[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[18242] csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk

j_arndt at users.sourceforge.net j_arndt at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jun 7 09:13:31 CEST 2012

Revision: 18242
Author:   j_arndt
Date:     2012-06-07 07:13:31 +0000 (Thu, 07 Jun 2012)
Log Message:
munin: update to 2.0.0, pre-experimental

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 NAME = munin
-VERSION = 1.4.6
+VERSION = 2.0.0
-SPKG_DESC_CSWmunin-master = Master component of the graphical network and system monitoring munin
-SPKG_DESC_CSWmunin-node = Node component of the graphical network and system monitoring munin
-SPKG_DESC_CSWmunin-common = Common files for munin node and master
+SPKG_DESC_CSWmunin-master = Master component of the graphical network and system monitoring Munin
+SPKG_DESC_CSWmunin-node = Node component of the graphical network and system monitoring Munin
+SPKG_DESC_CSWmunin-common = Common files for Munin node and master
 define BLURB
   Munin the monitoring tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. It presents all the information in graphs through a web interface.
@@ -19,23 +19,23 @@
 DISTFILES += apache-munin.conf.CSW apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW
-PATCHFILES += Makefile.patch
-PATCHFILES += Makefile.config.patch
-PATCHFILES += sunos_memory.in.patch
-PATCHFILES += munin-node.conf.in.patch
-PATCHFILES += munin.conf.in.patch
-PATCHFILES += munin-htaccess.in.patch
-PATCHFILES += munin-graph.in.patch # match some paths to /{etc|var}/opt/csw/munin 
-PATCHFILES += perl.patch # shebang correctly set
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-Expand-paths-with-DESTDIR.patch
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-paths-in-Makefile.config.patch
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-Use-CSWtop-in-memory.in.patch
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-paths-and-hostname-in-munin-node.conf.in.patch
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-replace-yourhostname-with-hostname-in-postinstall.patch
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-paths-in-munin-htaccess.in.patch
+#PATCHFILES += munin-graph.in.patch # match some paths to /{etc|var}/opt/csw/munin 
+PATCHFILES	+= 0001-changed-shebang-in-files.patch
 PACKAGES = CSWmunin-master CSWmunin-node CSWmunin-common
 CATALOGNAME_CSWmunin-master = munin_master
 CATALOGNAME_CSWmunin-node = munin_node
 CATALOGNAME_CSWmunin-common = munin_common
-ARCHALL_CSWmunin-master = 1
-ARCHALL_CSWmunin-node = 1
-ARCHALL_CSWmunin-common = 1
+ARCHALL_CSWmunin-master	= 1
+ARCHALL_CSWmunin-node	= 1
+ARCHALL_CSWmunin-common	= 1
 RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWmunin-common = CSWperl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 PKGFILES_CSWmunin-common += .*/Munin::Common.*
 PKGFILES_CSWmunin-common += .*/Munin\/Common.*
-PKGFILES_CSWmunin-common += .*munin_common.*
+#PKGFILES_CSWmunin-common += .*munin_common.*
 # files for CSWmunin-node
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 MUNINNODE_UGFILES 	= /var/opt/csw/munin /var/opt/csw/munin/log /var/opt/csw/munin/db /var/opt/csw/munin/run
 MUNINNODE_SMF		= /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswmuninnode
 MUNINNODE_USERGROUP	= /opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWmunin-node/cswusergroup
-MUNINNODE_EXECS		= .*munin-node .*munin-node-configure.* .*munindoc.* .*munin-run.*
+MUNINNODE_EXECS		= .*munin-node .*munin-node-configure.* .*munindoc.* .*munin-run.* .*munin-sched.*
 MUNINNODE_CONF		= .*munin-node.conf .*munin-node.conf.5 .*munin-node.1 /etc/opt/csw/munin/munin-conf.d /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugin-conf.d
 PKGFILES_CSWmunin-node += .*muninnode.* .*CSWmunin-node.*
@@ -89,12 +89,14 @@
 # files for CSWmunin-master
-MUNINMASTER_UGFILES	= /var/opt/csw/munin.* /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache.* /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates.*
-MUNINMASTER_USERGROUP	= /opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWmunin-master/cswusergroup
-MUNINMASTER_EXECS	= .*munin-check.* .*munin-cron.* .*munin-graph.* .*munin-html.* .*munin-limits.* .*munin-update.*
-MUNINMASTER_CRONTABS	= /etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWmunin-master/crontabs/munin
-MUNINMASTER_POSTMSG	= /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/README.CSW
+MUNINMASTER_UGFILES	 = /var/opt/csw/munin.* /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache.* /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates.*
+MUNINMASTER_UGFILES	+= /etc/opt/csw/munin/static.*
+MUNINMASTER_USERGROUP	 = /opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWmunin-master/cswusergroup
+MUNINMASTER_EXECS	 = .*munin-check.* .*munin-cron.* .*munin-graph.* .*munin-html.* .*munin-limits.* .*munin-update.*
+MUNINMASTER_EXECS	+= .*munin-datafile2storable.* .*munin-storable2datafile.* .*munin-cgi-graph.* .*munin-cgi-html.*
+MUNINMASTER_CRONTABS	 = /etc/opt/csw/pkg/CSWmunin-master/crontabs/munin
+MUNINMASTER_POSTMSG	 = /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/README.CSW
 PKGFILES_CSWmunin-master += .*muninmaster.*
 PKGFILES_CSWmunin-master += .*Munin::Master.*
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@
 	@cat $(WORKSRC)/Makefile | sed -e "s;DESTDIR =;& $(DESTDIR);g" > $(WORKSRC)/Makefile.tmp
 	@( cd $(WORKSRC); gmake -f Makefile ; cp Makefile.tmp Makefile ; gmake -f Makefile install)
+	@#( cd $(WORKSRC); cp Makefile.tmp Makefile ; gmake -f Makefile)
 	@# we are using cswclassutils -> cswcptemplate
@@ -240,9 +243,8 @@
 	@# handle some other files
-	@ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/munin/fonts
-	@ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/master/VeraMono.ttf $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/munin/fonts/VeraMono.ttf
+	@#ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/munin/fonts
+	@#ginstall -m 644 $(WORKSRC)/master/VeraMono.ttf $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/munin/fonts/VeraMono.ttf
 	@# make some links for munin node
@@ -250,3 +252,4 @@
 	@ln -s /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/uptime $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/uptime
 	@ln -s /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/cpu $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/cpu
 	@ln -s /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/df $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/df

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/checksums	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/checksums	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-b54f320ba75f97ad2ddba3664f7158f2  munin-1.4.6.tar.gz
+9cbe5b5651905cc022f6c97489396564  munin-2.0.0.tar.gz

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-Expand-paths-with-DESTDIR.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-Expand-paths-with-DESTDIR.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-Expand-paths-with-DESTDIR.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+From 5d6dad6dcd4f57e114f39fe8b467bdf92172f62b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 17:51:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Expand paths with $(DESTDIR)
+ Makefile |  224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index f610539..bd3d9a6 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+ DEFAULTS = Makefile.config
+ CONFIG = Makefile.config
+ include $(DEFAULTS)
+ include $(CONFIG)
+@@ -49,8 +51,8 @@ uninstall:
+ # This removes the installed config so that the next install-pass installs
+ # a new config.  Target _only_ suitable for maintainers.
+ unconfig:
+-	rm -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
+-	rm -f $(CONFDIR)/munin.conf
++	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
++	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf
+ tags:
+ 	-rm -f TAGS
+@@ -66,63 +68,63 @@ endif
+ install-pre: Makefile Makefile.config
+-	mkdir -p $(LOGDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(STATEDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(SPOOLDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(STATEDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(SPOOLDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
+ install-master-prime: $(INFILES_MASTER) install-pre install-master
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/templates
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/static
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/templates/partial
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/munin-conf.d
+-	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(PERLLIB)
+-	mkdir -p $(PERLLIB)/Munin/Master
+-	mkdir -p $(HTMLDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(DBDIR)
+-	mkdir -p $(DBDIR)/cgi-tmp
+-	mkdir -p $(CGIDIR)
+-	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(DBDIR)
+-	$(CHOWN) $(CGIUSER) $(DBDIR)/cgi-tmp
+-	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(DBDIR)/cgi-tmp
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/static
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/partial
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin-conf.d
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)/Munin/Master
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/cgi-tmp
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)
++	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)
++#	$(CHOWN) $(CGIUSER) $(DBDIR)/cgi-tmp
++	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)/cgi-tmp
+ 	for p in master/www/*.tmpl ;  do \
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(CONFDIR)/templates/ ; \
++		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/ ; \
+ 	done
+ 	for p in master/static/* ; do \
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(CONFDIR)/static/ ; \
++		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/static/ ; \
+ 	done
+ 	for p in master/www/partial/*.tmpl; do \
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(CONFDIR)/templates/partial/ ; \
++		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/partial/ ; \
+ 	done
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSansMono.ttf $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSans.ttf $(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSansMono.ttf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSans.ttf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
+-	test -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/www/munin-htaccess $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
+-	test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf"  || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/munin.conf $(CONFDIR)/
++	test -f $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/www/munin-htaccess $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
++	test -f "$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf"  || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/munin.conf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cron $(BINDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-check $(BINDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-update $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-html $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-graph $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-limits $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-datafile2storable $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-storable2datafile $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cgi-graph $(CGIDIR)/munin-cgi-graph
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cgi-html $(CGIDIR)/munin-cgi-html
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cron $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-check $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-update $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-html $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-graph $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-limits $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-datafile2storable $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-storable2datafile $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cgi-graph $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/munin-cgi-graph
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cgi-html $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/munin-cgi-html
+ # Not ready to be installed yet
+-# $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-gather $(LIBDIR)/
++# $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-gather $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
+@@ -133,28 +135,28 @@ install-node-plugins: install-plugins-prime
+ install-plugins-prime: install-plugins build $(PLUGINS) Makefile Makefile.config
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugins
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
+-	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/plugins
+-	mkdir -p $(PLUGSTATE)
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PLUGSTATE)
+-	$(CHMOD) 0775 $(PLUGSTATE)
+-	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
++#	$(CHMOD) 0775 $(PLUGSTATE)
++#	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
+ 	for p in build/plugins/node.d/* build/plugins/node.d.$(OSTYPE)/* ; do \
+ 	    if test -f "$$p" ; then                            \
+ 		echo Installing $$p;                           \
+-		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $$p $(LIBDIR)/plugins/;     \
++		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $$p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/;     \
+ 	    fi                                                 \
+ 	done
+-	-mv $(LIBDIR)/plugins/*.adv $(LIBDIR)
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugins.history $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugin.sh $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
++	-mv $(LIBDIR)/plugins/*.adv $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugins.history $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugin.sh $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/
+ install-plugins-java: build-plugins-java
+-	mkdir -p $(JAVALIBDIR)
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/javalib/munin-jmx-plugins.jar $(JAVALIBDIR)/
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(JAVALIBDIR)
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/javalib/munin-jmx-plugins.jar $(DESTDIR)$(JAVALIBDIR)/
+ #TODO:
+ # configure plugins.  Or not. Better done under the direction of the installer
+@@ -162,36 +164,36 @@ install-plugins-java: build-plugins-java
+ install-async-prime:
+-	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/_bin/munin-async-client $(LIBDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/_bin/munin-async-server $(LIBDIR)/
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/_bin/munin-async-client $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/_bin/munin-async-server $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
+ install-node-prime: install-node-pre install-node
+ install-node-pre: build/node/munin-node.conf install-pre
+-	test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(CONFDIR)/
++	test -f "$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/
+ install-common-prime: build-common install-common
+ install-man: build-man Makefile Makefile.config
+-	mkdir -p $(MANDIR)/man1 $(MANDIR)/man5 $(MANDIR)/man8
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-node.conf.5 $(MANDIR)/man5/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.conf.5 $(MANDIR)/man5/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-update.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-limits.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-graph.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-html.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-cron.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-check.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-node.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-update.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-limits.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-graph.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-html.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-cron.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-check.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
+ install-doc: build-doc
+ 	mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)/resources
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 README $(DOCDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 COPYING $(DOCDIR)/
+-	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/resources/* $(DOCDIR)/resources
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/resources/* $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)/resources
+ ######################################################################
+@@ -208,29 +210,29 @@ build/%: %.in
+ 	@echo "$< -> $@"
+ 	@mkdir -p build/`dirname $<`
+ 	@sed -e 's|@@PREFIX@@|$(PREFIX)|g'                      \
+-             -e 's|@@CONFDIR@@|$(CONFDIR)|g'                    \
+-             -e 's|@@BINDIR@@|$(BINDIR)|g'                      \
+-             -e 's|@@SBINDIR@@|$(SBINDIR)|g'                    \
+-             -e 's|@@DOCDIR@@|$(DOCDIR)|g'                      \
+-             -e 's|@@LIBDIR@@|$(LIBDIR)|g'                      \
+-             -e 's|@@MANDIR@@|$(MANDIR)|g'                      \
+-             -e 's|@@LOGDIR@@|$(LOGDIR)|g'                      \
+-             -e 's|@@HTMLDIR@@|$(HTMLDIR)|g'                    \
+-             -e 's|@@DBDIR@@|$(DBDIR)|g'                        \
+-             -e 's|@@STATEDIR@@|$(STATEDIR)|g'                  \
+-	     -e 's|@@SPOOLDIR@@|$(SPOOLDIR)|g'                  \
++             -e 's|@@CONFDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)|g'                    \
++             -e 's|@@BINDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)|g'                      \
++             -e 's|@@SBINDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR)|g'                    \
++             -e 's|@@DOCDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)|g'                      \
++             -e 's|@@LIBDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)|g'                      \
++             -e 's|@@MANDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)|g'                      \
++             -e 's|@@LOGDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)|g'                      \
++             -e 's|@@HTMLDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)|g'                    \
++             -e 's|@@DBDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)|g'                        \
++             -e 's|@@STATEDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(STATEDIR)|g'                  \
++	     -e 's|@@SPOOLDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(SPOOLDIR)|g'                  \
+              -e 's|@@PERL@@|$(PERL)|g'                          \
+-             -e 's|@@PERLLIB@@|$(PERLLIB)|g'                    \
++             -e 's|@@PERLLIB@@|$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)|g'                    \
+              -e 's|@@PYTHON@@|$(PYTHON)|g'                      \
+              -e 's|@@RUBY@@|$(RUBY)|g'                          \
+              -e 's|@@JAVARUN@@|$(JAVARUN)|g'                    \
+-             -e 's|@@JAVALIBDIR@@|$(JAVALIBDIR)|g'              \
++             -e 's|@@JAVALIBDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(JAVALIBDIR)|g'              \
+              -e 's|@@OSTYPE@@|$(OSTYPE)|g'                      \
+              -e 's|@@HOSTNAME@@|$(HOSTNAME)|g'                  \
+              -e 's|@@MKTEMP@@|$(MKTEMP)|g'                      \
+              -e 's|@@VERSION@@|$(VERSION)|g'                    \
+-             -e 's|@@PLUGSTATE@@|$(PLUGSTATE)|g'                \
+-             -e 's|@@CGIDIR@@|$(CGIDIR)|g'                      \
++             -e 's|@@PLUGSTATE@@|$(DESTDIR)$(PLUGSTATE)|g'                \
++             -e 's|@@CGIDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)|g'                      \
+              -e 's|@@USER@@|$(USER)|g'                          \
+              -e 's|@@GROUP@@|$(GROUP)|g'                        \
+              -e 's|@@PLUGINUSER@@|$(PLUGINUSER)|g'              \
+@@ -248,17 +250,17 @@ build-common-pre: common/Build
+ common/blib/lib/Munin/Common/Defaults.pm: common/lib/Munin/Common/Defaults.pm build-common-pre
+ 	rm -f common/blib/lib/Munin/Common/Defaults.pm
+ 	$(PERL) -pe 's{(PREFIX     \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(PREFIX)};}x;   \
+-                  s{(CONFDIR    \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(CONFDIR)};}x;     \
+-                  s{(BINDIR     \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(BINDIR)};}x;      \
+-                  s{(SBINDIR    \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(SBINDIR)};}x;     \
+-                  s{(DOCDIR     \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DOCDIR)};}x;      \
+-                  s{(LIBDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(LIBDIR)};}x;      \
+-                  s{(MANDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(MANDIR)};}x;      \
+-                  s{(LOGDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(LOGDIR)};}x;      \
+-                  s{(HTMLDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(HTMLDIR)};}x;     \
+-                  s{(DBDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DBDIR)};}x;       \
+-                  s{(STATEDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(STATEDIR)};}x;    \
+-		  s{(SPOOLDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(SPOOLDIR)};}x;    \
++                  s{(CONFDIR    \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)};}x;     \
++                  s{(BINDIR     \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)};}x;      \
++                  s{(SBINDIR    \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR)};}x;     \
++                  s{(DOCDIR     \s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)};}x;      \
++                  s{(LIBDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)};}x;      \
++                  s{(MANDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)};}x;      \
++                  s{(LOGDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)};}x;      \
++                  s{(HTMLDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)};}x;     \
++                  s{(DBDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)};}x;       \
++                  s{(STATEDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(STATEDIR)};}x;    \
++		  s{(SPOOLDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(SPOOLDIR)};}x;    \
+                   s{(PERL	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(PERL)};}x;        \
+                   s{(PERLLIB	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(PERLLIB)};}x;     \
+                   s{(PYTHON	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(PYTHON)};}x;      \
+@@ -267,8 +269,8 @@ common/blib/lib/Munin/Common/Defaults.pm: common/lib/Munin/Common/Defaults.pm bu
+                   s{(HOSTNAME	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(HOSTNAME)};}x;    \
+                   s{(MKTEMP	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(MKTEMP)};}x;      \
+                   s{(VERSION	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(VERSION)};}x;     \
+-                  s{(PLUGSTATE	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(PLUGSTATE)};}x;   \
+-                  s{(CGIDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(CGIDIR)};}x;      \
++                  s{(PLUGSTATE	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(PLUGSTATE)};}x;   \
++                  s{(CGIDIR	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)};}x;      \
+                   s{(USER	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(USER)};}x;        \
+                   s{(GROUP	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(GROUP)};}x;       \
+                   s{(PLUGINUSER	\s+=\s).*}{\1q{$(PLUGINUSER)};}x;  \
+@@ -373,7 +375,7 @@ old-test: t/*.t
+ 	$(MAKE) $@ CONFIG=t/Makefile.config
+ else
+ test_plugins = id_default id_root env
+-old-test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(CONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
++old-test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
+ 	@for test in t/*.t; do \
+ 		echo -n "$$test: "; \
+ 		PERL5LIB=$(PERLLIB) $(PERL) $$test;\
+@@ -381,10 +383,10 @@ old-test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(CONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
+ endif
+ node-monkeywrench: install-node
+-	rm -rf $(CONFDIR)/plugins
+-	rm -rf $(LIBDIR)/plugins
+-	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/plugins
+-	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugins
++	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins
++	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins
+ 	cp monkeywrench/plugin-break*_ $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
+ 	$(SBINDIR)/munin-node-configure --suggest
+ 	echo 'Done?'
+@@ -410,12 +412,12 @@ build-common: common/Build
+ # can't seem to find a way to persuade it to write otherwhere.
+ install-%: %/Build
+ 	cd $* && $(PERL) Build install			\
+-            --install_path lib=$(PERLLIB)		\
+-            --install_path bin=$(BINDIR)		\
+-            --install_path script=$(BINDIR)		\
+-            --install_path sbin=$(SBINDIR)		\
+-            --install_path bindoc=$(MANDIR)/man1	\
+-            --install_path libdoc=$(MANDIR)/man3	\
++            --install_path lib=$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)		\
++            --install_path bin=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)		\
++            --install_path script=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)		\
++            --install_path sbin=$(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR)		\
++            --install_path bindoc=$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1	\
++            --install_path libdoc=$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man3	\
+ test-%: %/Build
+ 	cd $* && $(PERL) Build test --verbose=0 || true

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-Use-CSWtop-in-memory.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-Use-CSWtop-in-memory.in.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-Use-CSWtop-in-memory.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 02a69c5ed4cd96c71068e1cb1b2f0a2006321396 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 18:11:50 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Use CSWtop in memory.in
+ plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in |    4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in b/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in
+index 98f4bce..fea0a31 100644
+--- a/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in
++++ b/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ top installed.
+ The following shows the default settings for this plugin:
+   [memory]
+-     env.top /usr/local/bin/top
++     env.top /opt/csw/bin/top
+ You can also set warning and critical limits with these env settings:
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Fixme: Using kstat would be much better
+ . $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh
+ if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
+     if [ -x $TOP ] ; then

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-changed-shebang-in-files.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-changed-shebang-in-files.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-changed-shebang-in-files.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 88101738efc1d7b5e46de77f7a21eae0f4b7f838 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 18:32:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] changed shebang in files
+ node/bin/munindoc              |    2 +-
+ node/sbin/munin-node           |    2 +-
+ node/sbin/munin-node-configure |    2 +-
+ node/sbin/munin-run            |    2 +-
+ 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/node/bin/munindoc b/node/bin/munindoc
+index e36f87b..e2334a1 100755
+--- a/node/bin/munindoc
++++ b/node/bin/munindoc
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
++#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -w
+ # -*- perl -*-
+ #
+ # This script provides the basis for a plugin documentation system for
+diff --git a/node/sbin/munin-node b/node/sbin/munin-node
+index e664074..6d88caf 100755
+--- a/node/sbin/munin-node
++++ b/node/sbin/munin-node
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
++#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -wT
+ # -*- cperl -*-
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Audun Ytterdal, Jimmy Olsen, Tore Anderson,
+diff --git a/node/sbin/munin-node-configure b/node/sbin/munin-node-configure
+index 3002ea1..86fac19 100755
+--- a/node/sbin/munin-node-configure
++++ b/node/sbin/munin-node-configure
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
++#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -w
+ # -*- cperl -*-
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jimmy Olsen, Nicolai Langfeldt.
+diff --git a/node/sbin/munin-run b/node/sbin/munin-run
+index cd47952..097df9d 100755
+--- a/node/sbin/munin-run
++++ b/node/sbin/munin-run
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/perl -T
++#!/opt/csw/bin/perl -T
+ # -*- perl -*-
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 2004-2009

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-and-hostname-in-munin-node.conf.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-and-hostname-in-munin-node.conf.in.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-and-hostname-in-munin-node.conf.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From f103d9b215d96b3672fc38da57df703c57e1fef4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 18:21:41 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] paths and hostname in munin-node.conf.in
+ node/munin-node.conf.in |    8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/node/munin-node.conf.in b/node/munin-node.conf.in
+index b2e2ed4..1fc1bed 100644
+--- a/node/munin-node.conf.in
++++ b/node/munin-node.conf.in
+@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
+ # Example config-file for munin-node
+ #
+-log_level 4
+-log_file @@LOGDIR@@/munin-node.log
+-pid_file @@STATEDIR@@/munin-node.pid
++log_level 1
++log_file /var/opt/csw/munin/log/munin-node.log
++pid_file /var/opt/csw/munin/log/munin-node.pid
+ background 1
+ setsid 1
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ ignore_file \.pod$
+ # Set this if the client doesn't report the correct hostname when
+ # telnetting to localhost, port 4949
+ #
+-#host_name @@HOSTNAME@@
++host_name yourhostname
+ # A list of addresses that are allowed to connect.  This must be a
+ # regular expression, since Net::Server does not understand CIDR-style

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-in-Makefile.config.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-in-Makefile.config.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-in-Makefile.config.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+From da269418eb37e98fbe77b0b37c99c8f7783d09df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 18:08:21 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] paths in Makefile.config
+ Makefile.config |   38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile.config b/Makefile.config
+index 7cd0b84..1a971a4 100644
+--- a/Makefile.config
++++ b/Makefile.config
+@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
+ #
+ # the base of the Munin installation.
+ #
+-PREFIX     = $(DESTDIR)/opt/munin
++PREFIX     = /opt/csw
+ # Where Munin keeps its configurations (server.conf, client.conf, ++)
+-CONFDIR    = $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/munin
++CONFDIR    = /etc/opt/csw/munin
+ # Server only - where to put munin-cron
+ BINDIR     = $(PREFIX)/bin
+@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ BINDIR     = $(PREFIX)/bin
+ SBINDIR    = $(PREFIX)/sbin
+ # Where to put text and html documentation
+-DOCDIR     = $(PREFIX)/doc
++DOCDIR     = $(PREFIX)/share/doc/munin
+ # Where to put man pages
+-MANDIR     = $(PREFIX)/man
++MANDIR     = $(PREFIX)/share/man
+ # Where to put internal binaries and plugin repository
+-LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/lib
++LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/libexec/munin
+ # Server only - Output directory
+-HTMLDIR    = $(PREFIX)/www/docs
+-CGIDIR     = $(PREFIX)/www/cgi
++HTMLDIR    = /var/opt/csw/munin/www
++CGIDIR     = /var/opt/csw/munin/www/cgi
+ # Where to put RRD files and other internal data, both master and node
+-DBDIR      = $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/munin
++DBDIR      = /var/opt/csw/munin/db
+ # Client only - Where the spool files are written. Must be writable by
+ # group "munin", and should be preserved between reboots
+@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ SPOOLDIR   = $(DBDIR)/spool
+ PLUGSTATE  = $(DBDIR)/plugin-state
+ # Where Munin should place its logs.
+-LOGDIR     = $(PREFIX)/log/munin
++LOGDIR     = /var/opt/csw/munin/log
+ # Location of PID files and other statefiles. On the server, must be
+ # writable by the user "munin".
+-STATEDIR   = $(DESTDIR)/var/run/munin
++STATEDIR   = /var/opt/csw/munin/run
+ # The perl interpreter to use
+-PERL       := $(shell which perl)
++PERL       := /opt/csw/bin/perl
+ # The python interpreter to use (used by some plugins)
+-PYTHON     := /usr/bin/env python
++PYTHON     := /opt/csw/bin/python
+ # The ruby interpreter to use (used by some plugins)
+ RUBY       := /usr/bin/env ruby
+@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ JAVALIBDIR:= $(LIBDIR)
+ GOODSH     := $(shell PATH=`getconf PATH 2>/dev/null || echo $(PATH)` sh -c 'type sh | sed "s/.* //"')
+ # Path of bash for bash specific plugins
+-BASH       := /bin/bash
++BASH       := /usr/bin/bash
+ # Server only - Where to install the perl libraries
+ PERLSITELIB := $(shell $(PERL) -V:sitelib | cut -d"'" -f2)
++PERLLIB    = $(shell $(PERL) -V:sitelib | cut -d"'" -f2)
+ # Client only - Install plugins for this architecture
+ OSTYPE     := $(shell uname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | cut -f 1 -d _)
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ HOSTNAME   := $(shell hostname)
+ # What is the safest way to create a tempfile.
+ # Default is to figure it out by testing various methods.
+ # Replace this with a known platform-specific method
+-MKTEMP     := $(shell ./test-mktemp)
++MKTEMP     := $(shell mktemp)
+ # Munin version number.
+ VERSION    := $(shell ./getversion)
+@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ CGIUSER := nobody
+ # Which command to use to check if the USER and GROUP to run Munin as, exists.
+ # These will work on most modern OSes:
+ #
+-GETENT     := $(shell which getent || which true 2>/dev/null)
+-CHECKUSER  := $(shell $(GETENT) passwd $(USER) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo User $(USER) nonexistent. Create the user and retry; exit 2"))
+-CHECKGROUP := $(shell $(GETENT) group $(GROUP) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo Group $(GROUP) nonexistent. Create the group and retry; exit 2"))
++#GETENT     := $(shell which getent || which true 2>/dev/null)
++#CHECKUSER  := $(shell $(GETENT) passwd $(USER) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo User $(USER) nonexistent. Create the user and retry; exit 2"))
++#CHECKGROUP := $(shell $(GETENT) group $(GROUP) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo Group $(GROUP) nonexistent. Create the group and retry; exit 2"))
+ # For OSX, comment out the previous two lines and comment in these
+ #
+@@ -160,4 +160,4 @@ JAR        := jar
+ JCVALID    = $(shell $(JC) -version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "yes")
+ # Check whether setruid functionality can be used
+-HASSETR    := $(shell perl -e 'use Config; my @vars=("d_setruid", "d_setreuid", "d_setresuid"); foreach my $$var (@vars) { if ($$Config{$$var} eq "define") { print "1\n"; exit 0; } } print "0\n"; exit 0;' )
++HASSETR    := $(shell /opt/csw/bin/perl -e 'use Config; my @vars=("d_setruid", "d_setreuid", "d_setresuid"); foreach my $$var (@vars) { if ($$Config{$$var} eq "define") { print "1\n"; exit 0; } } print "0\n"; exit 0;' )

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-in-munin-htaccess.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-in-munin-htaccess.in.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-paths-in-munin-htaccess.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From 0e3ebcc0dab328d289f88b2bb07b4a3ecc68c377 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 18:24:50 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] paths in munin-htaccess.in
+ master/www/munin-htaccess.in |    4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/master/www/munin-htaccess.in b/master/www/munin-htaccess.in
+index f6c6321..1838408 100644
+--- a/master/www/munin-htaccess.in
++++ b/master/www/munin-htaccess.in
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
+ #
+ # As a config file enclose it in <directory> like so:
+ # 
+-# <directory @@HTMLDIR@@>
++# <directory /var/opt/csw/munin/www>
+-AuthUserFile @@CONFDIR@@/munin-htpasswd
++AuthUserFile /etc/opt/csw/munin/munin-htpasswd
+ AuthName "Munin"
+ AuthType Basic
+ require valid-user

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-replace-yourhostname-with-hostname-in-postinstall.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-replace-yourhostname-with-hostname-in-postinstall.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/0001-replace-yourhostname-with-hostname-in-postinstall.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 63028d39bcad7a3b8fae5b04abf868039728d233 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
+Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 18:17:35 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] replace yourhostname with hostname in postinstall
+ master/munin.conf.in |    2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/master/munin.conf.in b/master/munin.conf.in
+index f1852f5..4e55ffc 100644
+--- a/master/munin.conf.in
++++ b/master/munin.conf.in
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ includedir @@CONFDIR@@/munin-conf.d
+ #contact.nagios.command /usr/bin/send_nsca nagios.host.comm -c /etc/nsca.conf
+ # a simple host tree
+     address
+     use_node_name yes

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/Makefile.config.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/Makefile.config.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/Makefile.config.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-From 9cdc800db0243d4b6ab1464fbf5e989252e655e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 20:43:45 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] changed pathes for OpenCSW
- Makefile.config |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
- 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile.config b/Makefile.config
-index 84f155b..2eb37ea 100644
---- a/Makefile.config
-+++ b/Makefile.config
-@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
- #
- # the base of the Munin installation.
- # 
--PREFIX     = $(DESTDIR)/opt/munin
-+PREFIX     = /opt/csw
- # Where Munin keeps its configurations (server.conf, client.conf, ++)
--CONFDIR    = $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/munin
-+CONFDIR    = /etc/opt/csw/munin
- # Server only - where to put munin-cron
- BINDIR     = $(PREFIX)/bin
-@@ -29,47 +29,47 @@ BINDIR     = $(PREFIX)/bin
- SBINDIR    = $(PREFIX)/sbin
- # Where to put text and html documentation
--DOCDIR     = $(PREFIX)/doc
-+DOCDIR     = $(PREFIX)/share/doc/munin
- # Where to put man pages
--MANDIR     = $(PREFIX)/man
-+MANDIR     = $(PREFIX)/share/man
- # Where to put internal binaries and plugin repository
--LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/lib
-+LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/libexec/munin
- # Server only - Output directory
--HTMLDIR    = $(PREFIX)/www/docs
--CGIDIR     = $(PREFIX)/www/cgi
-+HTMLDIR    = /var/opt/csw/munin/www
-+CGIDIR     = /var/opt/csw/munin/www/cgi
- # Server only - spool directory for data gathered from nodes by
- # munin-gather - experimental.  Place on ramdisk to make munin
- # scale better.  On many versions of Linux as well as on Solaris
- # /tmp will be a ramdisk.
--SSPOOLDIR  = $(PREFIX)/spool
-+SSPOOLDIR  = /tmp/muninspool
- # Suggested directory name for a pulic ramdisk based tmp directory.
- # SSPOOLDIR := /tmp/muninspool
- # Client only - Where to put RRD files and other intenal data
--DBDIR      = $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/munin
-+DBDIR      = /var/opt/csw/munin/db
- # Client only - Where plugins should put their states. Must be writable by
- # group "munin", and should be preserved between reboots
- PLUGSTATE  = $(DBDIR)/plugin-state
- # Where Munin should place its logs.
--LOGDIR     = $(PREFIX)/log/munin
-+LOGDIR     = /var/opt/csw/munin/log
- # Location of PID files and other statefiles. On the server, must be
- # writable by the user "munin".
--STATEDIR   = $(DESTDIR)/var/run/munin
-+STATEDIR   = /var/opt/csw/munin/run
- # The perl interpreter to use
--PERL       := $(shell which perl)
-+PERL       := /opt/csw/bin/perl
- # The python interpreter to use (used by some plugins)
--PYTHON     := /usr/bin/env python
-+PYTHON     := /opt/csw/bin/python
- # The ruby interpreter to use (used by some plugins)
- RUBY       := /usr/bin/env ruby
-@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ JAVALIBDIR:= $(LIBDIR)
- GOODSH     := $(shell PATH=`getconf PATH` sh -c 'type sh | sed "s/.* //"')
- # Path of bash for bash specific plugins
--BASH       := /bin/bash
-+BASH       := /usr/bin/bash
- # Server only - Where to install the perl libraries
- PERLSITELIB := $(shell $(PERL) -V:sitelib | cut -d"'" -f2)
-+PERLLIB    = $(shell $(PERL) -V:sitelib | cut -d"'" -f2)
- # Client only - Install plugins for this architecture
- OSTYPE     := $(shell uname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ HOSTNAME   := $(shell hostname)
- # What is the safest way to create a tempfile.
- # Default is to figure it out by testing various methods.
- # Replace this with a known platform-specific method
--MKTEMP     := $(shell ./test-mktemp)
-+MKTEMP     := $(shell mktemp)
- # Munin version number.
- VERSION    := $(shell ./getversion)
-@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ PLUGINUSER := nobody
- # Which command to use to check if the USER and GROUP to run Munin as, exists.
- # These will work on most modern OSes:
- #
--GETENT     := $(shell which getent || which true 2>/dev/null)
--CHECKUSER  := $(shell $(GETENT) passwd $(USER) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo User $(USER) nonexistent. Create the user and retry; exit 2"))
--CHECKGROUP := $(shell $(GETENT) group $(GROUP) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo Group $(GROUP) nonexistent. Create the group and retry; exit 2"))
-+#GETENT     := $(shell which getent || which true 2>/dev/null)
-+#CHECKUSER  := $(shell $(GETENT) passwd $(USER) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo User $(USER) nonexistent. Create the user and retry; exit 2"))
-+#CHECKGROUP := $(shell $(GETENT) group $(GROUP) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || (echo "echo Group $(GROUP) nonexistent. Create the group and retry; exit 2"))
- # For OSX, comment out the previous two lines and comment in these
- #
-@@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ JAR        := jar
- JCVALID    := $(shell $(JC) -version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo "yes")
- # Check whether setruid functionality can be used
--HASSETR    := $(shell perl -e 'use Config; my @vars=("d_setruid", "d_setreuid", "d_setresuid"); foreach my $$var (@vars) { if ($$Config{$$var} eq "define") { print "1\n"; exit 0; } } print "0\n"; exit 0;' )
-+HASSETR    := $(shell /opt/csw/bin/perl -e 'use Config; my @vars=("d_setruid", "d_setreuid", "d_setresuid"); foreach my $$var (@vars) { if ($$Config{$$var} eq "define") { print "1\n"; exit 0; } } print "0\n"; exit 0;' )

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/Makefile.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/Makefile.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/Makefile.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-From 1870ed31733cc218c7a308aea7f96b8f67c0e934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 20:49:51 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] expanded pathes to $(DESTDIR)
- Makefile |  179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
- 1 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 88f8952..0cc40f9 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
- DEFAULTS = Makefile.config
- CONFIG = Makefile.config
- include $(DEFAULTS)
- include $(CONFIG)
-@@ -49,8 +51,8 @@ uninstall:
- # This removes the installed config so that the next install-pass installs
- # a new config.  Target _only_ suitable for maintainers.
- unconfig:
--	rm -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
--	rm -f $(CONFDIR)/munin.conf
-+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
-+	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf
- tags:
- 	-rm -f TAGS
-@@ -66,52 +68,51 @@ endif
- install-pre: Makefile Makefile.config
--	mkdir -p $(LOGDIR)
--	mkdir -p $(STATEDIR)
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(STATEDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
- install-master-prime: $(INFILES_MASTER) install-pre install-master
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/templates
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/templates/partial
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/munin-conf.d
--	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)
--	mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
--	mkdir -p $(PERLLIB)
--	mkdir -p $(PERLLIB)/Munin/Master
--	mkdir -p $(HTMLDIR)
--	mkdir -p $(DBDIR)
--	mkdir -p $(CGIDIR)
--	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(DBDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/partial
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin-conf.d
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)/Munin/Master
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)
-+	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)
- 	for p in master/www/*.tmpl master/www/*.png master/www/*.css resources/favicon.ico; do \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(CONFDIR)/templates/ ; \
-+		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/ ; \
- 	done
- 	for p in master/www/partial/*.tmpl; do \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(CONFDIR)/templates/partial/ ; \
-+		$(INSTALL) -m 0644 "$$p" $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/partial/ ; \
- 	done
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 master/www/definitions.html $(CONFDIR)/templates/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSansMono.ttf $(LIBDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSans.ttf $(LIBDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 master/www/definitions.html $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/templates/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSansMono.ttf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 master/DejaVuSans.ttf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
--	test -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/www/munin-htaccess $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
--	test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf"  || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/munin.conf $(CONFDIR)/
-+	test -f $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/www/munin-htaccess $(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
-+	test -f "$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf"  || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/master/munin.conf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cron $(BINDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-check $(BINDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-update $(LIBDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-graph $(LIBDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-html $(LIBDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-limits $(LIBDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cgi-graph $(CGIDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-fastcgi-graph $(CGIDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cron $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-check $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-update $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-graph $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-html $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-limits $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-cgi-graph $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-fastcgi-graph $(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)/
- # Not ready to be installed yet	
--# $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-gather $(LIBDIR)/
-+# $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/master/_bin/munin-gather $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/
-@@ -122,28 +123,24 @@ install-node-plugins: install-plugins-prime
- install-plugins-prime: install-plugins build $(PLUGINS) Makefile Makefile.config
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugins
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
--	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/plugins
--	mkdir -p $(PLUGSTATE)
--	$(CHMOD) 0775 $(PLUGSTATE)
--	$(CHMOD) 0755 $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PLUGSTATE)
- 	for p in build/plugins/node.d/* build/plugins/node.d.$(OSTYPE)/* ; do \
- 	    if test -f "$$p" ; then                            \
- 		echo Installing $$p;                           \
--		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $$p $(LIBDIR)/plugins/;     \
-+		$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $$p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/;     \
- 	    fi                                                 \
- 	done
--	-mv $(LIBDIR)/plugins/*.adv $(LIBDIR)
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugins.history $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugin.sh $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
-+	-mv $(LIBDIR)/plugins/*.adv $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugins.history $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/plugin.sh $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/
- install-plugins-java: build-plugins-java
--	mkdir -p $(JAVALIBDIR)
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/javalib/munin-jmx-plugins.jar $(JAVALIBDIR)/
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(JAVALIBDIR)
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/plugins/javalib/munin-jmx-plugins.jar $(DESTDIR)$(JAVALIBDIR)/
- #TODO:
- # configure plugins.  Or not. Better done under the direction of the installer
-@@ -152,30 +149,30 @@ install-plugins-java: build-plugins-java
- install-node-prime: install-node-pre install-node
- install-node-pre: build/node/munin-node.conf install-pre
--	test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(CONFDIR)/
-+	test -f "$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/
- install-common-prime: build-common install-common
- install-man: build-man Makefile Makefile.config
--	mkdir -p $(MANDIR)/man1 $(MANDIR)/man5 $(MANDIR)/man8
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-node.conf.5 $(MANDIR)/man5/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.conf.5 $(MANDIR)/man5/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-graph.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-update.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-limits.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-html.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-cron.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-check.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.8 $(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-node.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-graph.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-update.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-limits.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-html.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-cron.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin-check.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/doc/munin.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/
- install-doc: build-doc
--	mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)/resources
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 README $(DOCDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 COPYING $(DOCDIR)/
--	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/resources/* $(DOCDIR)/resources
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)/resources
-+	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/resources/* $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)/resources
- ######################################################################
-@@ -189,28 +186,28 @@ build/%: %.in
- 	@echo "$< -> $@"
- 	@mkdir -p build/`dirname $<`
- 	@sed -e 's|@@PREFIX@@|$(PREFIX)|g'                      \
--             -e 's|@@CONFDIR@@|$(CONFDIR)|g'                    \
--             -e 's|@@BINDIR@@|$(BINDIR)|g'                      \
--             -e 's|@@SBINDIR@@|$(SBINDIR)|g'                    \
--             -e 's|@@DOCDIR@@|$(DOCDIR)|g'                      \
--             -e 's|@@LIBDIR@@|$(LIBDIR)|g'                      \
-+             -e 's|@@CONFDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)|g'                    \
-+             -e 's|@@BINDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)|g'                      \
-+             -e 's|@@SBINDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR)|g'                    \
-+             -e 's|@@DOCDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)|g'                      \
-+             -e 's|@@LIBDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)|g'                      \
-              -e 's|@@MANDIR@@|$(MANDIR)|g'                      \
--             -e 's|@@LOGDIR@@|$(LOGDIR)|g'                      \
--             -e 's|@@HTMLDIR@@|$(HTMLDIR)|g'                    \
--             -e 's|@@DBDIR@@|$(DBDIR)|g'                        \
--             -e 's|@@STATEDIR@@|$(STATEDIR)|g'                  \
-+             -e 's|@@LOGDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)|g'                      \
-+             -e 's|@@HTMLDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(HTMLDIR)|g'                    \
-+             -e 's|@@DBDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(DBDIR)|g'                        \
-+             -e 's|@@STATEDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(STATEDIR)|g'                  \
-              -e 's|@@PERL@@|$(PERL)|g'                          \
--             -e 's|@@PERLLIB@@|$(PERLLIB)|g'                    \
-+             -e 's|@@PERLLIB@@|$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)|g'                    \
-              -e 's|@@PYTHON@@|$(PYTHON)|g'                      \
-              -e 's|@@RUBY@@|$(RUBY)|g'                          \
-              -e 's|@@JAVARUN@@|$(JAVARUN)|g'                    \
--             -e 's|@@JAVALIBDIR@@|$(JAVALIBDIR)|g'              \
-+             -e 's|@@JAVALIBDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(JAVALIBDIR)|g'              \
-              -e 's|@@OSTYPE@@|$(OSTYPE)|g'                      \
-              -e 's|@@HOSTNAME@@|$(HOSTNAME)|g'                  \
-              -e 's|@@MKTEMP@@|$(MKTEMP)|g'                      \
-              -e 's|@@VERSION@@|$(VERSION)|g'                    \
--             -e 's|@@PLUGSTATE@@|$(PLUGSTATE)|g'                \
--             -e 's|@@CGIDIR@@|$(CGIDIR)|g'                      \
-+             -e 's|@@PLUGSTATE@@|$(DESTDIR)$(PLUGSTATE)|g'                \
-+             -e 's|@@CGIDIR@@|$(DESTDIR)$(CGIDIR)|g'                      \
-              -e 's|@@USER@@|$(USER)|g'                          \
-              -e 's|@@GROUP@@|$(GROUP)|g'                        \
-              -e 's|@@PLUGINUSER@@|$(PLUGINUSER)|g'              \
-@@ -354,20 +351,20 @@ old-test: t/*.t
- 	$(MAKE) $@ CONFIG=t/Makefile.config
- else
- test_plugins = id_default id_root env
--old-test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(CONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
-+old-test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
- 	@for test in t/*.t; do \
- 		echo -n "$$test: "; \
--		PERL5LIB=$(PERLLIB) $(PERL) $$test;\
-+		PERL5LIB=$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB) $(PERL) $$test;\
- 	done
- endif
- node-monkeywrench: install-node
--	rm -rf $(CONFDIR)/plugins
--	rm -rf $(LIBDIR)/plugins
--	mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/plugins
--	mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugins
--	cp monkeywrench/plugin-break*_ $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
--	$(SBINDIR)/munin-node-configure --suggest
-+	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins
-+	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)/plugins
-+	cp monkeywrench/plugin-break*_ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/plugins/
-+	$(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR)/munin-node-configure --suggest
- 	echo 'Done?'
- t/install: 
-@@ -391,12 +388,12 @@ build-common: common/Build
- # can't seem to find a way to persuade it to write otherwhere.
- install-%: %/Build
- 	cd $* && $(PERL) Build install			\
--            --install_path lib=$(PERLLIB)		\
--            --install_path bin=$(BINDIR)		\
--            --install_path script=$(BINDIR)		\
--            --install_path sbin=$(SBINDIR)		\
--            --install_path bindoc=$(MANDIR)/man1	\
--            --install_path libdoc=$(MANDIR)/man3	\
-+            --install_path lib=$(DESTDIR)$(PERLLIB)		\
-+            --install_path bin=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)		\
-+            --install_path script=$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)		\
-+            --install_path sbin=$(DESTDIR)$(SBINDIR)		\
-+            --install_path bindoc=$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1	\
-+            --install_path libdoc=$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man3	\
- test-%: %/Build
- 	cd $* && $(PERL) Build test || true

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-graph.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-graph.in.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-graph.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From c7b05c6b5304a67c1b4226ba9473407a4953822d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 15:21:09 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] set path names to /var/opt/csw/munin
- master/_bin/munin-graph.in |    8 ++++----
- 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/master/_bin/munin-graph.in b/master/_bin/munin-graph.in
-index 804d2bd..1ea9ddc 100755
---- a/master/_bin/munin-graph.in
-+++ b/master/_bin/munin-graph.in
-@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ needed. To force redrawing of graphs (after setup-changes et alia), use
- =head1 FILES
--	@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf
--	@@DBDIR@@/*
--	@@LOGDIR@@/munin-graph
--	@@STATEDIR@@/*
-+	/etc/opt/csw/munin/munin.conf
-+	/var/opt/csw/munin/*
-+	/var/opt/csw/munin/munin-graph
-+	/var/opt/csw/munin/*
- =head1 AUTHORS

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-htaccess.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-htaccess.in.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-htaccess.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 52ea662193a0922aef3c4f82fe2b672e70e5ee13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:55:23 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] munin-htaccess.in: set paths for OpenCSW
- master/www/munin-htaccess.in |    6 +++---
- 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/master/www/munin-htaccess.in b/master/www/munin-htaccess.in
-index f6c6321..c5f355d 100644
---- a/master/www/munin-htaccess.in
-+++ b/master/www/munin-htaccess.in
-@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
- # config file.
- #
- # For the .htaccess file option to work the munin www directory
--# (@@HTMLDIR@@) must have "AllowOverride all" or something close
-+# (/var/opt/csw/munin/www) must have "AllowOverride all" or something close
- # to that set.
- #
- # As a config file enclose it in <directory> like so:
- # 
--# <directory @@HTMLDIR@@>
-+# <directory /var/opt/csw/munin/www>
--AuthUserFile @@CONFDIR@@/munin-htpasswd
-+AuthUserFile /etc/opt/csw/munin/munin-htpasswd
- AuthName "Munin"
- AuthType Basic
- require valid-user

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-node.conf.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-node.conf.in.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin-node.conf.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From 0ffc51f49ec0107bb5346871640a14f3f65b50bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 20:06:33 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] munin-node.conf.in: set logfiles and log level, change hostname to "yourhostname"
- node/munin-node.conf.in |    8 ++++----
- 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/node/munin-node.conf.in b/node/munin-node.conf.in
-index 40793b2..d25e14d 100644
---- a/node/munin-node.conf.in
-+++ b/node/munin-node.conf.in
-@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
- # Example config-file for munin-node
- #
--log_level 4
--log_file @@LOGDIR@@/munin-node.log
--pid_file @@STATEDIR@@/munin-node.pid
-+log_level 1
-+log_file /var/opt/csw/munin/log/munin-node.log
-+pid_file /var/opt/csw/munin/run/munin-node.pid
- background 1
- setsid 1
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ignore_file \.pod$
- # Set this if the client doesn't report the correct hostname when
- # telnetting to localhost, port 4949
- #
--#host_name @@HOSTNAME@@
-+#host_name yourhostname
- # A list of addresses that are allowed to connect.  This must be a
- # regular expression, since Net::Server does not understand CIDR-style

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin.conf.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin.conf.in.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/munin.conf.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From f94f6692eeb6875abf5e52ecf8a192ac3430c6e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 15:25:17 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] changed default hostname to "yourhostname"
- master/munin.conf.in |    2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/master/munin.conf.in b/master/munin.conf.in
-index 3688d88..79d9729 100644
---- a/master/munin.conf.in
-+++ b/master/munin.conf.in
-@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ includedir @@CONFDIR@@/munin-conf.d
- #contact.nagios.command /usr/bin/send_nsca nagios.host.comm -c /etc/nsca.conf
- # a simple host tree
-     address
-     use_node_name yes

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/sunos_memory.in.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/sunos_memory.in.patch	2012-06-07 01:06:44 UTC (rev 18241)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/sunos_memory.in.patch	2012-06-07 07:13:31 UTC (rev 18242)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From fd284599a4d41b327f87750c92bbeb22935df8b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Juergen Arndt <ja at opencsw.org>
-Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 15:01:31 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] use top from OpenCSW
- plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in |    4 ++--
- 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in b/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in
-index 7b9300e..eeabbcb 100755
---- a/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in
-+++ b/plugins/node.d.sunos/memory.in
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ top installed.
- The following shows the default settings for this plugin:
-   [memory]
--     env.top /usr/local/bin/top
-+     env.top /opt/csw/bin/top
- You can also set warning and critical limits with these env settings:
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Fixme: Using kstat would be much better
- . $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh
- if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
-     if [ -x $TOP ] ; then

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