[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[20612] csw/mgar/pkg/pound/trunk/files/openssl1.0.0.patch

chninkel at users.sourceforge.net chninkel at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Apr 6 18:24:02 CEST 2013

Revision: 20612
Author:   chninkel
Date:     2013-04-06 16:24:02 +0000 (Sat, 06 Apr 2013)
Log Message:
pound/trunk: added missing openssl 1.0.0 patch

Added Paths:

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/pound/trunk/files/openssl1.0.0.patch
--- csw/mgar/pkg/pound/trunk/files/openssl1.0.0.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/pound/trunk/files/openssl1.0.0.patch	2013-04-06 16:24:02 UTC (rev 20612)
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+Description: Port to OpenSSL 1.0.0. Patch backported from upstream version
+ 2.6c.
+Author: Ilya Barygin <barygin at gmail.com>
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/622041
+--- pound-2.5.orig/svc.c
++++ pound-2.5/svc.c
+@@ -27,12 +27,17 @@
+ #include    "pound.h"
++#ifndef LHASH_OF
++#define LHASH_OF(x) LHASH
++#define CHECKED_LHASH_OF(type, h) h
+ /*
+  * Add a new key/content pair to a hash table
+  * the table should be already locked
+  */
+ static void
+-t_add(LHASH *const tab, const char *key, const void *content, const size_t cont_len)
++t_add(LHASH_OF(TABNODE) *const tab, const char *key, const void *content, const size_t cont_len)
+ {
+     TABNODE *t, *old;
+@@ -53,7 +58,11 @@
+     }
+     memcpy(t->content, content, cont_len);
+     t->last_acc = time(NULL);
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    if((old = LHM_lh_insert(TABNODE, tab, t)) != NULL) {
+     if((old = (TABNODE *)lh_insert(tab, t)) != NULL) {
+         free(old->key);
+         free(old->content);
+         free(old);
+@@ -68,12 +77,16 @@
+  * side-effect: update the time of last access
+  */
+ static void *
+-t_find(LHASH *const tab, char *const key)
++t_find(LHASH_OF(TABNODE) *const tab, char *const key)
+ {
+     TABNODE t, *res;
+     t.key = key;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    if((res = LHM_lh_retrieve(TABNODE, tab, &t)) != NULL) {
+     if((res = (TABNODE *)lh_retrieve(tab, &t)) != NULL) {
+         res->last_acc = time(NULL);
+         return res->content;
+     }
+@@ -84,12 +97,16 @@
+  * Delete a key
+  */
+ static void
+-t_remove(LHASH *const tab, char *const key)
++t_remove(LHASH_OF(TABNODE) *const tab, char *const key)
+ {
+     TABNODE t, *res;
+     t.key = key;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    if((res = LHM_lh_delete(TABNODE, tab, &t)) != NULL) {
+     if((res = (TABNODE *)lh_delete(tab, &t)) != NULL) {
+         free(res->key);
+         free(res->content);
+         free(res);
+@@ -98,59 +115,77 @@
+ }
+ typedef struct  {
+-    LHASH   *tab;
++    LHASH_OF(TABNODE)   *tab;
+     time_t  lim;
+     void    *content;
+     int     cont_len;
+ }   ALL_ARG;
+ static void
+-t_old(TABNODE *t, void *arg)
++t_old_doall_arg(TABNODE *t, ALL_ARG *a)
+ {
+-    ALL_ARG *a;
+-    a = (ALL_ARG *)arg;
+     if(t->last_acc < a->lim)
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++        LHM_lh_delete(TABNODE, a->tab, t);
+         lh_delete(a->tab, t);
+     return;
+ }
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++#define t_old t_old_doall_arg
+ /*
+  * Expire all old nodes
+  */
+ static void
+-t_expire(LHASH *const tab, const time_t lim)
++t_expire(LHASH_OF(TABNODE) *const tab, const time_t lim)
+ {
+     ALL_ARG a;
+     int down_load;
+     a.tab = tab;
+     a.lim = lim;
+-    down_load = tab->down_load;
+-    tab->down_load = 0;
++    down_load = CHECKED_LHASH_OF(TABNODE, tab)->down_load;
++    CHECKED_LHASH_OF(TABNODE, tab)->down_load = 0;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    LHM_lh_doall_arg(TABNODE, tab, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(t_old), ALL_ARG, &a);
+     lh_doall_arg(tab, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(t_old), &a);
+-    tab->down_load = down_load;
++    CHECKED_LHASH_OF(TABNODE, tab)->down_load = down_load;
+     return;
+ }
+ static void
+-t_cont(TABNODE *t, void *arg)
++t_cont_doall_arg(TABNODE *t, ALL_ARG *arg)
+ {
+-    ALL_ARG *a;
+-    a = (ALL_ARG *)arg;
+-    if(memcmp(t->content, a->content, a->cont_len) == 0)
+-        lh_delete(a->tab, t);
++    if(memcmp(t->content, arg->content, arg->cont_len) == 0)
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++        LHM_lh_delete(TABNODE, arg->tab, t);
++        lh_delete(arg->tab, t);
+     return;
+ }
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++#define t_cont t_cont_doall_arg
+ /*
+  * Remove all nodes with the given content
+  */
+ static void
+-t_clean(LHASH *const tab, void *const content, const size_t cont_len)
++t_clean(LHASH_OF(TABNODE) *const tab, void *const content, const size_t cont_len)
+ {
+     ALL_ARG a;
+     int down_load;
+@@ -158,10 +193,14 @@
+     a.tab = tab;
+     a.content = content;
+     a.cont_len = cont_len;
+-    down_load = tab->down_load;
+-    tab->down_load = 0;
++    down_load = CHECKED_LHASH_OF(TABNODE, tab)->down_load;
++    CHECKED_LHASH_OF(TABNODE, tab)->down_load = 0;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    LHM_lh_doall_arg(TABNODE, tab, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(t_cont), ALL_ARG, &a);
+     lh_doall_arg(tab, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(t_cont), &a);
+-    tab->down_load = down_load;
++    CHECKED_LHASH_OF(TABNODE, tab)->down_load = down_load;
+     return;
+ }
+@@ -1410,41 +1449,47 @@
+ }   DUMP_ARG;
+ static void
+-t_dump(TABNODE *t, void *arg)
++t_dump_doall_arg(TABNODE *t, DUMP_ARG *arg)
+ {
+-    DUMP_ARG    *a;
+     BACKEND     *be, *bep;
+     int         n_be, sz;
+-    a = (DUMP_ARG *)arg;
+     memcpy(&bep, t->content, sizeof(bep));
+-    for(n_be = 0, be = a->backends; be; be = be->next, n_be++)
++    for(n_be = 0, be = arg->backends; be; be = be->next, n_be++)
+         if(be == bep)
+             break;
+     if(!be)
+         /* should NEVER happen */
+         n_be = 0;
+-    write(a->control_sock, t, sizeof(TABNODE));
+-    write(a->control_sock, &n_be, sizeof(n_be));
++    write(arg->control_sock, t, sizeof(TABNODE));
++    write(arg->control_sock, &n_be, sizeof(n_be));
+     sz = strlen(t->key);
+-    write(a->control_sock, &sz, sizeof(sz));
+-    write(a->control_sock, t->key, sz);
++    write(arg->control_sock, &sz, sizeof(sz));
++    write(arg->control_sock, t->key, sz);
+     return;
+ }
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++#define t_dump t_dump_doall_arg
+ /*
+  * write sessions to the control socket
+  */
+ static void
+-dump_sess(const int control_sock, LHASH *const sess, BACKEND *const backends)
++dump_sess(const int control_sock, LHASH_OF(TABNODE) *const sess, BACKEND *const backends)
+ {
+     DUMP_ARG a;
+     a.control_sock = control_sock;
+     a.backends = backends;
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    LHM_lh_doall_arg(TABNODE, sess, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(t_dump), DUMP_ARG, &a);
+     lh_doall_arg(sess, LHASH_DOALL_ARG_FN(t_dump), &a);
+     return;
+ }
+--- pound-2.5.orig/pound.h
++++ pound-2.5/pound.h
+@@ -322,6 +322,10 @@
+ /* maximal session key size */
+ #define KEY_SIZE    127
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+ /* service definition */
+ typedef struct _service {
+     char                name[KEY_SIZE + 1]; /* symbolic name */
+@@ -337,7 +341,11 @@
+     int                 sess_ttl;   /* session time-to-live */
+     regex_t             sess_pat;   /* pattern to match the session data */
+     char                *sess_parm; /* session cookie or parameter */
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    LHASH_OF(TABNODE)   *sessions;  /* currently active sessions */
+     LHASH               *sessions;  /* currently active sessions */
+     int                 dynscale;   /* true if the back-ends should be dynamically rescaled */
+     int                 disabled;   /* true if the service is disabled */
+     struct _service     *next;
+--- pound-2.5.orig/config.c
++++ pound-2.5/config.c
+@@ -431,14 +431,25 @@
+         res = (res ^ *k++) * 16777619;
+     return res;
+ }
+-static IMPLEMENT_LHASH_HASH_FN(t_hash, const TABNODE *)
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++static IMPLEMENT_LHASH_HASH_FN(t_hash, const TABNODE *)
+ static int
+ t_cmp(const TABNODE *d1, const TABNODE *d2)
+ {
+     return strcmp(d1->key, d2->key);
+ }
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
+ static IMPLEMENT_LHASH_COMP_FN(t_cmp, const TABNODE *)
+ /*
+  * parse a service
+@@ -460,7 +471,11 @@
+     pthread_mutex_init(&res->mut, NULL);
+     if(svc_name)
+         strncpy(res->name, svc_name, KEY_SIZE);
++#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
++    if((res->sessions = LHM_lh_new(TABNODE, t)) == NULL) {
+     if((res->sessions = lh_new(LHASH_HASH_FN(t_hash), LHASH_COMP_FN(t_cmp))) == NULL) {
+         logmsg(LOG_ERR, "line %d: lh_new failed - aborted", n_lin);
+         exit(1);
+    }

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