returnedCountry = GeoIP_country_code_by_name(gi,ipAddress);
+ 			if (returnedCountry == NULL || strcmp(returnedCountry, expectedCountry) != 0) {
+-				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,returnedCountry,expectedCountry);
++				fprintf(stderr,"Test addr %d %s failed, got %s, expected %s\n",test_num,ipAddress,(returnedCountry == NULL ? "NULL" : returnedCountry),expectedCountry);
+ 				failed = 1;
+ 			}
+ 			test_num++;

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