SF.net SVN: gar:[23491] csw/mgar/gar/v2

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 24 01:01:53 CEST 2014

Revision: 23491
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2014-04-23 23:01:52 +0000 (Wed, 23 Apr 2014)
Log Message:
submitpkg: Remove it

This utility is unused for a long, long time now.

Removed Paths:

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/submitpkg
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/submitpkg	2014-04-23 15:32:30 UTC (rev 23490)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/bin/submitpkg	2014-04-23 23:01:52 UTC (rev 23491)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link ../lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs.py
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs.py	2014-04-23 15:32:30 UTC (rev 23490)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs.py	2014-04-23 23:01:52 UTC (rev 23491)
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-# vim:set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab:
-# $Id$
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Maciej Blizinski
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation.
-# Formats e-mail to the OpenCSW maintainer.
-# To avoid leaking the e-mail addresses, they're base64-encoded:
-# python -c "print repr('somebody at example.com'.encode('base64'))"
-# The plan:
-# 1. If necessary, move the relevant packages from /home/testing to
-#    ~/to-release
-# 2. Construct a list of all the files that are in ~/to-release
-# 3. Clean newpkgs/ from the older versions of the files
-# 4. Copy all the relevant files from ~/to-release to newpkgs/
-# 5. Format the e-mail
-# 6. Tell how to send it (no automatic sending for now)
-import ConfigParser
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import opencsw
-import tag
-import common_constants
-import file_set_checker
-CONFIG_INFO = """Create a file in ~/.releases.ini with the following content:
-; A configuration file for the release automation script
-sender name = Your Name
-sender email = your.email at opencsw.org
-release manager name = Release Manager
-release manager email = pkgsubmissions at lists.opencsw.org
-; release cc = maintainers at example.com
-; Usually it's /home/testing
-package dir = /home/testing
-target host = bender
-target dir = /home/newpkgs
-    "/etc/opt/csw/releases.ini",
-    "%(HOME)s/.releases.ini",
-    "sender name", "sender email",
-    "release manager email",
-    "package dir",
-DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = "newpkgs.mail"
-class Error(Exception):
-  pass
-class ConfigurationError(Error):
-  pass
-class PackageSubmissionError(Error):
-  pass
-def RemoveOldFiles(basename_list, host, directory):
-  basename_str = " ".join(["%s/%s*" % (directory, x) for x in basename_list])
-  args = ["ssh", host, "rm -f %s" % basename_str]
-  logging.debug("Running: %s" % args)
-  ret = subprocess.call(args)
-  if ret:
-    msg = ("Removing %s failed." % basename_str)
-    raise PackageSubmissionError(msg)
-def RsyncFiles(files_to_rsync, dst_arg):
-  args = ["rsync", "-v"] + files_to_rsync + [dst_arg]
-  logging.debug(args)
-  try:
-    ret = subprocess.call(args)
-  except OSError, e:
-    raise PackageSubmissionError(
-        "Couldn't run %s, is the binary "
-        "in the $PATH? The error was: %s" % (repr(args[0]), e))
-  if ret:
-    msg = ("Copying %s to %s has failed. "
-           "Are you on the login host?" % (p, dst_arg))
-    logging.error(msg)
-    raise PackageSubmissionError(msg)
-def DisplayCswUploadPkgTeaser(files_to_rsync):
-  if not files_to_rsync:
-    print "No files have been processed."
-    return
-  print
-  print "Please try the new package upload tool."
-  print "It will upload your packages to the opencsw-future catalog."
-  print "http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw-future/"
-  print "Once uploaded, your packages will be available in a couple hours."
-  print "To upload, run the following command:"
-  print
-  script_path = os.path.join(
-      os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
-      "csw-upload-pkg")
-  print "%s \\" % script_path
-  for f in files_to_rsync[:-1]:
-    print "  %s \\" % f
-  print "  %s" % files_to_rsync[-1]
-def main():
-  try:
-    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
-    for file_name_tmpl in CONFIGURATION_FILE_LOCATIONS:
-      config.read(file_name_tmpl % os.environ)
-    for opt_name in CONFIG_REQUIRED_OPTS:
-      if not config.has_option(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, opt_name):
-        logging.error("Option %s is missing from the configuration.",
-                repr(opt_name))
-        raise ConfigurationError("Option %s is missing from the configuration."
-                           % repr(opt_name))
-    usage = """%s [options] [file1 file2 ...]""" % sys.argv[0]
-    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
-    parser.add_option("--debug",
-                      dest="debug", default=False,
-                      action="store_true",
-                      help="Print debugging messages")
-    parser.add_option("-d", "--package-dir",
-                      dest="package_dir",
-                      help="Specify the directory with packages")
-    parser.add_option("--no-clean",
-                      dest="clean", default=True,
-                      action="store_false",
-                      help="Prevent submitpkg from deleting old files from newpkgs")
-    parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run",
-                      dest="dry_run",
-                      default=False, action="store_true",
-                      help="Do not perform write operations")
-    parser.add_option("-f", "--force",
-                       dest="force",
-                       default=False, action="store_true",
-                       help="Proceed even if errors are reported")
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    file_names = args
-    level = logging.INFO
-    if options.debug:
-      level = logging.DEBUG
-    logging.basicConfig(level=level)
-    if config.has_option(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "release manager name"):
-      release_mgr_name = config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION,
-                                    "release manager name")
-    else:
-      release_mgr_name = None
-    if config.has_option(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "release cc"):
-      release_cc = config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "release cc")
-    else:
-      release_cc = None
-  except ConfigurationError, e:
-    print "There was a problem with your configuration."
-    print CONFIG_INFO
-    print e
-    sys.exit(1)
-  package_dir = config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "package dir")
-  if options.package_dir:
-    package_dir = options.package_dir
-  staging_dir = opencsw.StagingDir(package_dir)
-  catalognames = []
-  for file_name in file_names:
-    base_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
-    parsed_file_name = opencsw.ParsePackageFileName(base_name)
-    catalognames.append(parsed_file_name["catalogname"])
-  catalognames = sorted(set(catalognames))
-  if not file_names:
-    parser.print_help()
-    raise ConfigurationError("You need to specify package file names.")
-  package_files = file_names
-  logging.debug("Copying files to the target host:dir")
-  remote_package_files = []
-  remote_package_references = []
-  files_to_rsync = []
-  target_host = config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "target host")
-  target_dir = config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "target dir")
-  dst_arg = ("%s:%s" % (target_host, target_dir))
-  for p in package_files:
-    files_to_rsync.append(p)
-    remote_package_files.append(dst_arg)
-    package_base_file_name = os.path.split(p)[1]
-    remote_package_references.append(dst_arg + "/" + package_base_file_name)
-  fc = file_set_checker.FileSetChecker()
-  error_tags = fc.CheckFiles(files_to_rsync)
-  if error_tags:
-    for error_tag in error_tags:
-      print error_tag
-    print "There seems to be a problem with the specified package set."
-    if not options.force:
-      sys.exit(1)
-  if options.clean:
-    RemoveOldFiles(catalognames, target_host, target_dir)
-  if options.dry_run:
-    print "files_to_rsync", files_to_rsync
-    print "dst_arg", dst_arg
-  else:
-    RsyncFiles(files_to_rsync, dst_arg)
-  nm = opencsw.NewpkgMailer(
-      catalognames, remote_package_references,
-      release_mgr_name=release_mgr_name,
-      release_mgr_email=config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "release manager email"),
-      sender_name=config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "sender name"),
-      sender_email=config.get(CONFIG_RELEASE_SECTION, "sender email"),
-      release_cc=release_cc)
-  mail_text = nm.FormatMail()
-  if options.dry_run:
-    print "Not writing the e-mail to disk."
-    print mail_text
-  else:
-    fd = open(DEFAULT_FILE_NAME, "w")
-    fd.write(mail_text)
-    fd.close()
-    text_editor = nm.GetEditorName(os.environ)
-    args = [text_editor, DEFAULT_FILE_NAME]
-    editor_ret = subprocess.call(args)
-    if editor_ret:
-      raise Error("File editing has failed.")
-    print
-    print "Your e-mail hasn't been sent yet!"
-    print "Issue the following command to have it sent:"
-    print "sendmail -t < %s" % DEFAULT_FILE_NAME
-  DisplayCswUploadPkgTeaser(files_to_rsync)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()

Deleted: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs_test.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs_test.py	2014-04-23 15:32:30 UTC (rev 23490)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/submit_to_newpkgs_test.py	2014-04-23 23:01:52 UTC (rev 23491)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
-# Try to use unittest2, fall back to unittest
-  import unittest2 as unittest
-except ImportError:
-  import unittest
-import submit_to_newpkgs as stn
-# FileSetChecker class and unit tests have been moved to a separate
-# file.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	unittest.main()

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