[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[17326] csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches
d_pocock at users.sourceforge.net
d_pocock at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 8 00:13:41 CET 2012
Revision: 17326
Author: d_pocock
Date: 2012-03-07 23:13:41 +0000 (Wed, 07 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
ganglia: create branch based on 3.2.X upstream release series
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/trunk/Makefile 2011-12-10 11:09:12 UTC (rev 16450)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/Makefile 2012-03-07 23:13:41 UTC (rev 17326)
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-NAME = ganglia
-VERSION = 3.2.0
-PACKAGING_PLATFORMS = solaris10-sparc solaris10-i386
-# How should we set this?
-# There is a release number in configure.in, maybe use that?
-USER_GMOND = nobody
-# nobody shouldn't really be allowed to own any files
-# maybe we should add a ganglia user to own the RRD files?
-USER_GMETAD = nobody
-DESCRIPTION = A scalable distributed monitoring system
-define BLURB
- Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing
- systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted
- at federations of clusters.
-SF_PROJ = ganglia
-DISTFILES += CSWgangliaweb.postinstall CSWgangliaweb.preremove
-DISTFILES += httpd-ganglia.conf cswgmond cswgmetad
-PACKAGES = CSWlibganglia0 CSWgangliaagent CSWganglia-dev CSWgangliagmetad CSWgangliaweb CSWgangliamodpython
-CATALOGNAME_CSWganglia = ganglia
-CATALOGNAME_CSWlibganglia0 = libganglia0
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliart = ganglia_rt_stub
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliaagent = gangliaagent
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliamodpython = gangliamodpython
-CATALOGNAME_CSWganglia-dev = ganglia_dev
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliagmetad = gangliagmetad
-CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliaweb = gangliaweb
-OBSOLETED_BY_CSWlibganglia0 += CSWgangliart
-SPKG_DESC_CSWganglia = Dummy package
-SPKG_DESC_CSWlibganglia0 = Ganglia runtime libraries
-SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliaagent = Ganglia performance monitoring agent gmond
-SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliamodpython = Ganglia agent module for Python metrics
-SPKG_DESC_CSWganglia-dev = Ganglia headers for metric module development
-SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliagmetad = Ganglia gmetad
-SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliaweb = Ganglia web
-BUILD_DEP_PKGS = CSWexpat CSWlibconfuse-dev CSWapache2rt CSWapache2-dev CSWpcre
-BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWrrdtool CSWrrdtool-dev
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibganglia0 = CSWlibexpat1 CSWlibconfuse0 CSWlibapr1-0
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibganglia0 += CSWlibpcre0
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaagent = CSWlibexpat1 CSWlibconfuse0 CSWlibapr1-0
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaagent += CSWlibganglia0 CSWlibpcre0
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliamodpython = CSWgangliaagent
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliamodpython += surplus-dependency|CSWgangliaagent
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWganglia-dev = CSWlibganglia0
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliagmetad = CSWlibexpat1 CSWlibconfuse0 CSWlibapr1-0
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliagmetad += CSWlibganglia0 CSWgangliaagent CSWrrdtool
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliagmetad += CSWlibrrd4 CSWlibpcre0
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliagmetad += surplus-dependency|CSWgangliaagent
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliagmetad += surplus-dependency|CSWrrdtool
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaweb = CSWgangliagmetad
-RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaweb += CSWapache2 CSWphp5 CSWap2-modphp5 CSWrrdtool
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliaweb += surplus-dependency|CSWgangliagmetad
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliaweb += surplus-dependency|CSWphp5
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliaweb += surplus-dependency|CSWrrdtool
-# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
-UFILES_REGEX = (\d+(?:\.\d+)*)
-# This is attachment #45 from Ganglia bug
-# http://bugzilla.ganglia.info/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=77
-#PATCHFILES = $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-solaris-cc.patch
-# Uncomment this if we want to build both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries
-# By default, only 32 bit binaries are built
-#BUILD64 = 1
-# For compatibility on Solaris 10
-# Don't build gmetad (not tested yet on Solaris, more deps required to build)
-#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-gmetad
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-gmetad
-# Reduce dependencies, no gettext:
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-nls
-# Use apr from CSWapache2rt
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libapr=/opt/csw/apache2/bin/apr-1-config
-# Use rrd from CSWlibrrd4
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-librrd=/opt/csw
-# Use confuse from CSWlibconfuse0
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libconfuse=/opt/csw
-# Include the status module
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-status
-# When we enable this, modpython will have to go in a separate package,
-# otherwise CSWgangliaagent will have lots of dependencies
-# TODO: define a CSWgangliamodpython package
-# Depends: some issues exist getting the Python support working on Solaris,
-# Ganglia's configure.in needs to be further enhanced for this to work
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-python
-#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-python=/opt/csw
-# modgstatus - for Ganglia version and internal status metrics
-CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-status
-# For Ganglia 3.1.2, the test suite doesn't compile cleanly on Solaris,
-# so we skip it. This should be re-assessed with each new release
-# from upstream. Proposed fixes for the test suite to be submitted
-# upstream.
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.3)
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.4)
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.5)
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.6)
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.7)
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.2.0)
-#INSTALL_SCRIPTS = $(WORKSRC)/Makefile custom
-WWWROOT = /opt/csw/share/www
-sysconfdir = /etc/opt/csw/ganglia
-ETCGANGLIA = $(sysconfdir)
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia =
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent = /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmond.conf.CSW
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/modgstatus.conf.CSW
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/sbin/gmond
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/bin/gmetric
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmond
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/share/man/man1/gmond.1
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/share/man/man1/gmetric.1
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/share/man/man5/gmond.conf.5
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modsys.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modnet.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modmulticpu.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modmem.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modload.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/moddisk.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modproc.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modgstatus.so
-PKGFILES_CSWlibganglia0 += $(call pkgfiles_lib,libganglia-
-CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibganglia0 += shared-lib-pkgname-mismatch|file=opt/csw/lib/libganglia-|soname=libganglia-|pkgname=CSWlibganglia0|expected=CSWlibganglia3-2-0-0-0
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliamodpython = .*python.*
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev = /opt/csw/include/ganglia.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/ganglia_gexec.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_metric.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_mmn.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_msg.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_protocol.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_value.h
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/bin/ganglia-config
-PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += $(libdir)/libganglia.so
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad = /opt/csw/sbin/gmetad
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmetad.conf.CSW
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmetad
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /var/opt/csw/ganglia/rrds
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /opt/csw/share/man/man1/gmetad.1
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaweb = $(WWWGANGLIA)/.*
-PKGFILES_CSWgangliaweb += /opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra/httpd-ganglia.conf.CSW
-PRESERVECONF = /opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra/httpd-ganglia.conf
-PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmond.conf
-PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmetad.conf
-PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/conf.d/modgstatus.conf
-PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/conf.d/modpython.conf
-# For gmond
-INITSMF = /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmond
-# For gmetad
-INITSMF += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmetad
-PROTOTYPE_FILTER_CSWgangliagmetad = awk '\
-$$$$3 ~ /\/var\/opt\/csw\/ganglia\/rrds/ { $$$$5 = "nobody"; $$$$6 = "nogroup" } \
-{ print }'
-#ARCHALL_CSWganglia-dev = 1
-ARCHALL_CSWgangliaweb = 1
-ARCHALL_CSWgangliamodpython = 1
-include gar/category.mk
- - at rm $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/bin/gstat
- @ginstall -D $(DOWNLOADDIR)/cswgmond \
- $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmond
- @ginstall -D $(DOWNLOADDIR)/cswgmetad \
- $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmetad
- @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(WWWGANGLIA)
- @find $(WORKSRC)/web -name .gitignore -exec rm '{}' \;
- @cd $(WORKSRC)/web; \
- @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(WWWGANGLIA)/conf.php
- @ginstall -D $(FILEDIR)/conf.php \
- @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(WWWGANGLIA)/*.in
- @ginstall -D $(FILEDIR)/httpd-ganglia.conf \
- $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra/httpd-ganglia.conf.CSW
- @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d
- @$(WORKSRC)/gmond/gmond -t | grep -v "^include" \
- > $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/gmond.conf.CSW
- @echo "include ('/etc/opt/csw/ganglia/conf.d/*.conf')" \
- >> $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/gmond.conf.CSW
- @ginstall -D $(FILEDIR)/gmetad.conf \
- $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/gmetad.conf
- @cd $(WORKSRC)/gmond/modules/conf.d ; \
- for CONF_FILE in *.conf ; \
- do cp -R "$${CONF_FILE}" $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/"$${CONF_FILE}.CSW" ; done
- @cd $(FILEDIR)/conf.d ; \
- for CONF_FILE in *.conf ; \
- do cp -R "$${CONF_FILE}" $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/"$${CONF_FILE}.CSW" ; done
- @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/example.conf.CSW \
- $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/multicpu.conf.CSW
-ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.2)
- @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/modgstatus.conf.CSW
- @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/csw/ganglia/rrds
- @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/gmond/gmond.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5/gmond.conf.5
- @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/mans/gmetad.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/gmetad.1
- @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/mans/gmond.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/gmond.1
- @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/mans/gmetric.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/gmetric.1
Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/Makefile (from rev 16457, csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/trunk/Makefile)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/Makefile 2012-03-07 23:13:41 UTC (rev 17326)
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+NAME = ganglia
+VERSION = 3.2.0
+PACKAGING_PLATFORMS = solaris10-sparc solaris10-i386
+# How should we set this?
+# There is a release number in configure.in, maybe use that?
+USER_GMOND = nobody
+# nobody shouldn't really be allowed to own any files
+# maybe we should add a ganglia user to own the RRD files?
+USER_GMETAD = nobody
+DESCRIPTION = A scalable distributed monitoring system
+define BLURB
+ Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing
+ systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted
+ at federations of clusters.
+SF_PROJ = ganglia
+DISTFILES += CSWgangliaweb.postinstall CSWgangliaweb.preremove
+DISTFILES += httpd-ganglia.conf cswgmond cswgmetad
+PACKAGES = CSWlibganglia0 CSWgangliaagent CSWganglia-dev CSWgangliagmetad CSWgangliaweb CSWgangliamodpython
+CATALOGNAME_CSWganglia = ganglia
+CATALOGNAME_CSWlibganglia0 = libganglia0
+CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliart = ganglia_rt_stub
+CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliaagent = gangliaagent
+CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliamodpython = gangliamodpython
+CATALOGNAME_CSWganglia-dev = ganglia_dev
+CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliagmetad = gangliagmetad
+CATALOGNAME_CSWgangliaweb = gangliaweb
+OBSOLETED_BY_CSWlibganglia0 += CSWgangliart
+SPKG_DESC_CSWganglia = Dummy package
+SPKG_DESC_CSWlibganglia0 = Ganglia runtime libraries
+SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliaagent = Ganglia performance monitoring agent gmond
+SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliamodpython = Ganglia agent module for Python metrics
+SPKG_DESC_CSWganglia-dev = Ganglia headers for metric module development
+SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliagmetad = Ganglia gmetad
+SPKG_DESC_CSWgangliaweb = Ganglia web
+BUILD_DEP_PKGS = CSWexpat CSWlibconfuse-dev CSWapache2rt CSWapache2-dev CSWpcre
+BUILD_DEP_PKGS += CSWrrdtool CSWrrdtool-dev
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibganglia0 = CSWlibexpat1 CSWlibconfuse0 CSWlibapr1-0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWlibganglia0 += CSWlibpcre0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaagent = CSWlibexpat1 CSWlibconfuse0 CSWlibapr1-0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaagent += CSWlibganglia0 CSWlibpcre0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliamodpython = CSWgangliaagent
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliamodpython += surplus-dependency|CSWgangliaagent
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWganglia-dev = CSWlibganglia0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliagmetad = CSWlibexpat1 CSWlibconfuse0 CSWlibapr1-0
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliagmetad += CSWlibganglia0 CSWgangliaagent CSWrrdtool
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliagmetad += CSWlibrrd4 CSWlibpcre0
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliagmetad += surplus-dependency|CSWgangliaagent
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliagmetad += surplus-dependency|CSWrrdtool
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaweb = CSWgangliagmetad
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS_CSWgangliaweb += CSWapache2 CSWphp5 CSWap2-modphp5 CSWrrdtool
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliaweb += surplus-dependency|CSWgangliagmetad
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliaweb += surplus-dependency|CSWphp5
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWgangliaweb += surplus-dependency|CSWrrdtool
+# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release
+UFILES_REGEX = (\d+(?:\.\d+)*)
+# This is attachment #45 from Ganglia bug
+# http://bugzilla.ganglia.info/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=77
+#PATCHFILES = $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-solaris-cc.patch
+# Uncomment this if we want to build both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries
+# By default, only 32 bit binaries are built
+#BUILD64 = 1
+# For compatibility on Solaris 10
+# Don't build gmetad (not tested yet on Solaris, more deps required to build)
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-gmetad
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-gmetad
+# Reduce dependencies, no gettext:
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-nls
+# Use apr from CSWapache2rt
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libapr=/opt/csw/apache2/bin/apr-1-config
+# Use rrd from CSWlibrrd4
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-librrd=/opt/csw
+# Use confuse from CSWlibconfuse0
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-libconfuse=/opt/csw
+# Include the status module
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-status
+# When we enable this, modpython will have to go in a separate package,
+# otherwise CSWgangliaagent will have lots of dependencies
+# TODO: define a CSWgangliamodpython package
+# Depends: some issues exist getting the Python support working on Solaris,
+# Ganglia's configure.in needs to be further enhanced for this to work
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-python
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-python=/opt/csw
+# modgstatus - for Ganglia version and internal status metrics
+CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-status
+# For Ganglia 3.1.2, the test suite doesn't compile cleanly on Solaris,
+# so we skip it. This should be re-assessed with each new release
+# from upstream. Proposed fixes for the test suite to be submitted
+# upstream.
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.3)
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.4)
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.5)
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.6)
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.7)
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.2.0)
+#INSTALL_SCRIPTS = $(WORKSRC)/Makefile custom
+WWWROOT = /opt/csw/share/www
+sysconfdir = /etc/opt/csw/ganglia
+ETCGANGLIA = $(sysconfdir)
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia =
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent = /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmond.conf.CSW
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/modgstatus.conf.CSW
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/sbin/gmond
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/bin/gmetric
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmond
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/share/man/man1/gmond.1
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/share/man/man1/gmetric.1
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/share/man/man5/gmond.conf.5
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modsys.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modnet.so
+# this version is only for Linux users, get the package
+# ganglia-modules-solaris for the Solaris modmulticpu.so
+#PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modmulticpu.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modmem.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modload.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/moddisk.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modproc.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaagent += /opt/csw/lib/ganglia/modgstatus.so
+PKGFILES_CSWlibganglia0 += $(call pkgfiles_lib,libganglia-
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWlibganglia0 += shared-lib-pkgname-mismatch|file=opt/csw/lib/libganglia-|soname=libganglia-|pkgname=CSWlibganglia0|expected=CSWlibganglia3-2-0-0-0
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliamodpython = .*python.*
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev = /opt/csw/include/ganglia.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/ganglia_gexec.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_metric.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_mmn.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_msg.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_protocol.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/include/gm_value.h
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += /opt/csw/bin/ganglia-config
+PKGFILES_CSWganglia-dev += $(libdir)/libganglia.so
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad = /opt/csw/sbin/gmetad
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmetad.conf.CSW
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmetad
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /var/opt/csw/ganglia/rrds
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliagmetad += /opt/csw/share/man/man1/gmetad.1
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaweb = $(WWWGANGLIA)/.*
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaweb += /opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra/httpd-ganglia.conf.CSW
+PKGFILES_CSWgangliaweb += /var/opt/csw/ganglia/dwoo
+PRESERVECONF = /opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra/httpd-ganglia.conf
+PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmond.conf
+PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/gmetad.conf
+PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/conf.d/modgstatus.conf
+PRESERVECONF += /etc/opt/csw/ganglia/conf.d/modpython.conf
+# For gmond
+INITSMF = /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmond
+# For gmetad
+INITSMF += /etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmetad
+PROTOTYPE_FILTER_CSWgangliagmetad = awk '\
+$$$$3 ~ /\/var\/opt\/csw\/ganglia\/rrds/ { $$$$5 = "nobody"; $$$$6 = "nogroup" } \
+{ print }'
+PROTOTYPE_FILTER_CSWgangliaweb = awk '\
+$$$$3 ~ /\/var\/opt\/csw\/ganglia\/dwoo/ { $$$$5 = "nobody"; $$$$6 = "nogroup" } \
+{ print }'
+#ARCHALL_CSWganglia-dev = 1
+ARCHALL_CSWgangliaweb = 1
+ARCHALL_CSWgangliamodpython = 1
+include gar/category.mk
+ - at rm $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/bin/gstat
+ @ginstall -D $(DOWNLOADDIR)/cswgmond \
+ $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmond
+ @ginstall -D $(DOWNLOADDIR)/cswgmetad \
+ $(PKGROOT)/etc/opt/csw/init.d/cswgmetad
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(WWWGANGLIA)
+ @find $(WORKSRC)/web -name .gitignore -exec rm '{}' \;
+ @cd $(WORKSRC)/web; \
+ @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(WWWGANGLIA)/conf.php
+ @ginstall -D $(FILEDIR)/conf.php \
+ @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(WWWGANGLIA)/*.in
+ @ginstall -D $(FILEDIR)/httpd-ganglia.conf \
+ $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra/httpd-ganglia.conf.CSW
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d
+ @$(WORKSRC)/gmond/gmond -t | grep -v "^include" \
+ > $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/gmond.conf.CSW
+ @echo "include ('/etc/opt/csw/ganglia/conf.d/*.conf')" \
+ >> $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/gmond.conf.CSW
+ @ginstall -D $(FILEDIR)/gmetad.conf \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/gmetad.conf
+ @cd $(WORKSRC)/gmond/modules/conf.d ; \
+ for CONF_FILE in *.conf ; \
+ do cp -R "$${CONF_FILE}" $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/"$${CONF_FILE}.CSW" ; done
+ @cd $(FILEDIR)/conf.d ; \
+ for CONF_FILE in *.conf ; \
+ do cp -R "$${CONF_FILE}" $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/"$${CONF_FILE}.CSW" ; done
+ @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/example.conf.CSW \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/multicpu.conf.CSW
+ifeq ($(VERSION),3.1.2)
+ @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(ETCGANGLIA)/conf.d/modgstatus.conf.CSW
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/csw/ganglia/rrds
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/var/opt/csw/ganglia/dwoo
+ @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/gmond/gmond.conf.5 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5/gmond.conf.5
+ @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/mans/gmetad.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/gmetad.1
+ @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/mans/gmond.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/gmond.1
+ @ginstall -D $(WORKSRC)/mans/gmetric.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/gmetric.1
Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/files/conf.php
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/trunk/files/conf.php 2011-12-10 11:09:12 UTC (rev 16450)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/files/conf.php 2012-03-07 23:13:41 UTC (rev 17326)
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: conf.php.in 2194 2010-01-08 16:58:25Z d_pocock $
-# Gmetad-webfrontend version. Used to check for updates.
-include_once "./version.php";
-# The name of the directory in "./templates" which contains the
-# templates that you want to use. Templates are like a skin for the
-# site that can alter its look and feel.
-$template_name = "default";
-# If you installed gmetad in a directory other than the default
-# make sure you change it here.
-# Where gmetad stores the rrd archives.
-$gmetad_root = "/var/opt/csw/ganglia";
-$rrds = "$gmetad_root/rrds";
-# Leave this alone if rrdtool is installed in $gmetad_root,
-# otherwise, change it if it is installed elsewhere (like /usr/bin)
-define("RRDTOOL", "/opt/csw/bin/rrdtool");
-# If rrdcached is being used, this argument must specify the
-# socket to use.
-# ganglia-web only requires, and should use, the low-privilege socket
-# created with the -L option to rrdcached. gmetad requires, and must use,
-# the fully privileged socket created with the -l option to rrdcached.
-$rrdcached_socket = "";
-# Location for modular-graph files.
-# If you want to grab data from a different ganglia source specify it here.
-# Although, it would be strange to alter the IP since the Round-Robin
-# databases need to be local to be read.
-$ganglia_ip = "";
-$ganglia_port = 8652;
-# The maximum number of dynamic graphs to display. If you set this
-# to 0 (the default) all graphs will be shown. This option is
-# helpful if you are viewing the web pages from a browser with a
-# small pipe.
-$max_graphs = 0;
-# In the Cluster View this sets the default number of columns used to
-# display the host grid below the summary graphs.
-$hostcols = 4;
-# In the Host View this sets the default number of columns used to
-# display the metric grid below the summary graphs.
-$metriccols = 2;
-# Turn on and off the Grid Snapshot. Now that we have a
-# hierarchical snapshot (per-cluster instead of per-node) on
-# the meta page this makes more sense. Most people will want this
-# on.
-$show_meta_snapshot = "yes";
-# The default refresh frequency on pages.
-$default_refresh = 300;
-# Colors for the CPU report graph
-$cpu_user_color = "3333bb";
-$cpu_nice_color = "ffea00";
-$cpu_system_color = "dd0000";
-$cpu_wio_color = "ff8a60";
-$cpu_idle_color = "e2e2f2";
-# Colors for the MEMORY report graph
-$mem_used_color = "5555cc";
-$mem_shared_color = "0000aa";
-$mem_cached_color = "33cc33";
-$mem_buffered_color = "99ff33";
-$mem_free_color = "00ff00";
-$mem_swapped_color = "9900CC";
-# Colors for the LOAD report graph
-$load_one_color = "CCCCCC";
-$proc_run_color = "0000FF";
-$cpu_num_color = "FF0000";
-$num_nodes_color = "00FF00";
-# Other colors
-$jobstart_color = "ff3300";
-# Colors for the load ranks.
-$load_colors = array(
- "100+" => "ff634f",
- "75-100" =>"ffa15e",
- "50-75" => "ffde5e",
- "25-50" => "caff98",
- "0-25" => "e2ecff",
- "down" => "515151"
-# Load scaling
-$load_scale = 1.0;
-# Default color for single metric graphs
-$default_metric_color = "555555";
-# Default metric
-$default_metric = "load_one";
-# remove the domainname from the FQDN hostnames in graphs
-# (to help with long hostnames in small charts)
-$strip_domainname = false;
-# Optional summary graphs
-#$optional_graphs = array('packet');
-# Time ranges
-# Each value is the # of seconds in that range.
-$time_ranges = array(
- 'hour'=>3600,
- 'day'=>86400,
- 'week'=>604800,
- 'month'=>2419200,
- 'year'=>31449600
-# this key must exist in $time_ranges
-$default_time_range = 'hour';
-# Graph sizes
-$graph_sizes = array(
- 'small'=>array(
- 'height'=>40,
- 'width'=>130,
- 'fudge_0'=>0,
- 'fudge_1'=>0,
- 'fudge_2'=>0
- ),
- 'medium'=>array(
- 'height'=>75,
- 'width'=>300,
- 'fudge_0'=>0,
- 'fudge_1'=>14,
- 'fudge_2'=>28
- ),
- 'large'=>array(
- 'height'=>600,
- 'width'=>800,
- 'fudge_0'=>0,
- 'fudge_1'=>0,
- 'fudge_2'=>0
- ),
- # this was the default value when no other size was provided.
- 'default'=>array(
- 'height'=>100,
- 'width'=>400,
- 'fudge_0'=>0,
- 'fudge_1'=>0,
- 'fudge_2'=>0
- )
-$default_graph_size = 'default';
-$graph_sizes_keys = array_keys( $graph_sizes );
-# In earlier versions of gmetad, hostnames were handled in a case
-# sensitive manner
-# If your hostname directories have been renamed to lower case,
-# set this option to 0 to disable backward compatibility.
-# From version 3.2, backwards compatibility will be disabled by default.
-# default: true (for gmetad < 3.2)
-# default: false (for gmetad >= 3.2)
-$case_sensitive_hostnames = false;
Copied: csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/files/conf.php (from rev 16456, csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/trunk/files/conf.php)
--- csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/files/conf.php (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/ganglia/branches/ganglia-3.2.0/files/conf.php 2012-03-07 23:13:41 UTC (rev 17326)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# $Id: conf.php.in 2194 2010-01-08 16:58:25Z d_pocock $
+# Gmetad-webfrontend version. Used to check for updates.
+include_once "./version.php";
+# The name of the directory in "./templates" which contains the
+# templates that you want to use. Templates are like a skin for the
+# site that can alter its look and feel.
+$template_name = "default";
+# If you installed gmetad in a directory other than the default
+# make sure you change it here.
+# Where gmetad stores the rrd archives.
+$gmetad_root = "/var/opt/csw/ganglia";
+$rrds = "$gmetad_root/rrds";
+# Where Dwoo (PHP templating engine) store compiled templates
+$dwoo_compiled_dir = "$gmetad_root/dwoo";
+# Where to find filter configuration files, if not set filtering
+# will be disabled
+#$filter_dir = "$gmetad_root/filters";
+# Leave this alone if rrdtool is installed in $gmetad_root,
+# otherwise, change it if it is installed elsewhere (like /usr/bin)
+define("RRDTOOL", "/opt/csw/bin/rrdtool");
+# If rrdcached is being used, this argument must specify the
+# socket to use.
+# ganglia-web only requires, and should use, the low-privilege socket
+# created with the -L option to rrdcached. gmetad requires, and must use,
+# the fully privileged socket created with the -l option to rrdcached.
+$rrdcached_socket = "";
+# Location for modular-graph files.
+# Display statistical values on RRD graphs; i.e.: average, min, max
+$graphreport_stats = true;
+# If you want to grab data from a different ganglia source specify it here.
+# Although, it would be strange to alter the IP since the Round-Robin
+# databases need to be local to be read.
+$ganglia_ip = "";
+$ganglia_port = 8652;
+# The maximum number of dynamic graphs to display. If you set this
+# to 0 (the default) all graphs will be shown. This option is
+# helpful if you are viewing the web pages from a browser with a
+# small pipe.
+$max_graphs = 0;
+# In the Cluster View this sets the default number of columns used to
+# display the host grid below the summary graphs.
+$hostcols = 4;
+# In the Host View this sets the default number of columns used to
+# display the metric grid below the summary graphs.
+$metriccols = 2;
+# Turn on and off the Grid Snapshot. Now that we have a
+# hierarchical snapshot (per-cluster instead of per-node) on
+# the meta page this makes more sense. Most people will want this
+# on.
+$show_meta_snapshot = "yes";
+# The default refresh frequency on pages.
+$default_refresh = 300;
+# Colors for the CPU report graph
+$cpu_user_color = "3333bb";
+$cpu_nice_color = "ffea00";
+$cpu_system_color = "dd0000";
+$cpu_wio_color = "ff8a60";
+$cpu_idle_color = "e2e2f2";
+# Colors for the MEMORY report graph
+$mem_used_color = "5555cc";
+$mem_shared_color = "0000aa";
+$mem_cached_color = "33cc33";
+$mem_buffered_color = "99ff33";
+$mem_free_color = "00ff00";
+$mem_swapped_color = "9900CC";
+# Colors for the LOAD report graph
+$load_one_color = "CCCCCC";
+$proc_run_color = "0000FF";
+$cpu_num_color = "FF0000";
+$num_nodes_color = "00FF00";
+# Other colors
+$jobstart_color = "ff3300";
+# Colors for the load ranks.
+$load_colors = array(
+ "100+" => "ff634f",
+ "75-100" =>"ffa15e",
+ "50-75" => "ffde5e",
+ "25-50" => "caff98",
+ "0-25" => "e2ecff",
+ "down" => "515151"
+# Load scaling
+$load_scale = 1.0;
+# Default color for single metric graphs
+$default_metric_color = "555555";
+# Default metric
+$default_metric = "load_one";
+# remove the domainname from the FQDN hostnames in graphs
+# (to help with long hostnames in small charts)
+$strip_domainname = false;
+# Optional summary graphs
+#$optional_graphs = array('packet');
+# Time ranges
+# Each value is the # of seconds in that range.
+$time_ranges = array(
+ 'hour'=>3600,
+ 'day'=>86400,
+ 'week'=>604800,
+ 'month'=>2419200,
+ 'year'=>31449600
+# this key must exist in $time_ranges
+$default_time_range = 'hour';
+# Graph sizes
+$graph_sizes = array(
+ 'small'=>array(
+ 'height'=>40,
+ 'width'=>130,
+ 'fudge_0'=>0,
+ 'fudge_1'=>0,
+ 'fudge_2'=>0
+ ),
+ 'medium'=>array(
+ 'height'=>75,
+ 'width'=>300,
+ 'fudge_0'=>0,
+ 'fudge_1'=>14,
+ 'fudge_2'=>28
+ ),
+ 'large'=>array(
+ 'height'=>600,
+ 'width'=>800,
+ 'fudge_0'=>0,
+ 'fudge_1'=>0,
+ 'fudge_2'=>0
+ ),
+ # this was the default value when no other size was provided.
+ 'default'=>array(
+ 'height'=>100,
+ 'width'=>400,
+ 'fudge_0'=>0,
+ 'fudge_1'=>0,
+ 'fudge_2'=>0
+ )
+$default_graph_size = 'default';
+$graph_sizes_keys = array_keys( $graph_sizes );
+# In earlier versions of gmetad, hostnames were handled in a case
+# sensitive manner
+# If your hostname directories have been renamed to lower case,
+# set this option to 0 to disable backward compatibility.
+# From version 3.2, backwards compatibility will be disabled by default.
+# default: true (for gmetad < 3.2)
+# default: false (for gmetad >= 3.2)
+$case_sensitive_hostnames = false;
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