SF.net SVN: gar:[23269] csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src
wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Mar 23 15:21:00 CET 2014
Revision: 23269
Author: wahwah
Date: 2014-03-23 14:21:00 +0000 (Sun, 23 Mar 2014)
Log Message:
cat-gen: Moved functionality to a package
First steps to split the code in smaller chunks.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/catalog-release-to-disk/catalog-release-to-disk.go
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/catalog-release-to-disk/catalog-release-to-disk.go 2014-03-23 14:20:51 UTC (rev 23268)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/catalog-release-to-disk/catalog-release-to-disk.go 2014-03-23 14:21:00 UTC (rev 23269)
@@ -11,876 +11,27 @@
package main
import (
- "bufio"
- "encoding/json"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "log"
- "net/http"
- "os"
- "path"
- "path/filepath"
- "sort"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "syscall"
- "time"
+ "opencsw/diskformat"
-// 3 strings that define a specific catalog
-type CatalogSpec struct {
- catrel string
- arch string
- osrel string
-func longOsrelAsInt(long_osrel string) int64 {
- short_osrel := shortenOsrel(long_osrel)
- fields := strings.Split(short_osrel, ".")
- if len(fields) < 2 {
- log.Fatalf("Error: %v does not conform to SunOS5.X\n", long_osrel)
- }
- sunos_version, err := strconv.ParseInt(fields[1], 10, 32)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("Could not parse %v as int\n", fields[1])
- }
- return sunos_version
-// We want to order catalog specs by OS release, so we can go from the oldest
-// Solaris releases to the newest.
-type CatalogSpecs []CatalogSpec
-func (cs CatalogSpecs) Len() int { return len(cs) }
-func (cs CatalogSpecs) Swap(i, j int) { cs[i], cs[j] = cs[j], cs[i] }
-func (cs CatalogSpecs) Less(i, j int) bool {
- // Ordering by: 1. catrel, 2. arch, 3. osrel
- if cs[i].catrel != cs[j].catrel {
- return cs[i].catrel < cs[j].catrel
- }
- if cs[i].arch != cs[j].arch {
- return cs[i].arch < cs[j].arch
- }
- i_as_n := longOsrelAsInt(cs[i].osrel)
- j_as_n := longOsrelAsInt(cs[j].osrel)
- return i_as_n < j_as_n
-type PkginstSlice []string
-func (p *PkginstSlice) FormatForIndexFile() string {
- if len(*p) <= 0 {
- return "none"
- }
- return strings.Join(*p, "|")
-// A line in the catalog file; plus the extra description field
-type PkgInCatalog struct {
- Catalogname string `json:"catalogname"`
- Version string `json:"version"`
- Pkginst string `json:"pkgname"`
- Filename string `json:"basename"`
- Md5_sum string `json:"md5_sum"`
- Size uint64 `json:"size"`
- Depends PkginstSlice `json:"deps"`
- Category string `json:"category"`
- I_depends PkginstSlice `json:"i_deps"`
- Description string `json:"desc"`
-func (p *PkgInCatalog) FormatCatalogIndexLine() string {
- lst := []string{
- p.Catalogname,
- p.Version,
- p.Pkginst,
- p.Filename,
- p.Md5_sum,
- fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.Size),
- p.Depends.FormatForIndexFile(),
- p.Category,
- p.I_depends.FormatForIndexFile(),
- }
- return strings.Join(lst, " ")
-func (p *PkgInCatalog) FormatDescriptionLine() string {
- lst := []string{ p.Catalogname, "-", p.Description, }
- return strings.Join(lst, " ")
-type Catalog []PkgInCatalog
-type CatalogWithSpec struct {
- spec CatalogSpec
- pkgs Catalog
-const (
- Symlink = iota
- Hardlink
-type LinkOnDisk struct {
- file_name string
- link_type int
- target *string
-func ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(s string) []string {
- if s == "none" {
- slice := make(PkginstSlice, 0)
- return slice
- }
- return strings.Split(s, "|")
-func (self *PkginstSlice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var foo string
- err := json.Unmarshal(data, &foo)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *self = ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(foo)
- return nil
-// Our REST interface returns catspecs as lists, so let's have a common
-// function to construct catspec structs from lists.
-func MakeCatalogSpec(lst []string) (CatalogSpec, error) {
- var catspec CatalogSpec
- if len(lst) != 3 {
- return catspec, errors.New("Array of length 3 is needed.")
- }
- // We already have this in the unmarshal bit.
- catspec.catrel = lst[2]
- catspec.arch = lst[1]
- catspec.osrel = lst[0]
- return catspec, nil
-func MakeCatalogWithSpec(catspec CatalogSpec, pkgs Catalog) CatalogWithSpec {
- var cws CatalogWithSpec
- cws.spec = catspec
- cws.pkgs = pkgs
- return cws
-func NewPkgInCatalog(lst []string) (*PkgInCatalog, error) {
- size, err := strconv.ParseUint(lst[5], 10, 64)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if size <= 0 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf(
- "Package size must be greater than 0: %v in %v", lst[5], lst)
- }
- depends := make([]string, 0)
- if lst[6] != "none" {
- depends = strings.Split(lst[6], "|")
- }
- i_depends := make([]string, 0)
- if lst[8] != "none" {
- i_depends = strings.Split(lst[8], "|")
- }
- var pkg PkgInCatalog
- pkg.Catalogname = lst[0]
- pkg.Version = lst[1]
- pkg.Pkginst = lst[2]
- pkg.Filename = lst[3]
- pkg.Md5_sum = lst[4]
- pkg.Size = size
- pkg.Depends = depends
- pkg.Category = lst[7]
- pkg.I_depends = i_depends
- pkg.Description = lst[9]
- return &pkg, nil
-func (self *CatalogSpec) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- var slice []string
- err := json.Unmarshal(data, &slice)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if len(slice) != 3 {
- return fmt.Errorf("%+v is wrong length, should be 3", slice)
- }
- self.catrel = slice[2]
- self.arch = slice[1]
- self.osrel = slice[0]
- return nil
-func GetCatalogSpecs() (CatalogSpecs, error) {
- url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/catalogs/", pkgdb_url)
- resp, err := http.Get(url)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- catspecs := make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
- dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
- if err := dec.Decode(&catspecs); err != nil {
- log.Println("Failed to decode JSON from", url)
- return nil, err
- }
- if len(catspecs) <= 0 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Retrieved 0 catalogs")
- }
- log.Println("GetCatalogSpecs returns", len(catspecs), "catalogs from", url)
- return catspecs, nil
-func GetCatalogWithSpec(catspec CatalogSpec) (CatalogWithSpec, error) {
- url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/catalogs/%s/%s/%s/for-generation/as-dicts/",
- pkgdb_url, catspec.catrel, catspec.arch, catspec.osrel)
- log.Println("Making a request to", url)
- resp, err := http.Get(url)
- if err != nil {
- log.Panicln("Could not retrieve the catalog list.", err)
- return CatalogWithSpec{}, err
- }
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- var pkgs Catalog
- dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
- if err := dec.Decode(&pkgs); err != nil {
- log.Println("Failed to decode JSON output from", url, ":", err)
- return CatalogWithSpec{}, err
- }
- log.Println("Retrieved", catspec, "with", len(pkgs), "packages")
- cws := MakeCatalogWithSpec(catspec, pkgs)
- return cws, nil
-func filterCatspecs(all_catspecs CatalogSpecs, catrel string) CatalogSpecs {
- catspecs := make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
- for _, catspec := range all_catspecs {
- if catspec.catrel == catrel {
- catspecs = append(catspecs, catspec)
- }
- }
- return catspecs
-func shortenOsrel(longosrel string) string {
- return strings.Replace(longosrel, "SunOS", "", -1)
-func longOsrel(shortosrel string) string {
- if strings.HasPrefix(shortosrel, "SunOS") {
- return shortosrel
- } else {
- return fmt.Sprintf("SunOS%s", shortosrel)
- }
-// Defines layout of files on disk. Can be built from the database or from
-// disk.
-type FilesOfCatalog map[CatalogSpec]map[string]LinkOnDisk
-func GetCatalogsFromREST(catalogs_ch chan []CatalogWithSpec, catspecs CatalogSpecs) {
- catalogs := make([]CatalogWithSpec, 0)
- var wg sync.WaitGroup
- type fetchResult struct {cws CatalogWithSpec; err error }
- ch := make(chan fetchResult)
- for _, catspec := range catspecs {
- wg.Add(1)
- go func(catspec CatalogSpec) {
- defer wg.Done()
- catalog_with_spec, err := GetCatalogWithSpec(catspec)
- if err != nil {
- log.Println(err)
- ch <- fetchResult{CatalogWithSpec{}, err}
- }
- ch <- fetchResult{catalog_with_spec, nil}
- }(catspec)
- }
- // The channel will be closed when all fetches are done. We can process
- // available results in the meantime.
- go func() { wg.Wait(); close(ch) }()
- for {
- if result, ok := <-ch; !ok {
- // Channel has been closed; no more results to process.
- break
- } else if result.err != nil {
- log.Fatalln("Catalog fetch failed:", result.err,
- "We don't want to continue, because this could result in " +
- "wiping an existing catalog from disk because of an " +
- "intermittent network issue.")
- } else {
- catalogs = append(catalogs, result.cws)
- }
- }
- // We have 2 places that read this data.
- catalogs_ch <- catalogs
- catalogs_ch <- catalogs
-func GetFilesOfCatalogFromDatabase(files_from_db_chan chan *FilesOfCatalog,
- catrel string, catalog_ch chan []CatalogWithSpec) {
- catalogs := <-catalog_ch
- catalogs_by_spec := make(map[CatalogSpec]CatalogWithSpec)
- catspecs := make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
- for _, cws := range catalogs {
- catalogs_by_spec[cws.spec] = cws
- catspecs = append(catspecs, cws.spec)
- }
- files_by_catspec := make(FilesOfCatalog)
- // We must traverse catalogs in sorted order, e.g. Solaris 9 before Solaris 10.
- sort.Sort(catspecs)
- visited_catalogs := make(map[CatalogSpec]CatalogSpecs)
- for _, catspec := range catspecs {
- // Used to group catalogs we can symlink from
- compatible_catspec := CatalogSpec{catspec.catrel, catspec.arch, "none"}
- pkgs := catalogs_by_spec[catspec].pkgs
- for _, pkg := range pkgs {
- if _, ok := files_by_catspec[catspec]; !ok {
- files_by_catspec[catspec] = make(map[string]LinkOnDisk)
- }
- var target string
- var exists_already bool
- // var exists_in_cat CatalogSpec
- // Does this path already exist? If so, we'll add a symlink.
- // Looking back at previous osrels
- if visited_compatible, ok := visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec]; ok {
- // We need to iterate in reverse order, from the newest to the oldest
- // Solaris versions.
- for i := len(visited_compatible) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- cand_catspec := visited_compatible[i]
- if _, ok := files_by_catspec[cand_catspec]; ok {
- if _, ok := files_by_catspec[cand_catspec][pkg.Filename]; ok {
- exists_already = true
- target = fmt.Sprintf("../%s/%s",
- shortenOsrel(cand_catspec.osrel),
- pkg.Filename)
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var link LinkOnDisk
- if exists_already {
- link = LinkOnDisk{pkg.Filename, Symlink, &target}
- } else {
- link = LinkOnDisk{pkg.Filename, Hardlink, nil}
- }
- files_by_catspec[catspec][pkg.Filename] = link
- }
- if _, ok := visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec]; !ok {
- visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec] = make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
- }
- visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec] = append(visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec], catspec)
- }
- files_from_db_chan <- &files_by_catspec
-func GetFilesOfCatalogFromDisk(files_from_disk_chan chan *FilesOfCatalog, root_path string,
- catrel string) {
- files_by_catspec := make(FilesOfCatalog)
- path_to_scan := path.Join(root_path, catrel)
- err := filepath.Walk(path_to_scan,
- func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if f.Mode() & os.ModeDir > 0 {
- // We're ignoring directories.
- return nil
- }
- rel_path := strings.TrimPrefix(path, path_to_scan + "/")
- fields := strings.Split(rel_path, "/")
- if len(fields) != 3 {
- log.Println("Wrong path found:", fields)
- }
- arch := fields[0]
- osrel := longOsrel(fields[1])
- basename := fields[2]
- catspec := CatalogSpec{catrel, arch, osrel}
- // Figuring out the file type: hardlink/symlink
- var link LinkOnDisk
- if !(strings.HasSuffix(basename, ".pkg.gz") ||
- strings.HasSuffix(basename, ".pkg")) {
- // Not a package, won't be processed. This means the file won't be
- // removed if not in the database.
- return nil
- }
- if f.Mode().IsRegular() {
- link = LinkOnDisk{basename, Hardlink, nil}
- } else if f.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink > 0 {
- target, err := os.Readlink(path)
- if err != nil {
- log.Printf("Reading link of %v failed: %v\n", path, err)
- } else {
- link = LinkOnDisk{basename, Symlink, &target}
- }
- } else {
- log.Println(path, "Is not a hardlink or a symlink. What is it then? Ignoring.")
- }
- if _, ok := files_by_catspec[catspec]; !ok {
- files_by_catspec[catspec] = make(map[string]LinkOnDisk)
- }
- files_by_catspec[catspec][basename] = link
- return nil
- })
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("filepath.Walk() failed with: %v\n", err)
- }
- files_from_disk_chan <- &files_by_catspec
-func FilesOfCatalogDiff(base_files *FilesOfCatalog,
- to_substract *FilesOfCatalog) *FilesOfCatalog {
- left_in_base := make(FilesOfCatalog)
- for catspec, filemap := range *base_files {
- for path, link := range filemap {
- // Is it in the database?
- in_db := false
- if files_db, ok := (*to_substract)[catspec]; ok {
- if _, ok := files_db[path]; ok {
- in_db = true
- }
- }
- if !in_db {
- if _, ok := left_in_base[catspec]; !ok {
- left_in_base[catspec] = make(map[string]LinkOnDisk)
- }
- left_in_base[catspec][path] = link
- }
- }
- }
- return &left_in_base
-// Returns true if there were any operations performed
-func UpdateDisk(files_to_add *FilesOfCatalog,
- files_to_remove *FilesOfCatalog,
- catalog_root string) bool {
- changes_made := false
- for catspec, files_by_path := range *files_to_add {
- for path, link := range files_by_path {
- tgt_path := filepath.Join(catalog_root, catspec.catrel, catspec.arch,
- shortenOsrel(catspec.osrel), path)
- if link.link_type == Hardlink {
- src_path := filepath.Join(catalog_root, "allpkgs", path)
- if !dry_run {
- if err := syscall.Link(src_path, tgt_path); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("Could not create hardlink from %v to %v: %v",
- src_path, tgt_path, err)
- }
- }
- log.Printf("ln \"%s\"\n \"%s\"\n", src_path, tgt_path)
- changes_made = true
- } else if link.link_type == Symlink {
- // The source path is relative to the target, because it's a symlink
- src_path := *(link.target)
- if !dry_run {
- if err := syscall.Symlink(src_path, tgt_path); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("Could not symlink %v to %v: %v", src_path, tgt_path, err)
- }
- }
- log.Printf("ln -s \"%s\"\n \"%s\"\n", src_path, tgt_path)
- changes_made = true
- } else {
- log.Fatalln("Zonk! Wrong link type in %+v", link)
- }
- }
- }
- for catspec, files_by_path := range *files_to_remove {
- for path, _ := range files_by_path {
- pkg_path := filepath.Join(catalog_root, catspec.catrel, catspec.arch,
- shortenOsrel(catspec.osrel), path)
- if !dry_run {
- if err:= syscall.Unlink(pkg_path); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("Could not unlink %v: %v", pkg_path, err)
- }
- }
- log.Printf("rm \"%s\"\n", pkg_path)
- changes_made = true
- }
- }
- return changes_made
-func FormatCatalogFilePath(root_path string, catspec CatalogSpec,
- filename string) string {
- return filepath.Join(root_path, catspec.catrel,
- catspec.arch, shortenOsrel(catspec.osrel),
- filename)
-func GetCatalogFromIndexFile(catalog_root string,
- catspec CatalogSpec) (*CatalogWithSpec, error) {
- pkgs := make(Catalog, 0)
- // Read the descriptions first, and build a map so that descriptions can be
- // easily accessed when parsing the catalog file.
- desc_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, catspec, "descriptions")
- catalog_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, catspec, "catalog")
- desc_by_catalogname := make(map[string]string)
- desc_file, err := os.Open(desc_file_path)
- if err != nil {
- // Missing file is equivalent to an empty catalog.
- return &CatalogWithSpec{catspec, pkgs}, nil
- }
- defer desc_file.Close()
- desc_scanner := bufio.NewScanner(desc_file)
- for desc_scanner.Scan() {
- fields := strings.SplitN(desc_scanner.Text(), " ", 3)
- if len(fields) < 3 {
- log.Println("Could not parse description line:", fields)
- continue
- }
- catalogname := fields[0]
- description := fields[2]
- desc_by_catalogname[catalogname] = description
- }
- cat_file, err := os.Open(catalog_file_path)
- if err != nil {
- // Missing catalog file is equivalent to an empty file
- return &CatalogWithSpec{catspec, pkgs}, nil
- }
- defer cat_file.Close()
- scanner := bufio.NewScanner(cat_file)
- for scanner.Scan() {
- fields := strings.Fields(scanner.Text())
- if len(fields) != 9 {
- // Line does not conform, ignoring. It's a GPG signature line, or an
- // empty line, or something else.
- continue
- }
- catalogname := fields[0]
- desc, ok := desc_by_catalogname[catalogname]
- if !ok {
- log.Fatalln("Did not find description for", catalogname)
- }
- size, err := strconv.ParseUint(fields[5], 10, 32)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalln("Could not parse size")
- }
- if size <= 0 {
- log.Fatalln("Package size must be > 0:", fields[5])
- }
- deps := ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(fields[6])
- i_deps := ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(fields[8])
- pkg := PkgInCatalog{
- catalogname,
- fields[1],
- fields[2],
- fields[3],
- fields[4],
- size,
- deps,
- fields[7],
- i_deps,
- desc,
- }
- pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
- }
- if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("Error reading %v: %v", catalog_file_path, err)
- }
- log.Println("Catalog index found:", catspec, "and", len(pkgs), "pkgs")
- cws := MakeCatalogWithSpec(catspec, pkgs)
- return &cws, nil
-func GetCatalogIndexes(catspecs CatalogSpecs,
- root_dir string) []CatalogWithSpec {
- // Read all catalog files and parse them.
- catalogs := make([]CatalogWithSpec, 0)
- for _, catspec := range catspecs {
- catalog, err := GetCatalogFromIndexFile(root_dir, catspec)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalln("Could not get the index file of", catspec, "in",
- root_dir, "error:", err)
- }
- catalogs = append(catalogs, *catalog)
- }
- return catalogs
-// Struct to hold information about catalog comparisons
-type catalogPair struct {
- c1 CatalogWithSpec
- c2 CatalogWithSpec
-func GroupCatalogsBySpec(c1, c2 []CatalogWithSpec) (*map[CatalogSpec]catalogPair) {
- pairs_by_spec := make(map[CatalogSpec]catalogPair)
- for _, cws := range c1 {
- pairs_by_spec[cws.spec] = catalogPair{cws, CatalogWithSpec{}}
- }
- for _, cws := range c2 {
- if pair, ok := pairs_by_spec[cws.spec]; ok {
- pair.c2 = cws
- pairs_by_spec[cws.spec] = pair
- } else {
- log.Println("Did not find", cws.spec, "in c2")
- }
- }
- return &pairs_by_spec
-func MassCompareCatalogs(c1, c2 []CatalogWithSpec) (*map[CatalogSpec]bool) {
- diff_detected := make(map[CatalogSpec]bool)
- pairs_by_spec := GroupCatalogsBySpec(c1, c2)
- // The catalog disk/db pairs are ready to be compared.
- for spec, pair := range *pairs_by_spec {
- diff_detected[spec] = false
- // DeepEqual could do it, but it is too crude; doesn't provide details
- // This code can probably be simplified.
- catalognames := make(map[string]bool)
- c1_by_catn := make(map[string]PkgInCatalog)
- c2_by_catn := make(map[string]PkgInCatalog)
- if len(pair.c1.pkgs) != len(pair.c2.pkgs) {
- log.Printf("%v: %v vs %v are different length\n",
- spec, len(pair.c1.pkgs), len(pair.c2.pkgs))
- diff_detected[spec] = true
- continue
- }
- for _, pkg := range pair.c1.pkgs {
- catalognames[pkg.Catalogname] = true
- c1_by_catn[pkg.Catalogname] = pkg
- }
- for _, pkg := range pair.c2.pkgs {
- catalognames[pkg.Catalogname] = true
- c2_by_catn[pkg.Catalogname] = pkg
- }
- for catalogname, _ := range catalognames {
- pkg_disk, ok := c1_by_catn[catalogname]
- if ok {
- pkg_db, ok := c2_by_catn[catalogname]
- if ok {
- // This comparison method is a bit silly. But we can't simply compare
- // the structs, because they contain slices, and slices are not
- // comparable.
- if pkg_db.FormatCatalogIndexLine() != pkg_disk.FormatCatalogIndexLine() {
- log.Printf("different in %v: %v %v vs %v, enough to trigger " +
- "catalog index generation\n", spec, pkg_db.Filename,
- pkg_db.Md5_sum, pkg_disk.Md5_sum)
- diff_detected[spec] = true
- break
- }
- } else {
- log.Printf("different in %v: %v not found in c2\n", spec, catalogname)
- diff_detected[spec] = true
- break
- }
- } else {
- log.Printf("different in %v: %v not found in c1\n", spec, catalogname)
- diff_detected[spec] = true
- break
- }
- }
- }
- return &diff_detected
-func GenerateCatalogIndexFile(catalog_root string,
- cws CatalogWithSpec) {
- log.Printf("GenerateCatalogIndexFile(%v, %v)\n", catalog_root, cws.spec)
- catalog_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, cws.spec, "catalog")
- desc_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, cws.spec, "descriptions")
- defer func() {
- // If there's a "catalog.gz" here, remove it. It will be recreated later by
- // the shell script which signs catalogs.
- gzip_catalog := catalog_file_path + ".gz";
- if err := os.Remove(gzip_catalog); err != nil {
- log.Println("Not removed", gzip_catalog, "error was", err)
- } else {
- log.Println(gzip_catalog, "was removed")
- }
- }()
- // If there are no files in the catalog, simply remove the catalog files.
- if len(cws.pkgs) <= 0 {
- for _, filename := range []string{catalog_file_path, desc_file_path} {
- // If the files are missing, that's okay
- if err := os.Remove(filename); err != nil {
- if err != syscall.ENOENT {
- log.Println("Could not remove", filename, "error:", err)
- }
- } else {
- log.Println("Removed", filename, "because the", cws.spec,
- "catalog is empty")
- }
- }
- return
- }
- var catbuf *bufio.Writer
- var descbuf *bufio.Writer
- if !dry_run {
- catalog_fd, err := os.Create(catalog_file_path)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalln("Could not open", catalog_file_path, "for writing:", err)
- }
- defer catalog_fd.Close()
- catbuf = bufio.NewWriter(catalog_fd)
- defer catbuf.Flush()
- desc_fd, err := os.Create(desc_file_path)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalln("Could not open", desc_file_path, "for writing:", err)
- }
- defer desc_fd.Close()
- descbuf = bufio.NewWriter(desc_fd)
- defer descbuf.Flush()
- } else {
- log.Println("Dry run: printing catalog to stdout")
- catbuf = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
- defer catbuf.Flush()
- descbuf = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
- defer descbuf.Flush()
- }
- // http://www.opencsw.org/manual/for-maintainers/catalog-format.html
- ts_line := fmt.Sprintf("# CREATIONDATE %s\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
- catbuf.WriteString(ts_line)
- for _, pkg := range cws.pkgs {
- catbuf.WriteString(pkg.FormatCatalogIndexLine())
- catbuf.WriteString("\n")
- descbuf.WriteString(pkg.FormatDescriptionLine())
- descbuf.WriteString("\n")
- }
-func GenerateCatalogRelease(catrel string, catalog_root string) {
- log.Println("catrel:", catrel)
- log.Println("catalog_root:", catalog_root)
- all_catspecs, err := GetCatalogSpecs()
- if err != nil {
- log.Panicln("Could not get the catalog spec list")
- }
- // Because of memory constraints, we're only processing 1 catalog in one run
- catspecs := filterCatspecs(all_catspecs, catrel_flag)
- // The plan:
- // 1. build a data structure representing all the hardlinks and symlinks
- // based on the catalogs
- catalog_ch := make(chan []CatalogWithSpec)
- go GetCatalogsFromREST(catalog_ch, catspecs)
- files_from_db_chan := make(chan *FilesOfCatalog)
- go GetFilesOfCatalogFromDatabase(files_from_db_chan, catrel, catalog_ch)
- // 2. build a data structure based on the contents of the disk
- // it should be done in parallel
- files_from_disk_chan := make(chan *FilesOfCatalog)
- go GetFilesOfCatalogFromDisk(files_from_disk_chan, catalog_root, catrel)
- // 3. Retrieve results
- files_by_catspec_disk := <-files_from_disk_chan
- files_by_catspec_db := <-files_from_db_chan
- // 4. compare, generate a list of operations to perform
- log.Println("Calculating the difference")
- files_to_add := FilesOfCatalogDiff(files_by_catspec_db,
- files_by_catspec_disk)
- files_to_remove := FilesOfCatalogDiff(files_by_catspec_disk,
- files_by_catspec_db)
- // 5. perform these operations
- // ...or save a disk file with instructions.
- if dry_run {
- log.Println("Dry run, only logging operations that would have been made.")
- } else {
- log.Println("Applying link/unlink operations to disk")
- }
- changes_made := UpdateDisk(files_to_add, files_to_remove, catalog_root)
- if !changes_made {
- if dry_run {
- log.Println("It was a dry run, but there would not have been any " +
- "link/unlink operations performed anyway")
- } else {
- log.Println("There were no link/unlink operations to perform")
- }
- }
- // 6. Generate the catalog index files
- // Are the current files up to date? Just that we modified linked/unlinked
- // files on disk doesn't mean the catalog file needs to be updated.
- // Getting the content of catalog index files
- catalogs_idx_on_disk := GetCatalogIndexes(catspecs, catalog_root)
- catalogs_in_db := <-catalog_ch
- diff_flag_by_spec := MassCompareCatalogs(catalogs_in_db, catalogs_idx_on_disk)
- log.Println(*diff_flag_by_spec)
- var wg sync.WaitGroup
- for _, cws := range catalogs_in_db {
- diff_present, ok := (*diff_flag_by_spec)[cws.spec]
- if !ok { continue }
- if diff_present {
- wg.Add(1)
- go func(catalog_root string, cws CatalogWithSpec) {
- defer wg.Done()
- GenerateCatalogIndexFile(catalog_root, cws)
- }(catalog_root, cws)
- } else {
- log.Println("Not regenerating", cws.spec,
- "because catalog contents on disk and in the database " +
- "is the same.")
- }
- }
- wg.Wait()
- // This utility needs to be run for each catalog release, but different
- // catalog releases can be done concurrently.
- // This utility could be rewritten to regenerate all the catalogs in a single
- // run at the cost of using more RAM.
// Command line flags
var catrel_flag string
var catalog_root_flag string
-var pkgdb_url string
-var dry_run bool
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&catrel_flag, "catalog-release", "unstable",
"e.g. unstable, bratislava, kiel, dublin")
flag.StringVar(&catalog_root_flag, "catalog-root",
"Directory where all the catalogs live, and allpkgs is")
- flag.StringVar(&pkgdb_url, "pkgdb-url",
+ flag.StringVar(&diskformat.Pkgdb_url, "pkgdb-url",
"Web address of the pkgdb app.")
- flag.BoolVar(&dry_run, "dry-run", false,
+ flag.BoolVar(&diskformat.Dry_run, "dry-run", false,
"Dry run mode, no changes on disk are made")
func main() {
- GenerateCatalogRelease(catrel_flag, catalog_root_flag)
- // Let's generate the catalog index too. And the description file. We've
- // already got all the necessary data. We also know whether we actually need
- // to generate a new catalog: when there were any operations to be made on
- // disk.
+ diskformat.GenerateCatalogRelease(catrel_flag, catalog_root_flag)
Copied: csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/opencsw/diskformat/diskformat.go (from rev 23268, csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/catalog-release-to-disk/catalog-release-to-disk.go)
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/opencsw/diskformat/diskformat.go (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/go/src/opencsw/diskformat/diskformat.go 2014-03-23 14:21:00 UTC (rev 23269)
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+package diskformat
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "net/http"
+ "os"
+ "path"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "syscall"
+ "time"
+var Dry_run bool
+// Keeping Pkgdb_url as a package global variable is probably not the best idea,
+// but let's not refactor without a good plan.
+var Pkgdb_url string
+// 3 strings that define a specific catalog
+type CatalogSpec struct {
+ catrel string
+ arch string
+ osrel string
+func longOsrelAsInt(long_osrel string) int64 {
+ short_osrel := shortenOsrel(long_osrel)
+ fields := strings.Split(short_osrel, ".")
+ if len(fields) < 2 {
+ log.Fatalf("Error: %v does not conform to SunOS5.X\n", long_osrel)
+ }
+ sunos_version, err := strconv.ParseInt(fields[1], 10, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not parse %v as int\n", fields[1])
+ }
+ return sunos_version
+// We want to order catalog specs by OS release, so we can go from the oldest
+// Solaris releases to the newest.
+type CatalogSpecs []CatalogSpec
+func (cs CatalogSpecs) Len() int { return len(cs) }
+func (cs CatalogSpecs) Swap(i, j int) { cs[i], cs[j] = cs[j], cs[i] }
+func (cs CatalogSpecs) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ // Ordering by: 1. catrel, 2. arch, 3. osrel
+ if cs[i].catrel != cs[j].catrel {
+ return cs[i].catrel < cs[j].catrel
+ }
+ if cs[i].arch != cs[j].arch {
+ return cs[i].arch < cs[j].arch
+ }
+ i_as_n := longOsrelAsInt(cs[i].osrel)
+ j_as_n := longOsrelAsInt(cs[j].osrel)
+ return i_as_n < j_as_n
+type PkginstSlice []string
+func (p *PkginstSlice) FormatForIndexFile() string {
+ if len(*p) <= 0 {
+ return "none"
+ }
+ return strings.Join(*p, "|")
+// A line in the catalog file; plus the extra description field
+type PkgInCatalog struct {
+ Catalogname string `json:"catalogname"`
+ Version string `json:"version"`
+ Pkginst string `json:"pkgname"`
+ Filename string `json:"basename"`
+ Md5_sum string `json:"md5_sum"`
+ Size uint64 `json:"size"`
+ Depends PkginstSlice `json:"deps"`
+ Category string `json:"category"`
+ I_depends PkginstSlice `json:"i_deps"`
+ Description string `json:"desc"`
+func (p *PkgInCatalog) FormatCatalogIndexLine() string {
+ lst := []string{
+ p.Catalogname,
+ p.Version,
+ p.Pkginst,
+ p.Filename,
+ p.Md5_sum,
+ fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.Size),
+ p.Depends.FormatForIndexFile(),
+ p.Category,
+ p.I_depends.FormatForIndexFile(),
+ }
+ return strings.Join(lst, " ")
+func (p *PkgInCatalog) FormatDescriptionLine() string {
+ lst := []string{ p.Catalogname, "-", p.Description, }
+ return strings.Join(lst, " ")
+type Catalog []PkgInCatalog
+type CatalogWithSpec struct {
+ spec CatalogSpec
+ pkgs Catalog
+const (
+ Symlink = iota
+ Hardlink
+type LinkOnDisk struct {
+ file_name string
+ link_type int
+ target *string
+func ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(s string) []string {
+ if s == "none" {
+ slice := make(PkginstSlice, 0)
+ return slice
+ }
+ return strings.Split(s, "|")
+func (self *PkginstSlice) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+ var foo string
+ err := json.Unmarshal(data, &foo)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *self = ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(foo)
+ return nil
+// Our REST interface returns catspecs as lists, so let's have a common
+// function to construct catspec structs from lists.
+func MakeCatalogSpec(lst []string) (CatalogSpec, error) {
+ var catspec CatalogSpec
+ if len(lst) != 3 {
+ return catspec, errors.New("Array of length 3 is needed.")
+ }
+ // We already have this in the unmarshal bit.
+ catspec.catrel = lst[2]
+ catspec.arch = lst[1]
+ catspec.osrel = lst[0]
+ return catspec, nil
+func MakeCatalogWithSpec(catspec CatalogSpec, pkgs Catalog) CatalogWithSpec {
+ var cws CatalogWithSpec
+ cws.spec = catspec
+ cws.pkgs = pkgs
+ return cws
+func NewPkgInCatalog(lst []string) (*PkgInCatalog, error) {
+ size, err := strconv.ParseUint(lst[5], 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if size <= 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf(
+ "Package size must be greater than 0: %v in %v", lst[5], lst)
+ }
+ depends := make([]string, 0)
+ if lst[6] != "none" {
+ depends = strings.Split(lst[6], "|")
+ }
+ i_depends := make([]string, 0)
+ if lst[8] != "none" {
+ i_depends = strings.Split(lst[8], "|")
+ }
+ var pkg PkgInCatalog
+ pkg.Catalogname = lst[0]
+ pkg.Version = lst[1]
+ pkg.Pkginst = lst[2]
+ pkg.Filename = lst[3]
+ pkg.Md5_sum = lst[4]
+ pkg.Size = size
+ pkg.Depends = depends
+ pkg.Category = lst[7]
+ pkg.I_depends = i_depends
+ pkg.Description = lst[9]
+ return &pkg, nil
+func (self *CatalogSpec) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
+ var slice []string
+ err := json.Unmarshal(data, &slice)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if len(slice) != 3 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%+v is wrong length, should be 3", slice)
+ }
+ self.catrel = slice[2]
+ self.arch = slice[1]
+ self.osrel = slice[0]
+ return nil
+func GetCatalogSpecs() (CatalogSpecs, error) {
+ url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/catalogs/", Pkgdb_url)
+ resp, err := http.Get(url)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer resp.Body.Close()
+ catspecs := make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
+ dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
+ if err := dec.Decode(&catspecs); err != nil {
+ log.Println("Failed to decode JSON from", url)
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if len(catspecs) <= 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Retrieved 0 catalogs")
+ }
+ log.Println("GetCatalogSpecs returns", len(catspecs), "catalogs from", url)
+ return catspecs, nil
+func GetCatalogWithSpec(catspec CatalogSpec) (CatalogWithSpec, error) {
+ url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/catalogs/%s/%s/%s/for-generation/as-dicts/",
+ Pkgdb_url, catspec.catrel, catspec.arch, catspec.osrel)
+ log.Println("Making a request to", url)
+ resp, err := http.Get(url)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Panicln("Could not retrieve the catalog list.", err)
+ return CatalogWithSpec{}, err
+ }
+ defer resp.Body.Close()
+ var pkgs Catalog
+ dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
+ if err := dec.Decode(&pkgs); err != nil {
+ log.Println("Failed to decode JSON output from", url, ":", err)
+ return CatalogWithSpec{}, err
+ }
+ log.Println("Retrieved", catspec, "with", len(pkgs), "packages")
+ cws := MakeCatalogWithSpec(catspec, pkgs)
+ return cws, nil
+func filterCatspecs(all_catspecs CatalogSpecs, catrel string) CatalogSpecs {
+ catspecs := make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
+ for _, catspec := range all_catspecs {
+ if catspec.catrel == catrel {
+ catspecs = append(catspecs, catspec)
+ }
+ }
+ return catspecs
+func shortenOsrel(longosrel string) string {
+ return strings.Replace(longosrel, "SunOS", "", -1)
+func longOsrel(shortosrel string) string {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(shortosrel, "SunOS") {
+ return shortosrel
+ } else {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("SunOS%s", shortosrel)
+ }
+// Defines layout of files on disk. Can be built from the database or from
+// disk.
+type FilesOfCatalog map[CatalogSpec]map[string]LinkOnDisk
+func GetCatalogsFromREST(catalogs_ch chan []CatalogWithSpec, catspecs CatalogSpecs) {
+ catalogs := make([]CatalogWithSpec, 0)
+ var wg sync.WaitGroup
+ type fetchResult struct {cws CatalogWithSpec; err error }
+ ch := make(chan fetchResult)
+ for _, catspec := range catspecs {
+ wg.Add(1)
+ go func(catspec CatalogSpec) {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ catalog_with_spec, err := GetCatalogWithSpec(catspec)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println(err)
+ ch <- fetchResult{CatalogWithSpec{}, err}
+ }
+ ch <- fetchResult{catalog_with_spec, nil}
+ }(catspec)
+ }
+ // The channel will be closed when all fetches are done. We can process
+ // available results in the meantime.
+ go func() { wg.Wait(); close(ch) }()
+ for {
+ if result, ok := <-ch; !ok {
+ // Channel has been closed; no more results to process.
+ break
+ } else if result.err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln("Catalog fetch failed:", result.err,
+ "We don't want to continue, because this could result in " +
+ "wiping an existing catalog from disk because of an " +
+ "intermittent network issue.")
+ } else {
+ catalogs = append(catalogs, result.cws)
+ }
+ }
+ // We have 2 places that read this data.
+ catalogs_ch <- catalogs
+ catalogs_ch <- catalogs
+func GetFilesOfCatalogFromDatabase(files_from_db_chan chan *FilesOfCatalog,
+ catrel string, catalog_ch chan []CatalogWithSpec) {
+ catalogs := <-catalog_ch
+ catalogs_by_spec := make(map[CatalogSpec]CatalogWithSpec)
+ catspecs := make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
+ for _, cws := range catalogs {
+ catalogs_by_spec[cws.spec] = cws
+ catspecs = append(catspecs, cws.spec)
+ }
+ files_by_catspec := make(FilesOfCatalog)
+ // We must traverse catalogs in sorted order, e.g. Solaris 9 before Solaris 10.
+ sort.Sort(catspecs)
+ visited_catalogs := make(map[CatalogSpec]CatalogSpecs)
+ for _, catspec := range catspecs {
+ // Used to group catalogs we can symlink from
+ compatible_catspec := CatalogSpec{catspec.catrel, catspec.arch, "none"}
+ pkgs := catalogs_by_spec[catspec].pkgs
+ for _, pkg := range pkgs {
+ if _, ok := files_by_catspec[catspec]; !ok {
+ files_by_catspec[catspec] = make(map[string]LinkOnDisk)
+ }
+ var target string
+ var exists_already bool
+ // var exists_in_cat CatalogSpec
+ // Does this path already exist? If so, we'll add a symlink.
+ // Looking back at previous osrels
+ if visited_compatible, ok := visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec]; ok {
+ // We need to iterate in reverse order, from the newest to the oldest
+ // Solaris versions.
+ for i := len(visited_compatible) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ cand_catspec := visited_compatible[i]
+ if _, ok := files_by_catspec[cand_catspec]; ok {
+ if _, ok := files_by_catspec[cand_catspec][pkg.Filename]; ok {
+ exists_already = true
+ target = fmt.Sprintf("../%s/%s",
+ shortenOsrel(cand_catspec.osrel),
+ pkg.Filename)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var link LinkOnDisk
+ if exists_already {
+ link = LinkOnDisk{pkg.Filename, Symlink, &target}
+ } else {
+ link = LinkOnDisk{pkg.Filename, Hardlink, nil}
+ }
+ files_by_catspec[catspec][pkg.Filename] = link
+ }
+ if _, ok := visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec]; !ok {
+ visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec] = make(CatalogSpecs, 0)
+ }
+ visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec] = append(visited_catalogs[compatible_catspec], catspec)
+ }
+ files_from_db_chan <- &files_by_catspec
+func GetFilesOfCatalogFromDisk(files_from_disk_chan chan *FilesOfCatalog, root_path string,
+ catrel string) {
+ files_by_catspec := make(FilesOfCatalog)
+ path_to_scan := path.Join(root_path, catrel)
+ err := filepath.Walk(path_to_scan,
+ func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if f.Mode() & os.ModeDir > 0 {
+ // We're ignoring directories.
+ return nil
+ }
+ rel_path := strings.TrimPrefix(path, path_to_scan + "/")
+ fields := strings.Split(rel_path, "/")
+ if len(fields) != 3 {
+ log.Println("Wrong path found:", fields)
+ }
+ arch := fields[0]
+ osrel := longOsrel(fields[1])
+ basename := fields[2]
+ catspec := CatalogSpec{catrel, arch, osrel}
+ // Figuring out the file type: hardlink/symlink
+ var link LinkOnDisk
+ if !(strings.HasSuffix(basename, ".pkg.gz") ||
+ strings.HasSuffix(basename, ".pkg")) {
+ // Not a package, won't be processed. This means the file won't be
+ // removed if not in the database.
+ return nil
+ }
+ if f.Mode().IsRegular() {
+ link = LinkOnDisk{basename, Hardlink, nil}
+ } else if f.Mode() & os.ModeSymlink > 0 {
+ target, err := os.Readlink(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("Reading link of %v failed: %v\n", path, err)
+ } else {
+ link = LinkOnDisk{basename, Symlink, &target}
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.Println(path, "Is not a hardlink or a symlink. What is it then? Ignoring.")
+ }
+ if _, ok := files_by_catspec[catspec]; !ok {
+ files_by_catspec[catspec] = make(map[string]LinkOnDisk)
+ }
+ files_by_catspec[catspec][basename] = link
+ return nil
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("filepath.Walk() failed with: %v\n", err)
+ }
+ files_from_disk_chan <- &files_by_catspec
+func FilesOfCatalogDiff(base_files *FilesOfCatalog,
+ to_substract *FilesOfCatalog) *FilesOfCatalog {
+ left_in_base := make(FilesOfCatalog)
+ for catspec, filemap := range *base_files {
+ for path, link := range filemap {
+ // Is it in the database?
+ in_db := false
+ if files_db, ok := (*to_substract)[catspec]; ok {
+ if _, ok := files_db[path]; ok {
+ in_db = true
+ }
+ }
+ if !in_db {
+ if _, ok := left_in_base[catspec]; !ok {
+ left_in_base[catspec] = make(map[string]LinkOnDisk)
+ }
+ left_in_base[catspec][path] = link
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &left_in_base
+// Returns true if there were any operations performed
+func UpdateDisk(files_to_add *FilesOfCatalog,
+ files_to_remove *FilesOfCatalog,
+ catalog_root string) bool {
+ changes_made := false
+ for catspec, files_by_path := range *files_to_add {
+ for path, link := range files_by_path {
+ tgt_path := filepath.Join(catalog_root, catspec.catrel, catspec.arch,
+ shortenOsrel(catspec.osrel), path)
+ if link.link_type == Hardlink {
+ src_path := filepath.Join(catalog_root, "allpkgs", path)
+ if !Dry_run {
+ if err := syscall.Link(src_path, tgt_path); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not create hardlink from %v to %v: %v",
+ src_path, tgt_path, err)
+ }
+ }
+ log.Printf("ln \"%s\"\n \"%s\"\n", src_path, tgt_path)
+ changes_made = true
+ } else if link.link_type == Symlink {
+ // The source path is relative to the target, because it's a symlink
+ src_path := *(link.target)
+ if !Dry_run {
+ if err := syscall.Symlink(src_path, tgt_path); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not symlink %v to %v: %v", src_path, tgt_path, err)
+ }
+ }
+ log.Printf("ln -s \"%s\"\n \"%s\"\n", src_path, tgt_path)
+ changes_made = true
+ } else {
+ log.Fatalln("Zonk! Wrong link type in %+v", link)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for catspec, files_by_path := range *files_to_remove {
+ for path, _ := range files_by_path {
+ pkg_path := filepath.Join(catalog_root, catspec.catrel, catspec.arch,
+ shortenOsrel(catspec.osrel), path)
+ if !Dry_run {
+ if err:= syscall.Unlink(pkg_path); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not unlink %v: %v", pkg_path, err)
+ }
+ }
+ log.Printf("rm \"%s\"\n", pkg_path)
+ changes_made = true
+ }
+ }
+ return changes_made
+func FormatCatalogFilePath(root_path string, catspec CatalogSpec,
+ filename string) string {
+ return filepath.Join(root_path, catspec.catrel,
+ catspec.arch, shortenOsrel(catspec.osrel),
+ filename)
+func GetCatalogFromIndexFile(catalog_root string,
+ catspec CatalogSpec) (*CatalogWithSpec, error) {
+ pkgs := make(Catalog, 0)
+ // Read the descriptions first, and build a map so that descriptions can be
+ // easily accessed when parsing the catalog file.
+ desc_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, catspec, "descriptions")
+ catalog_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, catspec, "catalog")
+ desc_by_catalogname := make(map[string]string)
+ desc_file, err := os.Open(desc_file_path)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Missing file is equivalent to an empty catalog.
+ return &CatalogWithSpec{catspec, pkgs}, nil
+ }
+ defer desc_file.Close()
+ desc_scanner := bufio.NewScanner(desc_file)
+ for desc_scanner.Scan() {
+ fields := strings.SplitN(desc_scanner.Text(), " ", 3)
+ if len(fields) < 3 {
+ log.Println("Could not parse description line:", fields)
+ continue
+ }
+ catalogname := fields[0]
+ description := fields[2]
+ desc_by_catalogname[catalogname] = description
+ }
+ cat_file, err := os.Open(catalog_file_path)
+ if err != nil {
+ // Missing catalog file is equivalent to an empty file
+ return &CatalogWithSpec{catspec, pkgs}, nil
+ }
+ defer cat_file.Close()
+ scanner := bufio.NewScanner(cat_file)
+ for scanner.Scan() {
+ fields := strings.Fields(scanner.Text())
+ if len(fields) != 9 {
+ // Line does not conform, ignoring. It's a GPG signature line, or an
+ // empty line, or something else.
+ continue
+ }
+ catalogname := fields[0]
+ desc, ok := desc_by_catalogname[catalogname]
+ if !ok {
+ log.Fatalln("Did not find description for", catalogname)
+ }
+ size, err := strconv.ParseUint(fields[5], 10, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln("Could not parse size")
+ }
+ if size <= 0 {
+ log.Fatalln("Package size must be > 0:", fields[5])
+ }
+ deps := ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(fields[6])
+ i_deps := ParseCatalogFormatPkginstList(fields[8])
+ pkg := PkgInCatalog{
+ catalogname,
+ fields[1],
+ fields[2],
+ fields[3],
+ fields[4],
+ size,
+ deps,
+ fields[7],
+ i_deps,
+ desc,
+ }
+ pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
+ }
+ if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Error reading %v: %v", catalog_file_path, err)
+ }
+ log.Println("Catalog index found:", catspec, "and", len(pkgs), "pkgs")
+ cws := MakeCatalogWithSpec(catspec, pkgs)
+ return &cws, nil
+func GetCatalogIndexes(catspecs CatalogSpecs,
+ root_dir string) []CatalogWithSpec {
+ // Read all catalog files and parse them.
+ catalogs := make([]CatalogWithSpec, 0)
+ for _, catspec := range catspecs {
+ catalog, err := GetCatalogFromIndexFile(root_dir, catspec)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln("Could not get the index file of", catspec, "in",
+ root_dir, "error:", err)
+ }
+ catalogs = append(catalogs, *catalog)
+ }
+ return catalogs
+// Struct to hold information about catalog comparisons
+type catalogPair struct {
+ c1 CatalogWithSpec
+ c2 CatalogWithSpec
+func GroupCatalogsBySpec(c1, c2 []CatalogWithSpec) (*map[CatalogSpec]catalogPair) {
+ pairs_by_spec := make(map[CatalogSpec]catalogPair)
+ for _, cws := range c1 {
+ pairs_by_spec[cws.spec] = catalogPair{cws, CatalogWithSpec{}}
+ }
+ for _, cws := range c2 {
+ if pair, ok := pairs_by_spec[cws.spec]; ok {
+ pair.c2 = cws
+ pairs_by_spec[cws.spec] = pair
+ } else {
+ log.Println("Did not find", cws.spec, "in c2")
+ }
+ }
+ return &pairs_by_spec
+func MassCompareCatalogs(c1, c2 []CatalogWithSpec) (*map[CatalogSpec]bool) {
+ diff_detected := make(map[CatalogSpec]bool)
+ pairs_by_spec := GroupCatalogsBySpec(c1, c2)
+ // The catalog disk/db pairs are ready to be compared.
+ for spec, pair := range *pairs_by_spec {
+ diff_detected[spec] = false
+ // DeepEqual could do it, but it is too crude; doesn't provide details
+ // This code can probably be simplified.
+ catalognames := make(map[string]bool)
+ c1_by_catn := make(map[string]PkgInCatalog)
+ c2_by_catn := make(map[string]PkgInCatalog)
+ if len(pair.c1.pkgs) != len(pair.c2.pkgs) {
+ log.Printf("%v: %v vs %v are different length\n",
+ spec, len(pair.c1.pkgs), len(pair.c2.pkgs))
+ diff_detected[spec] = true
+ continue
+ }
+ for _, pkg := range pair.c1.pkgs {
+ catalognames[pkg.Catalogname] = true
+ c1_by_catn[pkg.Catalogname] = pkg
+ }
+ for _, pkg := range pair.c2.pkgs {
+ catalognames[pkg.Catalogname] = true
+ c2_by_catn[pkg.Catalogname] = pkg
+ }
+ for catalogname, _ := range catalognames {
+ pkg_disk, ok := c1_by_catn[catalogname]
+ if ok {
+ pkg_db, ok := c2_by_catn[catalogname]
+ if ok {
+ // This comparison method is a bit silly. But we can't simply compare
+ // the structs, because they contain slices, and slices are not
+ // comparable.
+ if pkg_db.FormatCatalogIndexLine() != pkg_disk.FormatCatalogIndexLine() {
+ log.Printf("different in %v: %v %v vs %v, enough to trigger " +
+ "catalog index generation\n", spec, pkg_db.Filename,
+ pkg_db.Md5_sum, pkg_disk.Md5_sum)
+ diff_detected[spec] = true
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.Printf("different in %v: %v not found in c2\n", spec, catalogname)
+ diff_detected[spec] = true
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.Printf("different in %v: %v not found in c1\n", spec, catalogname)
+ diff_detected[spec] = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &diff_detected
+func GenerateCatalogIndexFile(catalog_root string,
+ cws CatalogWithSpec) {
+ log.Printf("GenerateCatalogIndexFile(%v, %v)\n", catalog_root, cws.spec)
+ catalog_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, cws.spec, "catalog")
+ desc_file_path := FormatCatalogFilePath(catalog_root, cws.spec, "descriptions")
+ defer func() {
+ // If there's a "catalog.gz" here, remove it. It will be recreated later by
+ // the shell script which signs catalogs.
+ gzip_catalog := catalog_file_path + ".gz";
+ if err := os.Remove(gzip_catalog); err != nil {
+ log.Println("Not removed", gzip_catalog, "error was", err)
+ } else {
+ log.Println(gzip_catalog, "was removed")
+ }
+ }()
+ // If there are no files in the catalog, simply remove the catalog files.
+ if len(cws.pkgs) <= 0 {
+ for _, filename := range []string{catalog_file_path, desc_file_path} {
+ // If the files are missing, that's okay
+ if err := os.Remove(filename); err != nil {
+ if err != syscall.ENOENT {
+ log.Println("Could not remove", filename, "error:", err)
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.Println("Removed", filename, "because the", cws.spec,
+ "catalog is empty")
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ var catbuf *bufio.Writer
+ var descbuf *bufio.Writer
+ if !Dry_run {
+ catalog_fd, err := os.Create(catalog_file_path)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln("Could not open", catalog_file_path, "for writing:", err)
+ }
+ defer catalog_fd.Close()
+ catbuf = bufio.NewWriter(catalog_fd)
+ defer catbuf.Flush()
+ desc_fd, err := os.Create(desc_file_path)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln("Could not open", desc_file_path, "for writing:", err)
+ }
+ defer desc_fd.Close()
+ descbuf = bufio.NewWriter(desc_fd)
+ defer descbuf.Flush()
+ } else {
+ log.Println("Dry run: printing catalog to stdout")
+ catbuf = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
+ defer catbuf.Flush()
+ descbuf = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
+ defer descbuf.Flush()
+ }
+ // http://www.opencsw.org/manual/for-maintainers/catalog-format.html
+ ts_line := fmt.Sprintf("# CREATIONDATE %s\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
+ catbuf.WriteString(ts_line)
+ for _, pkg := range cws.pkgs {
+ catbuf.WriteString(pkg.FormatCatalogIndexLine())
+ catbuf.WriteString("\n")
+ descbuf.WriteString(pkg.FormatDescriptionLine())
+ descbuf.WriteString("\n")
+ }
+func GenerateCatalogRelease(catrel string, catalog_root string) {
+ log.Println("catrel:", catrel)
+ log.Println("catalog_root:", catalog_root)
+ all_catspecs, err := GetCatalogSpecs()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Panicln("Could not get the catalog spec list")
+ }
+ // Because of memory constraints, we're only processing 1 catalog in one run
+ catspecs := filterCatspecs(all_catspecs, catrel)
+ // The plan:
+ // 1. build a data structure representing all the hardlinks and symlinks
+ // based on the catalogs
+ catalog_ch := make(chan []CatalogWithSpec)
+ go GetCatalogsFromREST(catalog_ch, catspecs)
+ files_from_db_chan := make(chan *FilesOfCatalog)
+ go GetFilesOfCatalogFromDatabase(files_from_db_chan, catrel, catalog_ch)
+ // 2. build a data structure based on the contents of the disk
+ // it should be done in parallel
+ files_from_disk_chan := make(chan *FilesOfCatalog)
+ go GetFilesOfCatalogFromDisk(files_from_disk_chan, catalog_root, catrel)
+ // 3. Retrieve results
+ files_by_catspec_disk := <-files_from_disk_chan
+ files_by_catspec_db := <-files_from_db_chan
+ // 4. compare, generate a list of operations to perform
+ log.Println("Calculating the difference")
+ files_to_add := FilesOfCatalogDiff(files_by_catspec_db,
+ files_by_catspec_disk)
+ files_to_remove := FilesOfCatalogDiff(files_by_catspec_disk,
+ files_by_catspec_db)
+ // 5. perform these operations
+ // ...or save a disk file with instructions.
+ if Dry_run {
+ log.Println("Dry run, only logging operations that would have been made.")
+ } else {
+ log.Println("Applying link/unlink operations to disk")
+ }
+ changes_made := UpdateDisk(files_to_add, files_to_remove, catalog_root)
+ if !changes_made {
+ if Dry_run {
+ log.Println("It was a dry run, but there would not have been any " +
+ "link/unlink operations performed anyway")
+ } else {
+ log.Println("There were no link/unlink operations to perform")
+ }
+ }
+ // 6. Generate the catalog index files
+ // Are the current files up to date? Just that we modified linked/unlinked
+ // files on disk doesn't mean the catalog file needs to be updated.
+ // Getting the content of catalog index files
+ catalogs_idx_on_disk := GetCatalogIndexes(catspecs, catalog_root)
+ catalogs_in_db := <-catalog_ch
+ diff_flag_by_spec := MassCompareCatalogs(catalogs_in_db, catalogs_idx_on_disk)
+ log.Println(*diff_flag_by_spec)
+ var wg sync.WaitGroup
+ for _, cws := range catalogs_in_db {
+ diff_present, ok := (*diff_flag_by_spec)[cws.spec]
+ if !ok { continue }
+ if diff_present {
+ wg.Add(1)
+ go func(catalog_root string, cws CatalogWithSpec) {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ GenerateCatalogIndexFile(catalog_root, cws)
+ }(catalog_root, cws)
+ } else {
+ log.Println("Not regenerating", cws.spec,
+ "because catalog contents on disk and in the database " +
+ "is the same.")
+ }
+ }
+ wg.Wait()
+ // This utility needs to be run for each catalog release, but different
+ // catalog releases can be done concurrently.
+ // This utility could be rewritten to regenerate all the catalogs in a single
+ // run at the cost of using more RAM.
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