[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[19070] csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python

dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net dmichelsen at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Aug 23 16:58:54 CEST 2012

Revision: 19070
Author:   dmichelsen
Date:     2012-08-23 14:58:54 +0000 (Thu, 23 Aug 2012)
Log Message:
mGAR v2: lang-python category Makefile created

Added Paths:

Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/Makefile (from rev 18981, csw/mgar/pkg/Makefile)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/Makefile	2012-08-23 14:58:54 UTC (rev 19070)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright 2009 OpenCSW
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+# vim: ft=make ts=4 sw=4 noet
+# This makefile is to be included from Makefiles in each category
+# directory.
+MY_SVN_DIR=$(shell svn info | awk -F: '$$1=="URL"{print $$2":"$$3}' )
+	@echo "You are in the pkg/lang-python directory."
+	@echo "Updating packages..."
+	@svn up --ignore-externals
+	@cat ../../gar/v2/scm-help
+	@for i in $(filter-out $(FILTER_DIRS),$(wildcard */)) ; do \
+		$(MAKE) -C $$i $* ; \
+	done
+	@for i in $(filter-out $(FILTER_DIRS),$(wildcard */)) ; do \
+		$(MAKE) -C $$i $* || exit 2; \
+	done
+export BUILDLOG ?= $(shell pwd)/buildlog.txt
+	@for i in $(filter-out $(FILTER_DIRS),$(wildcard */)) ; do \
+		$(MAKE) -C $$i $* || echo "	*** make $* in $$i failed ***" >> $(BUILDLOG); \
+	done
+	@for i in $(filter-out $(FILTER_DIRS),$(foreach D,. $(SUBDIRS),$(wildcard $D/*/))) ; do \
+		$(MAKE) -s -C $$i/trunk pkglist ; \
+	done
+	@svn mkdir $* $*/tags $*/branches $*/trunk $*/trunk/files
+	@svn cp ../template/Makefile $*/Makefile
+	@python -c 'from mako.template import Template; \
+		v = { "name": "$*", "version": "x.y" }; \
+		t = Template(filename="newpkg-Makefile"); \
+		print t.render(**v)' > $*/trunk/Makefile
+	@touch $*/trunk/checksums
+	@svn add $*/trunk/Makefile $*/trunk/checksums
+	@svn ps svn:keywords Id $*/trunk/Makefile
+	@echo "work\n" | svn propset svn:ignore -F /dev/fd/0 $*/trunk
+	@echo
+	@echo "Your package is set up for editing at $*/trunk"
+	@echo Checking out TEMPLATES directory...
+	svn --ignore-externals co $(MY_SVN_DIR)/TEMPLATES
+createpkg-%: TEMPLATES/createpkg
+	@TEMPLATES/createpkg/copy_template $*

Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/newpkg-Makefile (from rev 18981, csw/mgar/pkg/newpkg-Makefile)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/newpkg-Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/lang-python/newpkg-Makefile	2012-08-23 14:58:54 UTC (rev 19070)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# $Id: Makefile 13420 2011-02-20 21:04:03Z bdwalton $
+# TODO (release-critical prefixed with !, non release-critical with *)
+NAME = ${name}
+VERSION = ${version}
+CATEGORIES = python
+DESCRIPTION = Brief description
+define BLURB
+  Long description
+PACKAGES += CSW${name}
+SPKG_DESC_CSW${name} = My package
+PKGFILES_CSW${name} += $(call pkgfiles_lib,libabc.so.1)
+PKGFILES_CSW${name} += $(call baseisadirs,$(bindir),myexec)
+PKGFILES_CSW${name} += $(sysconfdir)/myconf
+include gar/category.mk

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