SF.net SVN: gar:[23348] csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py

guengel at users.sourceforge.net guengel at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Apr 6 11:24:57 CEST 2014

Revision: 23348
Author:   guengel
Date:     2014-04-06 09:24:55 +0000 (Sun, 06 Apr 2014)
Log Message:
Information mail will now be composed using cheetah templates.

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py	2014-04-06 08:52:57 UTC (rev 23347)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/chkdbcat.py	2014-04-06 09:24:55 UTC (rev 23348)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from Cheetah import Template
 import cjson
 import datetime
 import dateutil.parser
@@ -456,27 +457,30 @@
 class InformMaintainer(object):
+      """Inform maintainers about broken database catalog
+      """
+      MAIL_TEMPLATE = u"""Hi there
 You uploaded following packages
+#for pkg in $pkg_data
+ * $pkg["fullname"]
+#end for
 which may (or may not) have broken the catalog for
- %s %s %s
+ $catrel[0] $catrel[1] $catrel[2]
-since the last successful check on %s.
+since the last successful check on $date.
 Please check the package(s) and re-upload if necessary.
 Here is the output from chkcat:
 Your Check Database Catalog script
@@ -492,13 +496,16 @@
       def _compose_mail(self, from_address):
             """Compose Mail"""
-            msg = InformMaintainer.MAIL_CAT_BROKEN_HEADER
-            for p in self._pkginfo:
-                  msg = msg + p['fullname'] + "\n"
-            msg = msg + InformMaintainer.MAIL_CAT_BROKEN_FOOTER
+            namespace = {
+                  'pkg_data': self._pkginfo,
+                  'catrel': self._cat_tuple,
+                  'date': self._date,
+                  'stdout': self._chkcat_stdout
+            }
-            mail = MIMEText(msg % (self._cat_tuple +
-                                   (str(self._date), self._chkcat_stdout, self._chkcat_stderr)))
+            t = Template.Template(InformMaintainer.MAIL_TEMPLATE, searchList=[namespace])
+            mail = MIMEText(unicode(t))
             mail['From'] = from_address
             mail['To'] = self._addr
             mail['Subject'] = "[chkdbcat] Database Catalog broken by recent upload"

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