[csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[20338] csw/mgar/gar/v2

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 26 12:40:42 CET 2013

Revision: 20338
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2013-02-26 11:40:42 +0000 (Tue, 26 Feb 2013)
Log Message:
mGAR v2: Delete unused pkg.db

And code which worked with it.

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/Makefile	2013-02-26 11:40:28 UTC (rev 20337)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/Makefile	2013-02-26 11:40:42 UTC (rev 20338)
@@ -27,13 +27,6 @@
 	@echo "$@ completed at $$(date)" >> $(BUILDLOG)
 pkgdesc = `/bin/perl -ne '/DESCRIPTION\s+=\s+(.+)$$/ && print $$1' $(1)/Makefile`
-# Rebuild the package database
-	@echo " ==> Rebuilding package database"
-	- at rm -f pkg.db
-	@bin/build_pkgdb > pkg.db
 	@for package in $(shell gfind . -type d -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -not -name 'CVS' -a -not -name '00CPAN_Module_Template' | gsed -e 's/^\.\///') ; do \
 		printf "%-36s%s\n" sunx/$$package "$(call pkgdesc,$$package)" ; \

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/build_pkgdb
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/build_pkgdb	2013-02-26 11:40:28 UTC (rev 20337)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/build_pkgdb	2013-02-26 11:40:42 UTC (rev 20338)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-# Copyright 2006 Cory Omand <comand at blastwave.org>
-# All rights reserved.  Use is subject to license terms.
-# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
-# permitted.  This software is without warranty of any kind.  The
-# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
-# software causes damage.
-# build_pkgdb - create CSW package name database from makefiles/gspecs
-for makefile in `gfind $GARROOT -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -name Makefile \
-    | grep -v meta | sort`
-    GARDIR=`dirname $makefile`
-    GARPKG=`echo $GARDIR | sed -e s,$GARROOT/,,`
-    PKGDIR=`basename $GARPKG`
-    GARDESC=`nawk '/^DESCRIPTION/{gsub("DESCRIPTION = ","");print}' $makefile`
-    [ ! -d $GARDIR/files ] && continue
-    for gspec in `find $GARDIR/files -type f -name '*.gspec'`
-    do
-        unset _GARDESC
-        eval `nawk '
-            /var.+pkgname/{gsub(".*pkgname +","");print "PKGNAME=\""$0"\""}
-            /var.+desc/{gsub(".*desc +","");print "_GARDESC=\""$0"\""}
-            /var.+bitname/{gsub(".*bitname +","");print "BITNAME=\""$0"\""}' \
-            $gspec`
-        [ -z "$PKGNAME"  ] && continue
-        [ -n "$_GARDESC" ] && GARDESC=$_GARDESC
-    done

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/check_pkgdb
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/check_pkgdb	2013-02-26 11:40:28 UTC (rev 20337)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/check_pkgdb	2013-02-26 11:40:42 UTC (rev 20338)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env perl -w
-# $Id$
-# Copyright 2006 Cory Omand <comand at blastwave.org>
-# All rights reserved.  Use is subject to license terms.
-# Redistribution and/or use, with or without modification, is
-# permitted.  This software is without warranty of any kind.  The
-# author(s) shall not be liable in the event that use of the
-# software causes damage.
-# check_pkgdb - Look up a build item (e.g. lang/perl) in the CSW
-#               package database.
-use strict;
-use File::Spec::Functions q/catfile/;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use vars qw/$opt_d $opt_r $opt_h $opt_o/;
-die "Usage: $0 [-r <rootdir>] [-d <dbfile>] [-o <outfile>] item\n"
-    if defined $opt_h or scalar @ARGV == 0;
-my $root  = $opt_r || "$ENV{HOME}/csw";
-my $pkgdb = $opt_d || catfile($root, 'pkg.db');
-# Build the database if it does not exist, otherwise load it
-my $pkgdb_src = -f $pkgdb
-    ? $pkgdb
-    : "$root/bin/build_pkgdb $root | tee $pkgdb |";
-my %PKGDB;
-open PKGDB, $pkgdb_src or die "Failed to open '$pkgdb_src': $!";
-while (<PKGDB>) {
-    chomp;
-    my ($bdir, $pname, $pdesc) = split /\|/, $_, 3;
-    $PKGDB{$bdir}{$pname} = $pdesc;
-close PKGDB;
-die "Unable to continue -- no entries in database.\n"
-    unless scalar keys %PKGDB;
-# Determine where to send output
-my $out_h;
-if ($opt_o) {
-    open OUTH, ">> $opt_o" or die "Failed to open '$opt_o': $!";
-    $out_h = \*OUTH;
-else {
-    $out_h = \*STDOUT;
-# Print output in depend style
-foreach my $check (@ARGV) {
-    if (exists $PKGDB{$check}) {
-        foreach my $pkgname (sort keys %{ $PKGDB{$check} }) {
-            print $out_h "P $pkgname $PKGDB{$check}{$pkgname}\n";
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        print STDERR "No package db entry for $check\n";
-    }

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkg.db
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkg.db	2013-02-26 11:40:28 UTC (rev 20337)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/pkg.db	2013-02-26 11:40:42 UTC (rev 20338)
@@ -1,790 +0,0 @@
-apps/bugzilla|CSWbugzilla|bugzilla - Bugzilla defect tracking system.
-apps/daimonin|CSWdaimonin|daimonin - FREE online role playing game (MMORPG)
-apps/easytag|CSWeasytag|easytag - Tag editor for MP3, Ogg Vorbis files and more
-apps/firefox|CSWfirefox|firefox - Firefox Community Edition web browser
-apps/firefox|CSWfirefoxdevel|firefoxdevel - Firefox Community Edition web browser
-apps/firefox|CSWfirefoxrt|firefoxrt - Firefox Community Edition web browser
-apps/flphoto|CSWflphoto|flphoto - basic image management and display program based on the FLTK toolkit
-apps/freeciv|CSWfreeciv|freeciv - a free turn-based multiplayer strategy game (gcc3)
-apps/gtkpod|CSWgtkpod|gtkpod - gtk2 application for Apple iPods
-apps/kdesvn|CSWkdesvn|kdesvn - A Subversion client for KDE
-apps/kile|CSWkile|kile - An integrated LaTeX environment
-apps/listadmin|CSWlistadmin|listadmin - Command line utility for processing the moderator queue on Mailman lists
-apps/lyx|CSWlyx|lyx - WYSIWYM document processor
-apps/mantis|CSWmantis|mantis - Mantis is a free popular web-based bugtracking system
-apps/mplayer|CSWmplayer|mplayer - MPlayer is a movie player which runs on many systems
-apps/ncmpc|CSWncmpc|ncmpc - ncurses client for controlling Music Player Daemons (MPD)
-apps/ogle|CSWogle|ogle - opensource DVD player with DVD menu support
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouizu|ooouizu - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouigl|ooouigl - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouies|ooouies - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouiptbr|ooouiptbr - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouienus|ooouienus - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouisl|ooouisl - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWoooui|oooui - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouida|ooouida - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouide|ooouide - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouisv|ooouisv - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooocore|ooocore - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouinb|ooouinb - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouifr|ooouifr - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouinl|ooouinl - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouinn|ooouinn - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouihu|ooouihu - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouica|ooouica - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouiaf|ooouiaf - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooocommon|ooocommon - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouiel|ooouiel - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouics|ooouics - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouiet|ooouiet - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouicy|ooouicy - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouiit|ooouiit - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouisk|ooouisk - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouibg|ooouibg - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouihr|ooouihr - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouiengb|ooouiengb - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouipl|ooouipl - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouilt|ooouilt - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/openoffice|CSWooouipt|ooouipt - An Open Source version of StarOffice.
-apps/phpldapadmin|CSWphpldapadmin|phpldapadmin - Web-based LDAP browser to manage your LDAP server
-apps/rl|CSWrl|rl - rl - Randomize Lines
-apps/trac|CSWtrac|trac - Integrated SCM and Project Management
-apps/tsclient|CSWtsclient|tsclient - a frontend for rdesktop and other remote desktop tool
-apps/websvn|CSWwebsvn|websvn - PHP based web interface of Subversion repositories
-apps/wesnoth|CSWwesnoth|wesnoth - a free turn-based strategy game with a fanasy theme
-cpan/Algorithm-Annotate|CSWpmalgannotate|pm_algorithmannotate - represent a series of changes in annotate form
-cpan/Algorithm-Diff|CSWpmalgdiff|pm_algorithmdiff - compute intelligent differences between two files/lists
-cpan/AnyData|CSWpmanydata|pm_anydata - easy access to data in many formats
-cpan/Apache-AuthPAM|CSWpmapauthpam|pm_apacheauthpam - authenticate apache request using PAM services
-cpan/Apache-DBI|CSWpmapachedbi|pm_apachedbi - initiate a persistent database connection
-cpan/Apache-PAR|CSWpmapachepar|pm_apachepar - PAR extension for mod_perl
-cpan/Apache-Session|CSWpmapachesess|pm_apachesess - a persistence framework for session data
-cpan/Apache-Template|CSWpmapachetmpl|pm_apachetmpl - apache/mod_perl interface to the Template Toolkit
-cpan/Apache-Test|CSWpmapachetst|pm_apachetst - Test.pm wrapper with helpers for testing Apache
-cpan/App-CLI|CSWpmappcli|pm_appcli - Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
-cpan/AppConfig|CSWpmappconfig|pm_appconfig - Perl5 module for configuration files and command line arguments.
-cpan/Archive-Extract|CSWpmarchiveextract|pm_archiveextract - A generic archive extracting mechanism
-cpan/Archive-SelfExtract|CSWpmarchivesfx|pm_archivesfx - bundle compressed archives with Perl code
-cpan/Archive-Tar|CSWpmarchivetar|pm_archivetar - module for manipulations of tar archives
-cpan/Archive-Zip|CSWpmarchivezip|pm_archivezip - provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
-cpan/Array-Compare|CSWpmarraycompare|pm_arraycompare - extension for comparing arrays.
-cpan/Array-Window|CSWpmarraywindow|pm_arraywindow - calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays.
-cpan/Attribute-Handlers|CSWpmattrhnd|pm_attrhnd - simpler definition of attribute handlers
-cpan/Authen-PAM|CSWpmauthenpam|pm_authenpam - interface to PAM library
-cpan/Authen-SASL|CSWpmauthensasl|pm_authensasl - SASL Authentication framework
-cpan/BSD-Resource|CSWpmbsdresource|pm_bsdresource - BSD process resource limit and priority functions
-cpan/Bit-Vector|CSWpmbitvec|pm_bitvector - Efficient bit vector, set of integers and big int math library.
-cpan/C-Scan|CSWpmcscan|pm_cscan - Scan C language files for easily recognized constructs.
-cpan/CGI-Application-Dispatch|CSWpmcgiappdisp|pm_cgiappdisp - Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects
-cpan/CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch|CSWpmcgiapplogdisp|pm_cgiapplogdisp - Add Log::Dispatch support to CGI::Application
-cpan/CGI-Application|CSWpmcgiapp|pm_cgiapp - Framework for building reusable web-applications
-cpan/CGI-Builder|CSWpmcgibuilder|pm_cgibuilder - Framework to build simple or complex web-apps
-cpan/CGI-Session|CSWpmcgisession|pm_cgisession - persistent session data in CGI applications
-cpan/CGI-SpeedyCGI|CSWpmspeedycgi|pm_speedycgi - Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently
-cpan/CGI|CSWpmcgi|pm_cgi - simple common gateway interface class
-cpan/CPANPLUS|CSWpmcpanplus|pm_cpanplus - API and CLI access to the CPAN mirrors
-cpan/Cache-Cache|CSWpmcachecache|pm_cachecache - cache interface
-cpan/Cache-Memcached|CSWpmcachememcached|pm_cachememcached - client library for memcached
-cpan/Cache|CSWpmcache|pm_cache - new cache interface.
-cpan/Calendar-CSA|CSWpmccsa|pm_calendar_csa - Perl extension to interface with CDE Calendar Manager
-cpan/Carp-Clan|CSWpmcarpclan|pm_carpclan - report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" of modules
-cpan/Catalyst|CSWpmcatalyst|pm_catalyst - The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
-cpan/Chart|CSWpmchart|pm_chart - Charting library based on GD.
-cpan/Class-Accessor|CSWpmclsaccessor|pm_clsaccessor - Automated accessor generation
-cpan/Class-Autouse|CSWpmclsautouse|pm_clsautouse - Run-time class loading on first method call
-cpan/Class-BlackHole|CSWpmclassblackhole|pm_classblackhole - base class to treat unhandled method calls as no-ops
-cpan/Class-Container|CSWpmclscontainer|pm_clscontainer - glues object frameworks together transparently
-cpan/Class-DBI-Loader|CSWpmclassdbiloader|pm_classdbiloader - dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes.
-cpan/Class-DBI-Pg|CSWpmclassdbipg|pm_classdbipg - Class::DBI extension for Postgres
-cpan/Class-DBI-SQLite|CSWpmclassdbisqlite|pm_classdbisqlite - extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
-cpan/Class-DBI-mysql|CSWpmclassdbimysql|pm_classdbimysql - extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
-cpan/Class-DBI|CSWpmclassdbi|pm_classdbi - simple database abstraction
-cpan/Class-Data-Inheritable|CSWpmclsdtainherit|pm_clsdtainherit - inheritable, overridable class data
-cpan/Class-ISA|CSWpmclassisa|pm_classisa - report the search path for a class ISA tree
-cpan/Class-Inspector|CSWpmclassinspector|pm_classinspector - provides information about classes
-cpan/Class-Loader|CSWpmclassloader|pm_classloader - load modules and create objects on demand.
-cpan/Class-ReturnValue|CSWpmclassretval|pm_classretval - a return-value object.
-cpan/Class-Trigger|CSWpmclasstrigger|pm_classtrigger - mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
-cpan/Class-WhiteHole|CSWpmclasswhitehole|pm_classwhitehole - base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
-cpan/Clone|CSWpmclone|pm_clone - recursively copy Perl datatypes
-cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib|CSWpmcomprawzlib|pm_comprawzlib - Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
-cpan/Compress-Zlib|CSWpmcompresszlib|pm_compresszlib - Interface to zlib compression library
-cpan/Config-IniFiles|CSWpmcfginifls|pm_configinifiles - a module for reading .ini-style configuration files.
-cpan/Convert-ASCII-Armour|CSWpmconvertaarm|pm_convertasciiarmour - convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages.
-cpan/Convert-ASN1|CSWpmconvertasn1|pm_convertasn1 - ASN.1 Encode/Decode library
-cpan/Convert-BinHex|CSWpmconvertbinhex|pm_convertbinhex - extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
-cpan/Convert-PEM|CSWpmconvertpem|pm_convertpem - read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
-cpan/Convert-TNEF|CSWpmconverttnef|pm_converttnef - Perl module to read TNEF files
-cpan/Crypt-Blowfish|CSWpmcryptblowfish|pm_cryptblowfish - Perl Blowfish encryption module
-cpan/Crypt-CAST5_PP|CSWpmcryptcast5pp|pm_cryptcast5pp - CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
-cpan/Crypt-CBC|CSWpmcryptcbc|pm_cryptcbc - encrypt data with cipher block chaining mode
-cpan/Crypt-DES|CSWpmcryptdes|pm_cryptdes - Perl DES encryption module
-cpan/Crypt-DES_EDE3|CSWpmcryptdesede3|pm_cryptdesede3 - Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
-cpan/Crypt-DH|CSWpmcryptdh|pm_cryptdh - Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
-cpan/Crypt-DSA|CSWpmcryptdsa|pm_cryptdsa - DSA signatures and key generation
-cpan/Crypt-IDEA|CSWpmcryptidea|pm_cryptidea - Perl interface to IDEA block cipher
-cpan/Crypt-OpenPGP|CSWpmcryptopenpgp|pm_cryptopenpgp - pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation
-cpan/Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum|CSWpmcryptosslbignum|pm_cryptosslbignum - Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum - OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
-cpan/Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA|CSWpmcryptossldsa|pm_cryptossldsa - digital signature algorithm using OpenSSL
-cpan/Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS12|CSWpmcryptosslpkcs12|pm_cryptosslpkcs12 - Perl extension to OpenSSL PKCS12 API.
-cpan/Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA|CSWpmcryptosslrsa|pm_cryptosslrsa - RSA encoding and decoding, using the openSSL libraries
-cpan/Crypt-OpenSSL-Random|CSWpmcryptosslrand|pm_cryptosslrand - routines for accessing the OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator
-cpan/Crypt-OpenSSL-X509|CSWpmcryptosslx509|pm_cryptosslx509 - Perl extension to OpenSSL X509 API.
-cpan/Crypt-Primes|CSWpmcryptprimes|pm_cryptprimes - prime number generator suitable for cryptographic applications.
-cpan/Crypt-RIPEMD160|CSWpmcryptripemd160|pm_cryptripemd160 - Perl extension for the RIPEMD-160 Hash function
-cpan/Crypt-RSA|CSWpmcryptrsa|pm_cryptrsa - RSA public-key cryptosystem.
-cpan/Crypt-Random|CSWpmcryptcbc|pm_cryptcbc - cryptographically secure, true random number generator.
-cpan/Crypt-Rijndael|CSWpmcryptrijndael|pm_cryptrijndael - Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module
-cpan/Crypt-SSLeay|CSWpmcryptssleay|pm_cryptssleay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
-cpan/Crypt-Twofish|CSWpmcrypttwofish|pm_crypttwofish - the Twofish encryption algorithm
-cpan/Curses-UI|CSWpmcursesui|pm_cursesui - a curses based OO user interface framework
-cpan/Curses|CSWpmcurses|pm_curses - terminal screen handling and optimization
-cpan/DBD-AnyData|CSWpmdbdanydata|pm_dbdanydata - DBI access to XML, CSV and other formats
-cpan/DBD-CSV|CSWpmdbdcsv|pm_dbdcsv - DBI driver for CSV files
-cpan/DBD-File|CSWpmdbdfile|pm_dbdfile - base class for writing DBI drivers for plain files
-cpan/DBD-Pg|CSWpmdbdpg|pm_dbdpg - PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module
-cpan/DBD-SQLite|CSWpmdbdsqlite|pm_dbdsqlite - self contained RDBMS in a DBI driver
-cpan/DBD-mysql|CSWpmdbdmysql|pm_dbdmysql - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
-cpan/DBD-mysql5|CSWpmdbdmysql5|pm_dbdmysql5 - MySQL 5 DBI Driver.
-cpan/DBI|CSWpmdbi|pm_dbi - database independent interface for Perl
-cpan/DBIx-ContextualFetch|CSWpmdbixctxfetch|pm_dbixctxfetch - add contextual fetches to DBI
-cpan/DBIx-Password|CSWpmdbixpassword|pm_dbixpassword - create a global password file for DB passwords
-cpan/DBIx-SearchBuilder|CSWpmdbixsrchbuilder|pm_dbixsrchbuilder - encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
-cpan/Data-Buffer|CSWpmdatabuffer|pm_databuffer - read/write buffer class
-cpan/Data-Dump|CSWpmdatadump|pm_datadump - pretty printing of data structures
-cpan/Data-Flow|CSWpmdataflow|pm_dataflow - simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
-cpan/Data-Hierarchy|CSWpmdatahier|pm_datahier - handle data in a hierarchical structure
-cpan/Data-ShowTable|CSWpmdatashowtable|pm_datashowtable - routines to display tabular data in several formats.
-cpan/Data-UUID|CSWpmdatauuid|pm_datauuid - extension for generating unique identifiers
-cpan/Date-Calc|CSWpmdatecalc|pm_datecalc - Gregorian calendar date calculations.
-cpan/Date-Simple|CSWpmdatesimple|pm_datesimple - a simple date object
-cpan/DateManip|CSWpmdatemanip|pm_datemanip - Date manipulation routines
-cpan/Devel-Cover|CSWpmdevelcover|pm_develcover - Code coverage metrics for Perl 
-cpan/Devel-Cycle|CSWpmdevelcycle|pm_develcycle - find memory cycles in objects
-cpan/Devel-LeakTrace|CSWpmdevleaktrace|pm_devleaktrace - indicate where leaked variables are coming from
-cpan/Devel-Size|CSWpmdevsize|pm_devsize - extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
-cpan/Devel-StackTrace|CSWpmtempl|pm_template - stack trace and stack trace frame objects
-cpan/Devel-Symdump|CSWpmdevelsymdump|pm_develsymdump - dump symbol names or the symbol table
-cpan/Devel-Trace|CSWpmdeveltrace|pm_develtrace - print out each line before it is executed
-cpan/Digest-BubbleBabble|CSWpmdigestbb|pm_digestbb - Create bubble-babble fingerprints
-cpan/Digest-HMAC|CSWpmdigesthmac|pm_digesthmac - keyed-hashing for message authentication
-cpan/Digest-MD2|CSWpmdigestmd2|pm_digestmd2 - interface to the MD2 Algorithm
-cpan/Digest-Nilsimsa|CSWpmdigestnilsimsa|pm_digestnilsimsa - Perl version of Nilsimsa code
-cpan/Digest-SHA1|CSWpmdigestsha1|pm_digestsha1 - interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
-cpan/Email-Simple|CSWpmemailsimple|pm_emailsimple - simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
-cpan/Email-Valid|CSWpmemailvalid|pm_emailvalid - check validity of Internet email addresses
-cpan/Env-Path|CSWpmenvpath|pm_envpath - advanced operations on path variables
-cpan/Error|CSWpmerror|pm_error - error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
-cpan/Event-Lib|CSWpmeventlib|pm_eventlib - Perl extentions for event-based programming
-cpan/Event|CSWpmevent|pm_event - event loop processing
-cpan/Exception-Class-DBI|CSWpmexceptclsdbi|pm_exceptclsdbi - DBI exception objects
-cpan/Exception-Class|CSWpmexceptcls|pm_exceptcls - declare real exception classes in Perl
-cpan/ExtUtils-AutoInstall|CSWpmextutautoinst|pm_extutautoinst - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
-cpan/ExtUtils-CBuilder|CSWpmextutcbuilder|pm_extutcbuilder - compile and link C code for Perl modules
-cpan/ExtUtils-Depends|CSWpmextutilsdepends|pm_extutilsdepends - easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
-cpan/ExtUtils-F77|CSWpmextutilsf77|pm_extutilsf77 - simple interface to F77 libs
-cpan/ExtUtils-Manifest|CSWpmextutilsmft|pm_extutilsmft - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
-cpan/ExtUtils-ParseXS|CSWpmextutparsexs|pm_extutparsexs - converts Perl XS code into C code
-cpan/ExtUtils-PkgConfig|CSWpmextutpkgconf|pm_extutpkgconf - simplistic interface to pkg-config
-cpan/ExtUtils-XSBuilder|CSWpmextutxsbld|pm_extutxsbld - parse C header files and create XS glue code
-cpan/FCGI|CSWpmfcgi|pm_fcgi - fast CGI module
-cpan/File-Fetch|CSWpmfilefetch|pm_filefetch - A generic file fetching mechanism
-cpan/File-HomeDir|CSWpmfilehomedir|pm_filehomedir - Get the home directory for yourself or other users
-cpan/File-MMagic|CSWpmfilemmagic|pm_filemmagic - Guess file type
-cpan/File-Modified|CSWpmfilemodified|pm_filemodified - checks intelligently if files have changed
-cpan/File-NFSLock|CSWpmfilenfslock|pm_filenfslock - Perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
-cpan/File-Remove|CSWpmfilerm|pm_filerm - remove files and directories
-cpan/File-Tail|CSWpmfiletail|pm_filetail - Perl extension for reading from continously updated files
-cpan/File-Type|CSWpmfiletype|pm_filetype - determine file type using magic
-cpan/File-chdir|CSWpmfilechdir|pm_filechdir - a more sensible way to change directories
-cpan/Font-AFM|CSWpmfontafm|pm_fontafm - interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
-cpan/FreezeThaw|CSWpmfreezethaw|pm_freezethaw - converting Perl structures to strings and back.
-cpan/Frontier-RPC|CSWpmfrontierrpc|pm_frontierrpc - XML-RPC client interface
-cpan/GD-Barcode|CSWpmgdbarcode|pm_gdbarcode - create barcode images with GD
-cpan/GD|CSWpmgd|pm_gd - interface to Gd Graphics Library
-cpan/GDGraph|CSWpmgdgraph|pm_gdgraph - graph plotting module
-cpan/GDGraph3d|CSWpmgdgraph3d|pm_gdgraph3d - create 3D graphs with GD and GD::Graph
-cpan/GDTextUtil|CSWpmgdtextut|pm_gdtextut - text utilities for use with GD
-cpan/Geography-Countries|CSWpmgeocountries|pm_geocountries - 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries.
-cpan/Gimp|CSWpmgimp|pm_gimp - Perl extension for writing Gimp extensions
-cpan/Glib|CSWpmglib|pm_glib - wrappers for the GLib utility and Object libraries
-cpan/Gnome2-Canvas|CSWpmgnome2canvas|pm_gnome2canvas - interface to the Gnome Canvas
-cpan/Gnome2-GConf|CSWpmgnome2gconf|pm_gnome2gconf - wrappers for the GConf configuration engine.
-cpan/Gnome2-Print|CSWpmgnome2print|pm_gnome2print - wrappers for the Gnome Print utilities.
-cpan/Gnome2-VFS|CSWpmgnome2vfs|pm_gnome2vfs - interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library
-cpan/Gnome2-Wnck|CSWpmgnome2wnck|pm_gnome2wnck - interface to the Window Navigator Construction Kit
-cpan/Gnome2|CSWpmgnome2|pm_gnome2 - interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME libraries
-cpan/Graph|CSWpmgraph|pm_graph - graph operations
-cpan/GraphViz|CSWpmgraphviz|pm_graphviz - interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
-cpan/Gtk2-GladeXML|CSWpmgtk2gladexml|pm_gtk2gladexml - wrappers for the Gtk2::GladeXML utilities.
-cpan/Gtk2-PodViewer|CSWpmgtk2podviewer|pm_gtk2podviewer - a Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD).
-cpan/Gtk2-TrayIcon|CSWpmgtk2trayicon|pm_gtk2trayicon - interface to the EggTrayIcon library
-cpan/Gtk2|CSWpmgtk2|pm_gtk2 -  interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library
-cpan/HTML-CalendarMonth|CSWpmhtmlcalmonth|pm_htmlcalmonth - extension for generating and manipulating HTML calendar
-cpan/HTML-Element-Extended|CSWpmhtmlelemext|pm_htmlelemext - manipulate a table composed of HTML::Element style components.
-cpan/HTML-Format|CSWpmhtmlfmt|pm_htmlfmt - format HTML as plaintext
-cpan/HTML-Mason|CSWpmhtmlmason|pm_htmlmason - high-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
-cpan/HTML-Parser|CSWpmhtmlparser|pm_htmlparser - HTML parser class
-cpan/HTML-Scrubber|CSWpmhtmlscrubber|pm_htmlscrubber - extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
-cpan/HTML-Tagset|CSWpmhtmltagset|pm_htmltagset - data tables useful in parsing HTML
-cpan/HTML-Template|CSWpmhtmltmpl|pm_htmltemplate - Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
-cpan/HTML-TokeParser|CSWpmhtmktokeparser|pm_htmktokeparser - HTML::TokeParser - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
-cpan/HTML-Tree|CSWpmhtmltree|pm_htmltree - modules for making parse trees from HTML source.
-cpan/HTTP-Body|CSWpmhttpbody|pm_httpbody - HTTP Body Parser
-cpan/HTTP-DAV|CSWpmhttpdav|pm_httpdav - A WebDAV client library for Perl5
-cpan/Heap|CSWpmheap|pm_heap - extensions for keeping data partially sorted
-cpan/I18N-LangTags|CSWpmi18nlangtags|pm_i18nlangtags - functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
-cpan/IO-Compress-Base|CSWpmiocompbase|pm_iocompbase - Base Class for IO::Compress modules
-cpan/IO-Compress-Zlib|CSWpmiocompzlib|pm_iocompzlib - Read and write gzip and zip files/buffers.
-cpan/IO-Digest|CSWpmiodigest|pm_iodigest - calculate digests while reading or writing
-cpan/IO-Pager|CSWpmiopager|pm_iopager - Select a pager, optionally pipe it output if destination is a TTY
-cpan/IO-Socket-SSL|CSWpmiosocketssl|pm_iosocketssl - nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET.
-cpan/IO-String|CSWpmiostring|pm_iostring - emulate file interface for in-core strings
-cpan/IO-Tty|CSWpmiotty|pm_iotty - pseudo TTY object class
-cpan/IO-Util|CSWpmioutil|pm_ioutil - A selection of general-utility IO functions
-cpan/IO-Zlib|CSWpmiozlib|pm_iozlib - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
-cpan/IO-stringy|CSWpmiostringy|pm_iostringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
-cpan/IP-Country|CSWpmipcountry|pm_ipcountry - fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
-cpan/IPC-Cmd|CSWpmipccmd|pm_ipccmd - Finding and running system commands made easy
-cpan/IPC-Run|CSWpmipcrun|pm_ipcrun - system and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys (Unix, Win32)
-cpan/IPC-Run3|CSWpmipcrun3|pm_ipcrun3 - run a subprocess in batch mode
-cpan/IPC-ShareLite|CSWpmipcsharelite|pm_ipcsharelite - light-weight interface to shared memory
-cpan/Ima-DBI|CSWpmimadbi|pm_imadbi - database connection caching and organization
-cpan/Image-Info|CSWpmimageinfo|pm_imageinfo - extract meta information from image files
-cpan/Image-Size|CSWpmimagesize|pm_imagesize - read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats
-cpan/Inline|CSWpminline|pm_inline - write Perl subroutines in other programming languages.
-cpan/Jcode|CSWpmjcode|pm_jcode - japanese charset handler
-cpan/List-MoreUtils|CSWpmlistmoreut|pm_listmoreut - Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
-cpan/Locale-Gettext|CSWpmlocalegettext|pm_localegettext - Message handling functions
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy|CSWpmlclemktxtfuz|pm_lclemktxtfuz - maketext from already interpolated strings
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Lexicon|CSWpmlclemktxtlex|pm_lclemktxtlex - use other catalog formats in Maketext
-cpan/Locale-Maketext-Simple|CSWpmlclemktxtsimple|pm_lclemktxtsimple - simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
-cpan/Log-Dispatch|CSWpmlogdispatch|pm_logdispatch - dispatches messages to one or more outputs
-cpan/Log-Log4perl|CSWpmlog4perl|pm_log4perl - Log4j implementation for Perl
-cpan/Log-Message-Simple|CSWpmlogmsgsimple|pm_logmsgsimple - Standardized logging facilities using the Log::Message module.
-cpan/Log-Message|CSWpmlogmessage|pm_logmessage - Generic message storage mechanism.
-cpan/MIME-Lite|CSWpmmimelite|pm_mimelite - low-calorie MIME generator
-cpan/MIME-Types|CSWpmmimetypes|pm_mimetypes - definition of MIME types
-cpan/MIME-tools|CSWpmmimetools|pm_mimetools - modules for parsing and creating MIME entities
-cpan/MLDBM-Sync|CSWpmmldbmsync|pm_mldbmsync - safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
-cpan/MLDBM|CSWpmmldbm|pm_mldbm - store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash
-cpan/Mail-Box-Parser-C|CSWpmmailboxpc|pm_mailboxpc - parsing folders for MailBox with C routines
-cpan/Mail-Box|CSWpmmailbox|pm_mailbox - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages
-cpan/Mail-DKIM|CSWpmmaildkim|pm_maildkim - Mail::DKIM
-cpan/Mail-IMAPClient|CSWpmmailimapclient|pm_mailimapclient - IMAP Client API
-cpan/Mail-SPF-Query|CSWpmmailspfqry|pm_mailspfqry - query sender policy framework
-cpan/Mail-Sendmail|CSWpmmailsendmail|pm_mailsendmail - simple platform independent mailer
-cpan/MailTools|CSWpmmailtools|pm_mailtools - various mail manipulation modules
-cpan/Math-Bezier|CSWpmmathbezier|pm_mathbezier - solution of Bezier curves
-cpan/Math-GMP|CSWpmmathgmp|pm_mathgmp - high speed arbitrary size integer math
-cpan/Math-Interpolate|CSWpmmathinterpolate|pm_mathinterpolate - Useful routines for interpolating data sets
-cpan/Math-Pari|CSWpmmathpari|pm_mathpari - interface to PARI numerical analysis library
-cpan/Module-Build|CSWpmmodulebuild|pm_modulebuild - build and install Perl modules
-cpan/Module-CoreList|CSWpmmodcorelist|pm_modcorelist - What modules shipped with versions of Perl
-cpan/Module-Load-Conditional|CSWpmmodloadcond|pm_modloadcond - Query module information and load at runtime
-cpan/Module-Load|CSWpmmodload|pm_modload - Runtime require of both modules and files
-cpan/Module-Loaded|CSWpmmodloaded|pm_modloaded - Mark modules as loaded or unloaded
-cpan/Module-Pluggable|CSWpmmoduleplug|pm_moduleplug - automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
-cpan/Module-ScanDeps|CSWpmmodulescandeps|pm_modulescandeps - recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
-cpan/Module-Signature|CSWpmmodulesignature|pm_modulesignature - module signature file manipulation
-cpan/Module-Versions-Report|CSWpmmodversrpt|pm_modversrpt - report versions of all modules in memory
-cpan/Net-CIDR-Lite|CSWpmnetcidrlite|pm_netcidrlite - extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
-cpan/Net-DNS|CSWpmnetdns|pm_netdns - interface to the DNS resolver
-cpan/Net-Patricia|CSWpmnetpatricia|pm_netpatricia - Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
-cpan/Net-SSH-Perl|CSWpmnetsshperl|pm_netsshperl - client Interface to SSH
-cpan/Net-SSLeay|CSWpmnetssleay|pm_netssleay - extension for using OpenSSL
-cpan/OOTools|CSWpmootools|pm_ootools - Easily create constructors and lvalue accessors
-cpan/Object-Accessor|CSWpmobjaccessor|pm_objaccessor - An interface to create per object accessors
-cpan/Object-MultiType|CSWpmobjmultitype|pm_objmultitype - objects as hash, array, scalar, code and glob at same time.
-cpan/Object-Realize-Later|CSWpmobjrelater|pm_objrelater - delayed creation of objects
-cpan/PAR-Dist|CSWpmpardist|pm_pardist - create and manipulate PAR distributions
-cpan/PAR|CSWpmpar|pm_par - Perl ARchive toolkit
-cpan/PDF-API2|CSWpmpdfapi2|pm_pdfapi2 - create and modify PDF files
-cpan/PDL|CSWpmpdl|pm_pdl - The Perl Data Language
-cpan/POE|CSWpmpoe|pm_poe - portable multitasking and networking framework for Perl
-cpan/Package-Constants|CSWpmpkgconst|pm_pkgconst - List all constants declared in a package
-cpan/Params-Check|CSWpmprmscheck|pm_prmscheck - A generic input parsing/checking mechanism.
-cpan/Params-Validate|CSWpmprmsvldt|pm_prmsvldt - validate method/function parameters
-cpan/Parse-RecDescent|CSWpmparserecdescent|pm_parserecdescent - %var bitname pm_parserecdescent
-cpan/Parse-Syslog|CSWpmparsesyslog|pm_parsesyslog - parse Unix syslog files
-cpan/PatchReader|CSWpmpatchreader|pm_patchreader - Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
-cpan/Path-Class|CSWpmpathclass|pm_pathclass - Cross-platform path specification manipulation
-cpan/Perl-Tidy|CSWperltidy|perltidy - Indent and reformat Perl scripts.
-cpan/PerlIO-eol|CSWpmperlioeol|pm_perlioeol - PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
-cpan/PerlIO-via-dynamic|CSWpmperlioviadyn|pm_perlioviadyn - dynamic PerlIO layers
-cpan/PerlIO-via-symlink|CSWpmperlioviasym|pm_perlioviasym - PerlIO layers for creating symlinks
-cpan/Pod-Coverage|CSWpmpodcov|pm_podcoverage - checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
-cpan/Pod-Escapes|CSWpmpodescapes|pm_podescapes - %var bitname pm_podescapes
-cpan/Pod-POM|CSWpmpodpom|pm_podpom - POD Object Model
-cpan/Pod-Simple|CSWpmpodsimple|pm_podsimple - framework for parsing Pod
-cpan/PodToHTML|CSWpmpodtohtml|pm_podtohtml - Convert POD to trees of HTML::Element
-cpan/Proc-ProcessTable|CSWpmproctbl|pm_procprocesstbl - Perl interface to the unix process table
-cpan/RPC-XML|CSWpmrpcxml|pm_rpcxml - A set of classes for core data, message and XML handling
-cpan/Regexp-Common|CSWpmregexpcom|pm_regexpcom - provide commonly requested regular expressions
-cpan/Regexp-Shellish|CSWpmregexpshellish|pm_regexpshellish - shell-like regular expressions
-cpan/SDF|CSWpmsdf|pm_sdf - Simple Document Format
-cpan/SOAP-Lite|CSWpmsoaplite|pm_soaplite - client and server side SOAP implementation
-cpan/SOAP-WSDL|CSWpmsoapwsdl|pm_soapwsdl - Web Service Descriptor Language support for SOAP::Lite
-cpan/SQL-Statement|CSWpmsqlstatement|pm_sqlstatement - SQL parsing and processing engine
-cpan/SVK|CSWsvk|svk - a distributed version control system
-cpan/SVN-Mirror|CSWpmsvnmirror|pm_svnmirror - mirror remote repository to local Subversion repository
-cpan/SVN-Notify|CSWpmsvnnotify|pm_svnnotify - Subversion activity notification
-cpan/SVN-Simple|CSWpmsvnsimple|pm_svnsimple - a simple interface for driving svn delta editors
-cpan/Scalar-List-Utils|CSWpmscalarlist|pm_scalarlistutils - a selection of general-utility list and scalar subroutines.
-cpan/Schedule-Cron|CSWpmschedulecron|pm_schedulecron - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
-cpan/Solaris-DeviceTree|CSWpmsoldevtree|pm_soldevtree - access to Solaris device information.
-cpan/Solaris-Sysconf|CSWpmsolarissysconf|pm_solarissysconf - get configurable system variables
-cpan/Sort-Versions|CSWpmsortver|pm_sortversions - a module for sorting of revision-like numbers.
-cpan/Spiffy|CSWpmspiffy|pm_spiffy - Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
-cpan/Statistics-Descriptive|CSWpmstatsdesc|pm_statsdesc - %var bitname pm_statsdesc
-cpan/String-CRC32|CSWpmstringcrc32|pm_stringcrc32 - interface for cyclic redundency check generation
-cpan/String-ShellQuote|CSWpmstringshellquote|pm_stringshellquote - quote strings for passing through the shell
-cpan/Sub-Override|CSWpmsuboverride|pm_suboverride - Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
-cpan/Sub-Uplevel|CSWpmsubuplevel|pm_subuplevel - apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
-cpan/Sys-Hostname-Long|CSWpmsyshostnamelong|pm_syshostnamelong - try every conceivable way to get full hostname
-cpan/Syslog|CSWpmunixsyslog|pm_unixsyslog - interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
-cpan/Template-Extract|CSWpmtmplextract|pm_tmplextract - use TT2 syntax to extract data from documents
-cpan/Template-TAL|CSWpmtemplatetal|pm_templatetal - Process TAL templates with Perl
-cpan/Template-Toolkit|CSWpmtt2|pm_tt2 - Template Toolkit 2
-cpan/Template-Toolkit|CSWpmtt2-common|pm_tt2common - Template Toolkit 2 (common)
-cpan/Term-Cap|CSWpmtermcap|pm_termcap - termcap interface
-cpan/Term-ReadLine-Gnu|CSWpmtermreadlinegnu|pm_termreadlinegnu - extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
-cpan/Term-UI|CSWpmtermui|pm_termui - Term::ReadLine UI made easy
-cpan/TermReadKey|CSWpmtermreadkey|pm_termreadkey - module for simple terminal control
-cpan/Test-Builder-Tester|CSWpmtstbldrtester|pm_tstbldrtester - test testsuites built with Test::Builder
-cpan/Test-Class|CSWpmtestclass|pm_testclass - easily create test classes in an xUnit style.
-cpan/Test-Differences|CSWpmtestdiff|pm_testdiff - test strings and data structures and show differences
-cpan/Test-Exception|CSWpmtestexceptions|pm_testexceptions - test functions for exception based code
-cpan/Test-Inline|CSWpmtestinline|pm_testinline - inlining your tests next to the code being tested.
-cpan/Test-LongString|CSWpmtestlongstr|pm_testlongstr - Tests strings for equality
-cpan/Test-Manifest|CSWpmtstmanif|pm_tstmanif - interact with a t/test_manifest file
-cpan/Test-Memory-Cycle|CSWpmtestmemcycle|pm_testmemcycle - check for memory leaks and circular memory references
-cpan/Test-MockObject|CSWpmtstmockobject|pm_tstmockobject - extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
-cpan/Test-Pod|CSWpmtestpod|pm_testpod - check for POD errors in files
-cpan/Test-Warn|CSWpmtestwarn|pm_testwarn - extension to test methods for warnings
-cpan/Test-XML|CSWpmtestxml|pm_testxml - Compare XML in perl tests
-cpan/Text-Autoformat|CSWpmtxtautofmt|pm_txtautofmt - automatic text wrapping and reformatting
-cpan/Text-CSV_XS|CSWpmtextcsvxs|pm_textcsvxs - comma-separated values manipulation routines
-cpan/Text-Diff|CSWpmtextdiff|pm_textdiff - perform diffs on files and record sets
-cpan/Text-Quoted|CSWpmtxtquoted|pm_txtquoted - extract the structure of a quoted mail message
-cpan/Text-Reform|CSWpmtxtreform|pm_txtreform - manual text wrapping and reformatting
-cpan/Text-Scraper|CSWpmtextscraper|pm_textscraper - Structured data from (un)structured text
-cpan/Text-Tabs+Wrap|CSWpmtxtabwrap|pm_txtabwrap - Text wrapping and tab expansion.
-cpan/Text-Template|CSWpmtexttemplate|pm_texttemplate - expand template text with embedded Perl
-cpan/Text-Wrapper|CSWpmtextwrap|pm_textwrap - simple word wrapping routine
-cpan/Tie-DBI|CSWpmtiedbi|pm_tiedbi - tie hashes to DBI relational databases
-cpan/Tie-EncryptedHash|CSWpmtiecrypthash|pm_tiecrypthash - hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields.
-cpan/Tie-IxHash|CSWpmtieixhash|pm_tieixhash - ordered associative arrays for Perl
-cpan/Tie-MLDBM|CSWpmtiemldbm|pm_tiemldbm - multi-level storage and locking class
-cpan/Time-HiRes|CSWpmtimehires|pm_timehires - high resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
-cpan/Time-modules|CSWpmtimemodules|pm_timemodules - various time manipulation modules
-cpan/TimeDate|CSWpmtimedate|pm_timedate - parse date strings into time values
-cpan/Tk|CSWpmtk|pm_tk - write Tk applications in Perl.
-cpan/Tree-DAG_Node|CSWpmtreedagnode|pm_treedagnode - (super)class for representing nodes in a tree
-cpan/Tree-Simple|CSWpmtreesimple|pm_treesimple - a simple tree object
-cpan/UNIVERSAL-moniker|CSWpmunivmoniker|pm_univmoniker - add a moniker method to UNIVERSAL
-cpan/UNIVERSAL-require|CSWpmunivrequire|pm_univrequire - require modules from a variable
-cpan/URI|CSWpmuri|pm_uri -  Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
-cpan/Unicode-Map|CSWpmunimap|pm_unicodemap - maps charsets from and to utf16 unicode
-cpan/Unicode-Map8|CSWpmunimap8|pm_unicodemap8 - mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
-cpan/Unicode-MapUTF8|CSWpmumutf8|pm_unicodemaputf8 - conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
-cpan/Unicode-String|CSWpmunistr|pm_unicodestring - String of Unicode characters (UCS2/UTF16)
-cpan/Unix-Syslog|CSWpmunixsyslog|pm_unixsyslog - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
-cpan/User-Identity|CSWpmuserident|pm_userident - maintains info about a physical person
-cpan/VCP-Dest-svk|CSWpmvcpdstsvk|pm_vcpdstsvk - svk destination driver
-cpan/VCP|CSWpmvcp|pm_vcp - svk destination driver
-cpan/WWW-Mechanize|CSWpmwwwmechanize|pm_wwwmechanize - Handy web browsing in a Perl object
-cpan/Want|CSWpmwant|pm_want - a generalisation of wantarray
-cpan/X11-Protocol|CSWpmx11protocol|pm_x11protocol - Perl module for the X Window System Protocol, version 11
-cpan/XML-Atom|CSWpmxmlatom|pm_xmlatom - Atom feed and API implementation
-cpan/XML-AutoWriter|CSWpmxmlautowriter|pm_xmlautowriter - DOCTYPE driven XML output
-cpan/XML-DOM|CSWpmxmldom|pm_xmldom - module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
-cpan/XML-Encoding|CSWpmxmlencoding|pm_xmlencoding - module for parsing XML encoding maps.
-cpan/XML-GDOME-XSLT|CSWpmxmlgdomexslt|pm_xmlgdomexslt - interface to the gnome libxslt library
-cpan/XML-GDOME|CSWpmxmlgdome|pm_xmlgdome - interface to Level 2 DOM gdome2 library
-cpan/XML-LibXML-Common|CSWpmxmllibxmlcom|pm_xmllibxmlcom - routines and constants common for XML::LibXML and XML::GDOME
-cpan/XML-LibXML|CSWpmxmllibxml|pm_xmllibxml - binding for libxml2
-cpan/XML-LibXSLT|CSWpmxmllibxslt|pm_xmllibxslt - interface to the gnome libxslt library
-cpan/XML-NamespaceSupport|CSWpmxmlnssupp|pm_xmlnssupp - a simple generic namespace support class
-cpan/XML-Parser|CSWpmxmlparser|pm_xmlparser - a module for parsing XML documents
-cpan/XML-RSS|CSWpmxmlrss|pm_xmlrss - creates and updates RSS files
-cpan/XML-RegExp|CSWpmxmlregexp|pm_xmlregexp - regular expressions for XML tokens
-cpan/XML-SAX|CSWpmxmlsax|pm_xmlsax - Simple API for XML
-cpan/XML-SemanticDiff|CSWpmxmlsemdiff|pm_xmlsemdiff - extension for comparing XML documents.
-cpan/XML-Simple|CSWpmxmlsimple|pm_xmlsimple - easy API for maintaining XML
-cpan/XML-Smart|CSWpmxmlsmart|pm_xmlsmart - a smart, easy and powerful way to access/create XML files/data.
-cpan/XML-Twig|CSWpmxmltwig|pm_xmltwig - a module for processing huge XML documents in tree mode.
-cpan/XML-XPath|CSWpmxmlxpath|pm_xmlxpath - a set of modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements
-cpan/YAML-Syck|CSWpmyamlsyck|pm_yamlsyck - Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
-cpan/YAML|CSWpmyaml|pm_yaml - YAML Aint Markup Language
-cpan/libapreq2|CSWpmapreq2|pm_apreq2 - libapreq2 Perl language bindings
-cpan/libapreq2|CSWap2modapreq2|ap2_modapreq2 - libapreq2 filter module for Apache 2
-cpan/libapreq2|CSWlibapreq2-devel|libapreq2_devel - Apache Request Library development support
-cpan/libapreq2|CSWlibapreq2|libapreq2 - Apache Request Library
-cpan/libwww-perl|CSWpmlibwww|pm_libwww - a general-purpose Web API for Perl, based on W3C libwww.
-cpan/libxml-perl|CSWpmlibxmlperl|pm_libxmlperl - Perl SAX parser using XML::Parser
-cpan/mod_perl|CSWmodperl|mod_perl - Persistent Perl interpreter for Apache 1.3.x
-cpan/mod_perl2|CSWap2modperl|ap2_modperl - Persistent Perl interpreter for Apache 2.x
-cpan/perl-ldap|CSWpmldap|pm_ldap - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
-cpan/pmtools|CSWpmtools|pmtools - Tools for managing installed Perl modules.
-cpan/psh|CSWpsh|psh - simple interactive Perl shell
-cpan/sol-inst|CSWpmsolinst|pm_solinst - access basic Solaris installation information
-cpan/version|CSWpmversion|pm_version - Perl extension for Version Objects
-devel/autoconf|CSWautoconf|autoconf - GNU auto-configuration tool
-devel/automake-1.4|CSWautomake14|automake14 - GNU automake
-devel/automake-1.6|CSWautomake16|automake16 - GNU automake
-devel/automake-1.7|CSWautomake17|automake17 - automake
-devel/bash|CSWbash|bash - A sh-compatible command language interpreter
-devel/bison|CSWbison|bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
-devel/cmake|CSWcmake|cmake - Cross-platform make
-devel/flex-2.5.4a|CSWflex|flex - older version of the 'flex' parser generator
-devel/flex|CSWflex-new|flex_new - A tool for generating text-scanning programs.
-devel/ksh|CSWksh|ksh - The KornShell Command and Programming Language
-devel/m4|CSWgm4|gm4 - Standard Unix macro processor with extensions
-devel/opengrok|CSWopengrok|opengrok - A wicked fast source browser
-devel/rake|CSWrake|rake - Simple ruby build program similar to make
-devel/swig|CSWswig|swig - A scripting interface generator for C/C++ code.
-gnome/gftp|CSWgftp|gftp - A multithreaded ftp app for X.
-gnome/ogle_gui|CSWoglegui|oglegui - gtk user interface for Ogle DVD player 
-gnome/xchat|CSWxchat-tcl|xchat_tcl - xchat tcl plugin
-gnome/xchat|CSWxchat|xchat - xchat tcl plugin
-gnome/xchat|CSWxchat-py|xchat_py - xchat python plugin
-gnome/xchat|CSWxchat-pl|xchat_pl - xchat perl plugin
-kde/amarok|CSWamarok|amarok - Amarok is the music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface
-kde/arts|CSWartsgcc|arts_gcc - Analog RealTime Synthesizer for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kde|CSWkdegcc|kde_gcc - The K Desktop Environment (KDE) (gcc3)
-kde/kde|CSWkdegccdtlogin|kde_gcc_dtlogin - The K Desktop Environment (KDE) (gcc3)
-kde/kdeaccessibility|CSWkdeaccessgcc|kdeaccessibility_gcc - Accessibility apps for KDE environment (gcc3)
-kde/kdeaddons|CSWkdeaddonsgcc|kdeaddons_gcc - Additional plugins/scripts for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdeadmin|CSWkdeadmingcc|kdeadmin_gcc - Administration utilities for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdeartwork|CSWkdeartworkgcc|kdeartwork_gcc - Additional artwork for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdebase|CSWkdebasegcc|kdebase_gcc - Basic applications for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdebindings|CSWkdebindingsgcc|kdebindings_gcc - Key bindings for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdeedu|CSWkdeedugcc|kdeedu_gcc - Collection of educational apps for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdegames|CSWkdegamesgcc|kdegames_gcc - Games for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdegraphics|CSWkdegraphicsgcc|kdegraphics_gcc - Graphic utilities for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdelibs|CSWkdegraphicsgcc|kdelibs_gcc - Base set of libraries needed by KDE programs (gcc3)
-kde/kdemultimedia|CSWkdemultimediagcc|kdemultimedia_gcc - Multimedia apps for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdenetwork|CSWkdenetwork|kdenetwork_gcc - Networking apps for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdepim|CSWkdepimgcc|kdepim_gcc - Personal Information Management apps for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdesdk|CSWkdesdkgcc|kdesdk_gcc - Software Development Kit for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdetoys|CSWkdetoysgcc|kdetoys_gcc - Fun apps for KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdeutils|CSWkdeutilsgcc|kdeutils_gcc - Utilities for the KDE (gcc3)
-kde/kdevelop|CSWkdevelopgcc|kdevelop_gcc - KDE Integrated Development Environment (gcc3)
-kde/koffice|CSWkofficegcc|koffice_gcc - KDE Web Development Environment (gcc3)
-kde/koffice|CSWkofficeaddons|koffice_addons - KDE Web Development Environment (gcc3)
-kde/quanta|CSWquantagcc|quanta_gcc - The KDE Web Development Tool (gcc3)
-lang/gforth|CSWgforth|gforth - gforth - a fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language
-lang/lua|CSWlua|lua - light-weight language designed for extending applications
-lang/mono|CSWmono|mono - Mono Runtime
-lang/mysql-python|CSWpymysql|pymysql - MySQL support for Python
-lang/mysql-ruby|CSWrbmysql|rbmysql - Ruby MySQL Extension
-lang/perl-5.10|CSWperl|perl - A high-level, general-purpose programming language.
-lang/perl-5.10|CSWperldoc|perldoc - Perl documentation
-lang/perl|CSWperl|perl - A high-level, general-purpose programming language.
-lang/perl|CSWperldoc|perldoc - Perl documentation
-lang/php5-apache|CSWmodphp5|mod_php5 - PHP 5 - Apache 1.3.x Module
-lang/php5-apache2|CSWap2modphp5|ap2_modphp5 - PHP 5 - Apache 2.2.x Module
-lang/php5|CSWphp5mysql|php5_mysql - PHP 5 - MySQL Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5xsl|php5_xsl - PHP 5 - XSL Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5pdoodbc|php5_pdoodbc - PHP 5 - unixODBC PDO Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5pdopgsql|php5_pdopgsql - PHP 5 - PostgreSQL PDO Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5pspell|php5_pspell - PHP 5 - pspell Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5devel|php5_devel - PHP Hypertext Processor 5 (devel)
-lang/php5|CSWphp5curl|php5_curl - PHP 5 - cURL Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5pdomysql|php5_pdomysql - PHP 5 - MySQL PDO Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5mysqli|php5_mysqli - PHP 5 - MySQLi Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5readline|php5_readline - PHP 5 - GNU readline Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5gmp|php5_gmp - PHP 5 - GnuMP Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5dba|php5_dba - PHP 5 - DBA Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5gd|php5_gd - PHP 5 - GD Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5mssql|php5_mssql - PHP 5 - MSSQL Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5odbc|php5_odbc - PHP 5 - unixODBC Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5snmp|php5_snmp - PHP 5 - NetSNMP Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5mcrypt|php5_mcrypt - PHP 5 - libmcrypt Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5|php5 - PHP Hypertext Processor 5
-lang/php5|CSWphp5ldap|php5_ldap - PHP 5 - OpenLDAP Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5ftp|php5_ftp - PHP 5 - File Transfer Protocol Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5bz2|php5_bz2 - PHP 5 - bzip2 Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5wddx|php5_wddx - PHP 5 - WDDX Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5gettext|php5_gettext - PHP 5 - GNU gettext Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5pgsql|php5_pgsql - PHP 5 - PostgreSQL Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5imap|php5_imap - PHP 5 - UW IMAP Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5mhash|php5_mhash - PHP 5 - libmhash Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5sqlite|php5_sqlite - PHP 5 - SQLite Extension
-lang/php5|CSWphp5pdosqlite|php5_pdosqlite - PHP 5 - SQLite PDO Extension
-lang/pydocutils|CSWpydocutils|pydocutils - Documentation Utiltiies for Python
-lang/pysetuptools|CSWpysetuptools|pysetuptools - Distribution Utiltiies for Python
-lang/pysqlite|CSWpysqlite|pysqlite - SQLite support for Python
-lang/pysqlite2|CSWpysqlite2|pysqlite2 - SQLite3 support for Python
-lang/python25|CSWidle|idle - Python IDE
-lang/python25|CSWpython-tk|python_tk - Python Tk Interface (TkInter)
-lang/python25|CSWpython|python - Python Tk Interface (TkInter)
-lang/ruby|CSWrubydoc|rubydoc - Ruby documentation
-lang/ruby|CSWrubytk|rubytk - Ruby Tcl/Tk Extension
-lang/ruby|CSWruby|ruby - Ruby Tcl/Tk Extension
-lang/rubygems|CSWrubygems|rubygems - Ruby package manager
-lang/silvercity|CSWsilvercity|silvercity - Lexical analysis package for Python
-lib/ImageMagick|CSWimagick|imagemagick - A comprehensive package supporting automated and interative manipulation of images
-lib/a52dec|CSWliba52|a52dec - a free ATSC A/52 stream decoder
-lib/apr-util|CSWaprutil-devel|aprutil_devel - Apache Portable Runtime Utility development support
-lib/apr-util|CSWaprutil|aprutil - Apache Portable Runtime Utility development support
-lib/apr|CSWapr|apr - Apache Portable Runtime
-lib/apr|CSWapr-devel|apr_devel - Apache Portable Runtime
-lib/bdb4|CSWbdb4|berkeleydb4 - Provides embedded database support for applications
-lib/bdb43|CSWbdb43-devel|berkeleydb43_devel - BerkeleyDB 4.3 development support
-lib/bdb43|CSWbdb43|berkeleydb43 - BerkeleyDB 4.3 development support
-lib/bdb43|CSWbdb43-doc|berkeleydb43_doc - BerkeleyDB 4.3 documentation
-lib/bdb44|CSWbdb44-doc|berkeleydb44_doc - BerkeleyDB 4.4 documentation
-lib/bdb44|CSWbdb44-devel|berkeleydb44_devel - BerkeleyDB 4.4 development support
-lib/bdb44|CSWbdb44|berkeleydb44 - BerkeleyDB 4.4 development support
-lib/bdb46|CSWbdb46-doc|berkeleydb46_doc - BerkeleyDB 4.6 documentation
-lib/bdb46|CSWbdb46-devel|berkeleydb46_devel - BerkeleyDB 4.6 development support
-lib/bdb46|CSWbdb46|berkeleydb46 - BerkeleyDB 4.6 development support
-lib/boost|CSWboost|boost - A collection of C++ libraries
-lib/dbus-glib|CSWdbusglibdev|dbus_glibdev - %var desc DBus GLib Bindings Headers
-lib/dbus-glib|CSWdbusglib|dbus_glib - %var desc DBus GLib Bindings Headers
-lib/dbus|CSWlibdbusdev|libdbusdev - DBus Message Bus System - development headers
-lib/dbus|CSWlibdbus|libdbus - DBus Message Bus System - dynamic libraries
-lib/dbus|CSWdbus|dbus - DBus Message Bus System - dynamic libraries
-lib/docbook|CSWdocbook-xsl|docbook_xsl - docbook xsl stylesheets
-lib/expat|CSWexpat-devel|expat_devel - XML Parsing Toolkit - Development Support
-lib/expat|CSWexpat|expat - XML Parsing Toolkit - Development Support
-lib/fltk|CSWfltk|fltk - Fast light Tool Kit
-lib/fontconfig|CSWfconfig|fontconfig - A library for configuring and customizing font access.
-lib/fox|CSWfoxrt|foxrt - Fox Toolkit runtime
-lib/fox|CSWfox|fox - Fox Toolkit runtime
-lib/gd|CSWgd-devel|gd_devel - A library used to create PNG images
-lib/gd|CSWgd|gd - A library used to create PNG images
-lib/gdbm|CSWgdbm|gdbm - GNU database library for C
-lib/gmp|CSWgmp|gmp - The GNU MP Bignum Library
-lib/guile|CSWguile|guile - GNU extensibility library
-lib/guile|CSWguilelib12|guilelib12 - GNU extensibility library
-lib/imap-c-client|CSWimap-devel|imap_devel - UW IMAP C-Client (devel)
-lib/imap-c-client|CSWimaprt|imaprt - UW IMAP C-Client (runtime)
-lib/jicmp|CSWjicmp|jicmp - JICMP is a Java interface to the ICMP protocol (ping)
-lib/jrrd|CSWjrrd|jrrd - JRRD is a Java interface to RRDTool
-lib/libao|CSWlibao|libao - Cross-platform audio library
-lib/libart|CSWlibart|libart - libart - High performance 2D graphics library
-lib/libdvdcss|CSWlibdvdcss|libdvdcss - library for accessing DVDs like a block device without having to bother about decryption
-lib/libdvdread|CSWlibdvdread|libdvdread - provides a simple foundation for reading DVD-Video images
-lib/libevent|CSWlibevent-devel|libevent_devel - libevent development support
-lib/libevent|CSWlibevent|libevent - libevent development support
-lib/libglade|CSWlibglade|libglade - library to load Glade XML user interface files at runtime
-lib/libgphoto2|CSWlibgphoto2|libgphoto2 - library to be used by applications to access digital cameras
-lib/libgpod|CSWlibgpod|libgpod - Interface to Apple iPods
-lib/libmp4v2|CSWlibmp4v2|libmp4v2 - A free library to read and manipulate the mp4 container format
-lib/libogg|CSWlibogg|libogg - Ogg bitstream and framing library.
-lib/libpcap|CSWlibpcap|libpcap - Libraries for network diagnostics
-lib/libsamplerate|CSWlibsamplerate|libsamplerate - Secret Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) is a Sample Rate Converter for audio
-lib/libsdl|CSWlibsdl|libsdl - Simple DirectMedia Layer library
-lib/libvorbis|CSWlibvorbis|libvorbis - Vorbis codec library.
-lib/libxine|CSWlibxine|libxine - Xine-lib 1.1.8
-lib/mm|CSWlibmm|libmm - Shared Memory Allocation abstraction library.
-lib/ncurses|CSWncurses|ncurses - ncurses library and utilities
-lib/neon|CSWneon-devel|neon_devel - Neon HTTP and WebDAV development support
-lib/neon|CSWneon|neon - Neon HTTP and WebDAV development support
-lib/nspr|CSWnspr|nspr - NSPR Netscape Portable Runtime
-lib/openal|CSWopenal|openal - openal - A 3D positional spatialized sound library (gcc3)
-lib/openexr|CSWopenexr|openexr - high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic
-lib/openssl|CSWossl|%var pkgfile %{bitname}-%{SPKG_VERSION}%{SPKG_REVSTAMP}-%{SPKG_OSNAME}-all-CSW.pkg - Openssl meta package
-lib/openssl|CSWosslrt|openssl_rt - Openssl runtime libraries
-lib/openssl|CSWossldevel|openssl_devel - Openssl development support
-lib/openssl|CSWosslutils|openssl_utils - Openssl binaries and related tools 
-lib/pango|CSWpango|pango - A framework for the layout and rendering of international text.
-lib/pari|CSWparigp|parigp - efficient computations in number theory
-lib/pth|CSWpth|pth - GNU Pth - The GNU Portable Threads
-lib/qt-gcc|CSWqtgcc|qt_gcc - TrollTech C++ application framework
-lib/qt4|CSWqt4-devel|qt4_devel - TrollTech C++ application framework
-lib/qt4|CSWqt4|qt4 - TrollTech C++ application framework
-lib/qt4|CSWqt4-docs|qt4_docs - TrollTech C++ application framework
-lib/readline|CSWreadline|readline - GNU readline
-lib/sasl|CSWsasl|sasl - Simple Authentication and Security Layer
-lib/sasl|CSWsaslgssapi|sasl_gssapi - Simple Authentication and Security Layer
-lib/sasl|CSWsaslsql|sasl_sql - Simple Authentication and Security Layer
-lib/sasl|CSWsaslauthd|saslauthd - Simple Authentication and Security Layer
-lib/sdlimage|CSWsdlimage|sdlimage - SDL image file loading library
-lib/sdlmixer|CSWsdlmixer|sdlmixer - multi-channel audio mixer library
-lib/sdlnet|CSWsdlnet|sdlnet - A small cross-platform network library for SDL
-lib/sdlsound|CSWsdlsound|sdlsound - A library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats
-lib/sdlttf|CSWsdlttf|sdlttf - TrueType font rendering library for SDL applications
-lib/spidermonkey|CSWspidermonkey|spidermonkey - SpiderMonkey JS library
-lib/sword|CSWsword|sword - SWORD Engine (gcc3)
-lib/swtlibs|CSWswtlibs|swtlibs - DESCRIPTION  = Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) libraries
-net/balance|CSWbalance|balance - A TCP proxy and load balancer.
-net/cadaver|CSWcadav|cadaver - WebDAV commandline tool
-net/climm|CSWclimm|climm - terminal-based ICQ client
-net/cups|CSWcupsdev|cupsdev - Development files for the Common UNIX Printing System
-net/cups|CSWcupsclient|cupsclient - Client portion of the Common UNIX Printing System
-net/cups|CSWcups|cups - The Common UNIX Printing System
-net/cups|CSWcupsd|cupsd - Server portion of the Common UNIX Printing System
-net/cups|CSWcupsdoc|cupsdoc - Documentation for the Common UNIX Printing System
-net/cups|CSWlibcups|libcups - Libraries for the Common UNIX Printing System
-net/curl|CSWcurl|curl - Command line tool and library for client-side URL transfers.
-net/elinks|CSWelinks|elinks - An advanced text mode web browser
-net/imapfilter|CSWimapfilter|imapfilter - IMAP mail filtering utility
-net/lftp|CSWlftp|lftp - sophisticated command-line ftp/http client
-net/lynx|CSWlynx|lynx - lynx - text browser for the World Wide Web
-net/memcached|CSWmemcached|memcached - distributed memory object caching system
-net/micq|CSWmicq|micq - terminal-based ICQ client
-net/ncftp|CSWncftp|ncftp - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client applications.
-net/ntop|CSWntop|ntop - A network traffic usage monitor.
-net/pound|CSWpound|pound - reverse proxy load balancer
-net/slrn|CSWslrn|slrn - command-line news reader
-net/snort|CSWsnort|snort - The open source Network Intrusion Detection System
-net/socat|CSWsocat|socat - bidirectional data transfer
-net/squidpurge|CSWsquidpurge|squidpurge - Purge squid cache entries.
-net/tin|CSWtin|tin - terminal-based news reader
-server/apache2-worker|CSWap2worker|ap2_worker - Apache 2.2 worker MPM
-server/apache2|CSWapache2|apache2 - Apache 2.2 web server
-server/apache2|CSWapache2c|apache2c - Apache 2.2 web server (core)
-server/apache2|CSWapache2-manual|apache2_manual - Apache 2.2 manual
-server/apache2|CSWap2suexec|ap2_suexec - Apache 2.2 suEXEC support
-server/apache2|CSWapache2-devel|apache2_devel - Apache 2.2 development support
-server/apache2|CSWapache2rt|apache2rt - Apache 2.2 runtime libraries
-server/apache2|CSWap2prefork|ap2_prefork - Apache 2.2 prefork MPM
-server/arpwatch|CSWarpwatch|arpwatch - A network monitoring tool for tracking IP/MAC addresses on a network.
-server/cyrus_imapd|CSWpmcyrus|pm_cyrus - Perl interface to Cyrus Imap functions
-server/cyrus_imapd|CSWcyrusimapd|cyrus_imapd - Perl interface to Cyrus Imap functions
-server/cyrus_imapd|CSWcyrusimapdutils|cyrus_imapd_utils - Various admin utilities for Cyrus Imapd/Popd
-server/exim|CSWexim|exim - The Exim Mail Transfer Agent
-server/imapproxy|CSWimapproxy|imapproxy - A caching IMAP proxy server
-server/mod_auth_mysql|CSWap2modauthmysql|ap2_modauthmysql - Implements basic authentication on top of MySQL
-server/mod_auth_pam|CSWap2modauthpam|ap2_modauthpam - Implements basic authentication on top of PAM
-server/mod_evasive|CSWap2modevasive|ap2_modevasive - DOS evasive maneuvers module for Apache 2.x
-server/mod_fastcgi|CSWap2modfastcgi|ap2_modfastcgi - Apache 2.x FastCGI module
-server/mod_highlight|CSWap2modhighlight|ap2_modhighlight - Syntax highlighting module for Apache 2.0
-server/mod_jk|CSWap2modjk|ap2_mod_jk - AJP connector module for Apache 2
-server/mod_python|CSWap2modpython|ap2_modpython - an Apache/Python integration module
-server/mod_ruby|CSWap2modruby|ap2_modruby - an Apache/Ruby integration module
-server/mod_svn_view|CSWap2modtransform|ap2_modtransform - Subversion repository viewer
-server/mod_transform|CSWap2modtransform|ap2_modtransform - XSLT filter for Apache 2.0
-server/mpd|CSWmpd|mpd - The Music Player Daemon
-server/mysql4|CSWmysql4|mysql4 - A fast SQL database server.
-server/openldap|CSWoldaprt|openldap_rt - OpenLDAP runtime libraries (oldaprt)
-server/openldap|CSWoldapdevel|openldap_devel - OpenLDAP development support (oldapdevel)
-server/openldap|CSWoldapclient|openldap_client - OpenLDAP client executables (oldapclient)
-server/openldap|CSWoldap|openldap - OpenLDAP standalone server and update replication daemons (oldap)
-server/openssh|CSWossh|openssh - OpenSSH Secure Shell
-server/openvpn|CSWopenvpn|openvpn - secure IP tunnel daemon
-server/proftpd|CSWproftpd|proftpd - Advanced, incredibly configurable and secure FTP daemon
-server/rails|CSWap2modruby|ap2_modruby - Ruby web application framework
-server/resin|CSWap2modcaucho|ap2_modcaucho - JSP and Servlet engine.
-server/resin|CSWresin|resin - JSP and Servlet engine.
-server/squid|CSWsquid|squid - High performance Web proxy cache
-server/tomcat5|CSWtomcat5|tomcat5 - DESCRIPTION  = Tomcat 5
-server/vsftpd|CSWvsftpd|vsftpd - A very secure and fast FTP server.
-server/xinetd|CSWxinetd|xinetd - Powerful inetd replacement
-utils/authz-tools|CSWauthztools|authztools - tools to manipulate authz files
-utils/cabextract|CSWcabextract|cabextract - Extract Microsoft cabinet files
-utils/cfengine|CSWcfengine|cfengine - A tool for administering Networks of Diverse Machines
-utils/clearsilver|CSWpmcs|pm_clearsilver - Clearsilver Perl language binding
-utils/clearsilver|CSWcs|clearsilver - Clearsilver Perl language binding
-utils/clearsilver|CSWpycs|pyclearsilver - Clearsilver Python language binding
-utils/ctags|CSWctags|ctags -  Exuberant ctags
-utils/daemontools|CSWdaemontools|daemontools - A collection of tools for managing UNIX services
-utils/dcraw|CSWdcraw|dcraw - Raw Digital Photo Decoder
-utils/dtracetoolkit|CSWdtracetoolkit|dtracetoolkit - A collection of useful documented scripts developed by the OpenSolaris DTrace community
-utils/emacs|CSWemacs|emacs - Emacs editor
-utils/emacs|CSWemacsrt|emacsrt - emacs shared runtime and documentation
-utils/emacs|CSWxemacs|xemacs - emacs shared runtime and documentation
-utils/esvn|CSWesvn|esvn - A GUI frontend to the Subversion revision system
-utils/ganglia|CSWganglia|ganglia - A scalable distributed monitoring system
-utils/gm4|CSWgm4|gm4 - GNU m4 Unix macro processor
-utils/gphoto2|CSWgphoto2|gphoto2 - gphoto2 is a command-line frontend to libgphoto2
-utils/graphviz|CSWgraphviz|graphviz - Graph drawing utilities with web and graphical interfaces.
-utils/graphviz2|CSWgraphviz2|graphviz2 - Graph drawing utilities with web and graphical interfaces.
-utils/gtar|CSWgtar|gtar - GNU tape archiver
-utils/gvim|CSWgvim|gvim - Vi IMproved with GTK+ support
-utils/htmltidy|CSWhtmltidy|htmltidy - Cleans up HTML source and formats it nicely.
-utils/hypermail|CSWhypermail|hypermail - mail archive tool
-utils/jhead|CSWjhead|jhead - EXIF parser for JPEG images
-utils/joe|CSWjoe|joe - Joe's Own Editor
-utils/mharc|CSWmharc|mharc - Perl scripts for generating web-based mail archives
-utils/mhonarc|CSWmhonarc|mhonarc - mail-to-HTML converter
-utils/mkpackage|CSWmkpackage|mkpackage - Solaris package build tool.
-utils/namazu|CSWnamazu|namazu - full-text search engine
-utils/netpbm|CSWnetpbm|netpbm - Netpbm is a toolkit for manipulation of graphic images
-utils/orca|CSWorca|orca - A system performance monitoring tool
-utils/orca|CSWorca-web|orca_web - A system performance monitoring tool
-utils/pkg_update_watch|CSWpkgupdatewatch|pkg_update_watch - Package updates watcher
-utils/ppkg_get|CSWppkgget|ppkg_get - Perl rewrite of origine pkg-get tools
-utils/pv|CSWpv|pv - pipeviewer, like cat with progress indications
-utils/pwsafe|CSWpwsafe|pwsafe - command-line password database.
-utils/rapidsvn|CSWrapidsvn|rapidsvn - Subversion GUI
-utils/rapidsvn|CSWsvncpp|svncpp - Subversion C++ language binding
-utils/recode|CSWrecode|recode - GNU recode character set conversion
-utils/rlwrap|CSWrlwrap|rlwrap - A readline wrapper
-utils/rrdtool|CSWrrdtool|rrdtool - time-series data logging and graphing.
-utils/setoolkit|CSWsetoolkit|setoolkit - A system performance monitoring tool
-utils/sloccount|CSWslocc|sloccount - A suite of programs for counting physical source lines of code.
-utils/subversion|CSWpmsvn|pm_subversion - Subversion Perl language binding
-utils/subversion|CSWsvn-devel|subversion_devel - Subversion development support
-utils/subversion|CSWsvn|subversion - Subversion development support
-utils/subversion|CSWjavasvn|javasvn - Subversion Java language binding
-utils/subversion|CSWap2svn|ap2_subversion - Subversion modules for Apache 2.2
-utils/subversion|CSWpysvn|pysvn - Subversion Python language binding
-utils/subversion|CSWrbsvn|rbsvn - Subversion Ruby language binding
-utils/sudo-ldap|CSWsudoldap|sudo_ldap - Provides limited super user privileges (LDAP Enabled)
-utils/sudo|CSWsudo|sudo - Provides limited super user privileges
-utils/sudo|CSWsudo-common|sudo_common - sudo common files
-utils/svnmailer|CSWsvnmailer|svnmailer - A tool to post subversion repository information.
-utils/sysbench|CSWsysbench|sysbench - System evaluation benchmark
-utils/vim|CSWvim|vim - Vi IMproved
-utils/vim|CSWvimrt|vimrt - vim shared runtime and documentation
-utils/xmlstarlet|CSWxmlstarlet|xmlstarlet - XML transformation utility
-utils/xrestop|CSWxrestop|xrestop - 'top' like staticstics for X11 server side resource usage
-xfce/appfinder|CSWxfceappfinder|xfce_appfinder - Xfce Application Finder
-xfce/desktop|CSWxfcedesktopdoc|xfce_desktopdoc - Xfce Desktop Manager Documentation
-xfce/desktop|CSWxfcedesktop|xfce_desktop - Xfce Desktop Manager Documentation
-xfce/devtools|CSWxfcedevtools|xfce_devtools - Xfce Development Tools
-xfce/exo|CSWxfceexodoc|xfce_exodoc - Xfce Extensions Library Documentation
-xfce/exo|CSWxfcelibexodev|xfce_libexodev - Xfce Extensions Library Headers
-xfce/exo|CSWxfcelibexo|xfce_libexo - Xfce Extensions Library Headers
-xfce/exo|CSWxfceexo|xfce_exo - Xfce Extensions Library Headers
-xfce/gtk-xfce-engine|CSWxfceengine|xfce_engine - Xfce GTK theme engine 
-xfce/icon-theme|CSWxfceiconthemes|xfce_iconthemes - Xfce Icon Theme
-xfce/libxfce4mcs|CSWlibxfce4mcsdev|libxfce4mcsdev - Xfce Settings Manager Library Headers
-xfce/libxfce4mcs|CSWlibxfce4mcs|libxfce4mcs - Xfce Settings Manager Library Headers
-xfce/libxfce4mcs|CSWlibxfce4mcsdoc|libxfce4mcsdoc - Xfce Settings Manager Library Documentation
-xfce/libxfce4util|CSWlibxfce4utildoc|libxfce4utildoc - Xfce Utilities Library Documentation
-xfce/libxfce4util|CSWlibxfce4utildev|libxfce4utildev - Xfce Utilities Library Headers
-xfce/libxfce4util|CSWlibxfce4util|libxfce4util - Xfce Utilities Library Headers
-xfce/libxfcegui4|CSWlibxfcegui4dev|libxfcegui4dev - %var desc Xfce Widget Library Headers
-xfce/libxfcegui4|CSWlibxfcegui4|libxfcegui4 - %var desc Xfce Widget Library Headers
-xfce/libxfcegui4|CSWlibxfcegui4doc|libxfcegui4doc - Xfce Widget Library Documentation
-xfce/libxfcegui4|CSWlibxfcegui4dep|libxfcegui4dep - Xfce Widget Library Documentation
-xfce/mcs-manager|CSWxfcemcsmanagerdev|xfce_mcs_managerdev - Xfce Settings Manager Headers
-xfce/mcs-manager|CSWxfcemcsmanager|xfce_mcs_manager - Xfce Settings Manager Headers
-xfce/mcs-manager|CSWxfcemcsmanagerdoc|xfce_mcs_managerdoc - Xfce Settings Manager Documentation
-xfce/mcs-plugins|CSWxfcemcsplugins|xfce_mcs_plugins - Xfce Settings Manager Plugins
-xfce/mcs-plugins|CSWxfcemcspluginsdoc|xfce_mcs_pluginsdoc - Xfce Settings Manager Plugins Documentation
-xfce/mixer|CSWxfcemixer|xfce_mixer - Xfce Volume Control
-xfce/mousepad|CSWxfcemousepad|xfce_mousepad - Xfce Mousepad Text Editor
-xfce/orage|CSWxfceorage|xfce_orage - Xfce Orage Calendar
-xfce/orage|CSWxfceoragedoc|xfce_oragedoc - Xfce Orage Calendar Documentation
-xfce/panel|CSWxfcepanel|xfce_panel - Xfce Panel
-xfce/panel|CSWlibxfcepaneldev|libxfcepaneldev - Xfce Panel Library Headers
-xfce/panel|CSWxfcepaneldoc|xfce_paneldoc - Xfce Panel Documentation
-xfce/panel|CSWlibxfcepanel|libxfcepanel - Xfce Panel Library
-xfce/print|CSWxfceprint|xfce_print - Xfce Printing Helper
-xfce/print|CSWlibxfceprintdev|libxfceprintdev - Xfce Printing Helper Library Headers
-xfce/print|CSWxfceprintdoc|xfce_printdoc - Xfce Printing Helper Documentation
-xfce/print|CSWlibxfceprint|libxfceprint - Xfce Printing Helper Library
-xfce/session|CSWxfcesession|xfce_session - Xfce Session Manager
-xfce/session|CSWlibxfcesessiondev|libxfcesessiondev - Xfce Session Manager Library Headers
-xfce/session|CSWxfcesessiondoc|xfce_sessiondoc - Xfce Session Manager Documentation
-xfce/session|CSWlibxfcesession|libxfcesession - Xfce Session Manager Library
-xfce/terminal|CSWxfceterminaldoc|xfce_terminaldoc - Xfce Terminal Emulator Documentation
-xfce/terminal|CSWxfceterminal|xfce_terminal - Xfce Terminal Emulator Documentation
-xfce/thunar|CSWxfcethunar|xfce_thunar - Xfce Thunar File Manager
-xfce/thunar|CSWlibxfcethunardev|libxfcethunardev - Xfce Thunar File Manager Library Headers
-xfce/thunar|CSWxfcethunardoc|xfce_thunardoc - Xfce Thunar File Manager Documentation
-xfce/thunar|CSWlibxfcethunar|libxfcethunar - Xfce Thunar File Manager Library
-xfce/utils|CSWxfceutils|xfce_utils - Xfce Utilities
-xfce/utils|CSWxfceutilsdoc|xfce_utilsdoc - Xfce Utilities Documentation
-xfce/xfwm4-themes|CSWxfcexfwmthemes|xfce_xfwmthemes - Xfce Window Manager Themes
-xfce/xfwm4|CSWxfcexfwm|xfce_xfwm - Xfce Window Manager 
-xfce/xfwm4|CSWxfcexfwmdoc|xfce_xfwmdoc - Xfce Window Manager Documentation
-xtra/bash_completion|CSWbashcmplt|bash_completion - Programmable completion for bash
-xtra/gnulinks|CSWgnulinks|gnulinks - Creates native symlinks for GNU tools in /opt/csw/gnu

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