[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[19751] csw/mgar/pkg
cgrzemba at users.sourceforge.net
cgrzemba at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Nov 27 10:44:24 CET 2012
Revision: 19751
Author: cgrzemba
Date: 2012-11-27 09:44:24 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2012)
Log Message:
davical/trunk: Initial commit
Added Paths:
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/davical/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/davical/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/davical/Makefile 2012-11-27 09:44:24 UTC (rev 19751)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ $(MAKE) -C trunk $*
Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk
Added: svn:ignore
+ work
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/Makefile (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/Makefile 2012-11-27 09:44:24 UTC (rev 19751)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# $Id$
+# TODO (release-critical prefixed with !, non release-critical with *)
+NAME = davical
+VERSION = 1.1.1
+define BLURB
+The DAViCal CalDAV Server is designed to trivially store
+CalDAV calendars, such as those from Evolution, Sunbird/Lightning,
+Mulberry, iCal, iPhone or SOHO Organizer, in a central location,
+providing shared calendars, free/busy publication and a basic
+administration interface.
+MASTER_SITES = http://debian.mcmillan.net.nz/packages/davical/
+REINPLACE_USRSHARE += docs/api/* docs/api/*/* docs/api/*/*/*
+REINPLACE_USRSHARE += htdocs/* htdocs/.*
+REINPLACE_USRSHARE += config/apache-davical.conf
+REINPLACE_USRSHARE += docs/website/installation.php
+REINPLACE_USRLOCAL += dba/create-database.sh
+REINPLACE_USRLOCAL += htdocs/always.php
+REINPLACE_USRLOCAL += docs/api/davical/_htdocs---always.php.html
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS += CSWpostgresql84
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS += CSWap2-modphp5
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS += CSWphp5-pdopgsql
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS += CSWphp5-iconv
+RUNTIME_DEP_PKGS += CSWphp5-calendar
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWphp5-calendar
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWpm-dbi
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWphp5-pdopgsql
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWap2-modphp5
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWphp5-curl
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWphp5-iconv
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWpostgresql84
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWpm-dbd-pg
+CHECKPKG_OVERRIDES_CSWdavical += surplus-dependency|CSWpm-yaml
+include gar/category.mk
+ @echo " ==> Installing $(NAME) (custom)"
+ @rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/www/$(NAME)
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$(NAME)
+ @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/www/$(NAME)
+ @cp -rp $(WORKSRC)/inc $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/www/$(NAME)
+ @cp -rp $(WORKSRC)/htdocs $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/www/$(NAME)
+ @cp -rp $(WORKSRC)/config $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/www/$(NAME)
+ @cp -rp $(WORKSRC)/dba $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/www/$(NAME)
+ @cp -rp $(WORKSRC)/docs/* $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/$(NAME)
Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/Makefile
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/checksums (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/checksums 2012-11-27 09:44:24 UTC (rev 19751)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+242de458d22d793b297751ff67b8324f davical-1.1.1.tar.gz
Added: csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/files/httpd-davical.conf
--- csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/files/httpd-davical.conf (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/davical/trunk/files/httpd-davical.conf 2012-11-27 09:44:24 UTC (rev 19751)
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+##-*- Apache -*- ##############################################################
+# DAViCal Configuration for Apache - www.davical.org
+# Log: 2011-02-11 Jon
+# Broke DAViCal into separate config file for Apache2
+# Enable CardDav services
+# 2011-02-04 Jon
+# Initial configuration test
+# CalDAV services only.
+# Assumes:
+# DAViCal installed in /opt/DAViCal/davical
+# /opt/DAViCal/awl
+# Apache2: Enable mod_rewrite
+# Enable mod_ssl2
+# Enable mod_php5
+# Serices:
+# Follow Apple conventions for Enterprise deployment.
+# Port 8008 - CalDAV + CardDAV service no SSL (Domain local only)
+# Port 8443 - CalDAV + CardDAV service with SSL (Internal/External no admin)
+# Apache2:
+# Quick reminder on stop/start of apache2 following config change
+# Restart: % svcadm restart network/cswapache2
+# Disable: % svcadm disable network/cswapache2
+# Enable: % svcadm enable network/cswapache2
+# Status: % svcs -xv
+# IP Filter:
+# External service access is controlled and needs to be configured.
+# /etc/ipf/ipf.conf [Global zone configuration]
+# To Reload rules: ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf/ipf.conf
+# To Monitor log: ipmon -a
+# Summary of IPSec rules: ipfstat -h -i
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # DAViCAL services
+# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# # Allow access to the DAViCal server
+# # Port 8443 - CalDAV + CardDAV service with SSL (Internal/External no admin)
+# pass in quick on bge0 proto tcp from any to 192.168.1.x port = 8443 keep state
+# # Port 8008 - CalDAV + CardDAV service no SSL (Domain local only)
+# pass in quick on bge0 proto tcp from to 192.168.1.x port = 8008 keep state
+# Config:
+# Configure DAViCal PHP
+# File: /opt/DAViCal/davical/config/config.php
+# Content: <?php
+# $c->domainname = "www.myaddress.com";
+# $c->sysabbr = 'www';
+# $c->admin_email = 'admin at myaddress.com';
+# $c->system_name = "CalDAV Server";
+# // Our locale
+# $c->default_locale = "en_GB.UTF-8";
+# // Connect to a remote PostgreSQL server
+# $c->pg_connect[] = 'hostaddr=192.168.1.y port=5432 dbname=davical user=davical_app';
+# // Admin access restriction
+# $c->restrict_admin_port = '8008';
+# ?>
+# Server Admin Notes:
+# Addressbook
+# ===========
+# Unlike with calendars, DAViCal does not (yet) create a default addressbook
+# resource for each new user, so you will have to do this manually for now.
+# From http://wiki.davical.org/w/CardDAV/Creating_addressbooks
+# * Go into the Admin UI in your browser
+# http://www.myaddress.com:8008/index.php
+# Login: admin + password
+# * Click on "List Principals" and find the principal you want to add a
+# calendar to.
+# * Down the bottom of the page click on "Create Collection"
+# * Give the collection a URL part such as "contacts" or "addressbook" in the
+# DAV Path field.
+# * Give the collection a friendly name such as "Andrew's Contacts" in the
+# Displayname field.
+# * Turn off "Is a Calendar" and turn on "Is an Addressbook".
+# * Click on "Create"
+# * Then grant permissions.
+# Client Config Notes:
+# Note in all configurations then we use Apache2 re-write rules and this
+# changes the configuration of the client connections.
+# iPad Configuration:
+# Set through "iPhone Configuration Untility" (Enterprise)
+# - "CalDAV" is principle account.
+# - "Subscribed Calendars" are read only
+# - "CardDAV" is our address book
+# Server: my.address.com
+# User Name: me
+# Password: secret
+# Description: My Calendar
+# Advanced Settings: (Calendar no SSL)
+# Use SSL: Off
+# Port: 8008
+# Account URL: http://my.address.com:8008/me/home
+# Advanced Setting: (Calendar with SSL)
+# Use SSL: On
+# Port: 8443
+# Account URL: https://my.address.com:8443/me/home
+# CardDAV Settings: (Card with SSL)
+# Use SSL: On
+# Port: 8443
+# Server: my.address.com
+# User Name: me
+# Password: secret
+# ** Do not configure explicit client connection allow to default **
+# Mozilla Lightening Config:
+# On the Network: yes
+# Format: CalDAV
+# Location: https://my.address.com:8443/me/home
+# etc.
+# Port 8008 - CalDAV + CardDAV port without SSL
+# DAViCal - CalDAV + CardDAV port without SSL
+# Used for local hosts and adminstration access
+Listen 8008
+NameVirtualHost 192.168.1.x:8008
+<VirtualHost 192.168.1.x:8008>
+ # General setup of the virtual host
+ DocumentRoot "/opt/csw/share/www/davical/htdocs"
+ Alias /images/ /opt/csw/share/www/davical/htdocs/images/
+ ServerName "www.myaddress.com:8008"
+ ServerAdmin "admin at myaddress.com"
+ # Virtual server logging
+ ErrorLog "/opt/csw/apache2/var/log/error_8008.log"
+ TransferLog "/opt/csw/apache2/var/log/access_8008.log"
+ # Define the directory access
+ <Directory /opt/csw/share/www/davical/htdocs/>
+ AllowOverride None
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ # Default directory index.
+ DirectoryIndex index.php
+ </Directory>
+ # Allow trailing names
+ AcceptPathInfo On
+ # Define the PHP5 configuration.
+ php_value include_path "/opt/csw/share/www/davical/inc:/opt/csw/share/www/awl/inc"
+ php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
+ php_value register_globals 0
+ php_value error_reporting "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE"
+ php_value default_charset "utf-8"
+ # Get rid of caldav.php in the path
+ RewriteEngine On
+ # Not if it's the root URL.
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/$
+ # Not if it explicitly specifies a .php program, stylesheet or image
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(php|css|js|png|gif|jpg)
+ # Everything else gets rewritten to /caldav.php/...
+ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /caldav.php/$1 [NC,L]
+# Port 8443 - CalDAV + CardDAV port with SSL
+# DAViCal - CalDAV + CardDAV port with SSL
+# Used for internal and external access
+Listen 8443
+NameVirtualHost 192.168.1.x:8443
+<VirtualHost 192.168.1.x:8443>
+ # General setup of the virtual host
+ DocumentRoot "/opt/csw/share/www/davical/htdocs"
+ ServerName "www.myaddress.com:8443"
+ ServerAdmin "admin at myaddress.com"
+ # Virtual server logging
+ ErrorLog "/opt/csw/apache2/var/log/error_8443.log"
+ TransferLog "/opt/csw/apache2/var/log/access_8443.log"
+ # Turn on SSL for this port
+ SSLEngine on
+ SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1
+ # Server Certificate
+ SSLCertificateFile "/certs/3yr_cert.crt"
+ SSLCertificateKeyFile "/certs/3yr_cert.key"
+ SSLCertificateChainFile "/certs/3yr_ca-bundle.crt"
+ # SSL Protocol Adjustments:
+ BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" \
+ nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
+ downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
+ # Per-Server Logging:
+ CustomLog "/opt/csw/apache2/var/log/ssl_request_8443.log" \
+ "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"
+ # Define the directory access
+ <Directory /opt/csw/share/www/davical/htdocs/>
+ AllowOverride None
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ # Default directory index.
+ DirectoryIndex index.php
+ </Directory>
+ # Allow trailing names
+ AcceptPathInfo On
+ # Define the PHP5 configuration.
+ php_value include_path "/opt/csw/share/www/davical/inc:/opt/csw/share/www/awl/inc"
+ php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
+ php_value register_globals 0
+ php_value error_reporting "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE"
+ php_value default_charset "utf-8"
+ # Get rid of caldav.php in the path
+ RewriteEngine On
+ # Not if it's the root URL.
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/$
+ # Not if it explicitly specifies a .php program, stylesheet or image
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(php|css|js|png|gif|jpg)
+ # Filter all files that do not exist
+ # Everything else gets rewritten to /caldav.php/...
+ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /caldav.php/$1 [NC,L]
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