SF.net SVN: gar:[23664] csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib

wahwah at users.sourceforge.net wahwah at users.sourceforge.net
Tue May 20 00:21:53 CEST 2014

Revision: 23664
Author:   wahwah
Date:     2014-05-19 22:21:52 +0000 (Mon, 19 May 2014)
Log Message:
pkgdb: Use transactions

It's safer to bind removal+insertion operations in a single transaction - less
risk of getting the database in an inconsistent state.

Modified Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py	2014-05-19 22:21:43 UTC (rev 23663)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/checkpkg_lib.py	2014-05-19 22:21:52 UTC (rev 23664)
@@ -1126,37 +1126,37 @@
   def GetConflictingSrv4ByCatalognameResult(self,
       sqo_srv4, catalogname,
-      sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel):
+      sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel, trans):
     res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(
-            m.Srv4FileStats.q.catalogname==catalogname
-            ).throughTo.in_catalogs.filter(
-                sqlobject.AND(
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.osrel==sqo_osrel,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.arch==sqo_arch,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.catrel==sqo_catrel,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file!=sqo_srv4))
+        m.Srv4FileStats.q.catalogname==catalogname,
+        forUpdate=True,
+        connection=trans
+    ).throughTo.in_catalogs.filter(
+        sqlobject.AND(
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.osrel==sqo_osrel,
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.arch==sqo_arch,
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.catrel==sqo_catrel,
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file!=sqo_srv4))
     return res
   def GetConflictingSrv4ByPkgnameResult(self,
       sqo_srv4, pkgname,
-      sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel):
-    join = [
-        sqlbuilder.INNERJOINOn(None,
-          m.Pkginst,
-          m.Srv4FileStats.q.pkginst==m.Pkginst.q.id),
-    ]
+      sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel, trans):
+    pkginst = sqo_srv4.pkginst
     res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(
-            m.Pkginst.q.pkgname==pkgname,
-            join=join
-            ).throughTo.in_catalogs.filter(
-                sqlobject.AND(
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.osrel==sqo_osrel,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.arch==sqo_arch,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.catrel==sqo_catrel,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file!=sqo_srv4))
+        m.Srv4FileStats.q.pkginst==pkginst,
+        forUpdate=True,
+        connection=trans
+    ).throughTo.in_catalogs.filter(
+        sqlobject.AND(
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.osrel==sqo_osrel,
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.arch==sqo_arch,
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.catrel==sqo_catrel,
+          m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file!=sqo_srv4))
     return res
-  def AddSrv4ToCatalog(self, sqo_srv4, osrel, arch, catrel, who=None):
+  def AddSrv4ToCatalog(self, sqo_srv4, osrel, arch, catrel,
+                       who, trans):
     """Registers a srv4 file in a catalog."""
         "AddSrv4ToCatalog(%s, %r, %r, %r, %r)",
@@ -1177,34 +1177,28 @@
       raise CatalogDatabaseError(
           "Package %s (%s) is not registered for releases."
           % (sqo_srv4.basename, sqo_srv4.md5_sum))
-    # TODO(maciej): Make sure the package's files are present in the database.
     # Checking for presence of a different srv4 with the same pkginst in the
     # same catalog
-    pkginst = sqo_srv4.pkginst
-    res = m.Srv4FileStats.select(
-            m.Srv4FileStats.q.pkginst==pkginst).throughTo.in_catalogs.filter(
-                sqlobject.AND(
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.osrel==sqo_osrel,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.arch==sqo_arch,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.catrel==sqo_catrel,
-                  m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file!=sqo_srv4))
+    res = self.GetConflictingSrv4ByPkgnameResult(
+        sqo_srv4, sqo_srv4.pkginst.pkgname, sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel, trans)
     if res.count():
       raise CatalogDatabaseError(
           "There already is a package with that pkgname: %s" % pkginst.pkgname)
     res = self.GetConflictingSrv4ByCatalognameResult(
         sqo_srv4, sqo_srv4.catalogname,
-        sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel)
+        sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel, trans)
     if res.count():
       raise CatalogDatabaseError(
           "There already is a package with that catalogname: %s"
-          % sqo_srv4.catalogname)
+          % sqo_srv4)
     # Checking for presence of the same srv4 already in the catalog.
     res = m.Srv4FileInCatalog.select(
-            m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file==sqo_srv4))
+            m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file==sqo_srv4),
+        connection=trans)
     if res.count():
           "%s is already part of %s %s %s, count=%d",
@@ -1212,34 +1206,34 @@
       # Our srv4 is already part of that catalog.
     # SQL INSERT happens here.
-    m.Srv4FileInCatalog(
+    pkg_in_cat = m.Srv4FileInCatalog(
-        created_by=who)
-    # The package is now in the catalog.
+        created_by=who,
+        connection=trans)
     self.logger.debug('The package %s was inserted into catalog %s %s %s: %s',
                       sqo_srv4.basename, osrel, arch, catrel, pkg_in_cat)
-  def RemoveSrv4(self, sqo_srv4, osrel, arch, catrel):
+  def RemoveSrv4(self, sqo_srv4, osrel, arch, catrel, trans):
     catspec = CatalogSpec(catrel, arch, osrel)
     self.logger.debug('RemoveSrv4(), %s %s' % (sqo_srv4, catspec))
     sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel = self.GetSqlobjectTriad(
         osrel, arch, catrel)
-      # There's a race condition in here. Maybe SQLObject allows to delete
-      # atomically?
       sqo_srv4_in_cat = m.Srv4FileInCatalog.select(
-            m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file==sqo_srv4)).getOne()
+            m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file==sqo_srv4),
+          forUpdate=True,
+          connection=trans).getOne()
+      sqo_srv4_in_cat.destroySelf()
       self.logger.debug('Package %s should be now gone from %s.' % (sqo_srv4, catspec))
       # Files belonging to this package should not be removed from the catalog
       # as the package might be still present in another catalog.
-      sqo_srv4_in_cat.destroySelf()
     except sqlobject.main.SQLObjectNotFound as e:
       self.logger.debug('The object went away when we were trying to delete it.')

Modified: csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/web/releases_web.py
--- csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/web/releases_web.py	2014-05-19 22:21:43 UTC (rev 23663)
+++ csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/web/releases_web.py	2014-05-19 22:21:52 UTC (rev 23664)
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 import sys
 import tempfile
+from contextlib import contextmanager
 import cjson
 import lockfile
 import sqlobject
@@ -73,6 +75,20 @@
+ at contextmanager
+def Transaction(cls):
+  """Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations."""
+  transaction = cls._connection.transaction()
+  try:
+    yield transaction
+    transaction.commit()
+  except:
+    transaction.rollback()
+    raise
+  finally:
+    transaction.commit(close=True)
 class Index(object):
   def GET(self):
@@ -291,46 +307,53 @@
       c = checkpkg_lib.Catalog()
       sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel = models.GetSqoTriad(
           osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name)
-      applogger.info('See if there already is a package with that '
-                     'catalogname (%s)', srv4.basename)
-      res = c.GetConflictingSrv4ByCatalognameResult(
-          srv4, srv4.catalogname,
-          sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel)
-      if res.count() >= 1:
-        for pkg_in_catalog in res:
-          srv4_to_remove = pkg_in_catalog.srv4file
-          applogger.info('Removing %s from the %s catalog',
-                         srv4_to_remove.catalogname, catspec)
-          c.RemoveSrv4(srv4_to_remove, osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name)
-      else:
-        applogger.info('Package with the same catalogname (%s) not found in %s (good)',
-                       srv4.catalogname, catspec)
-      # See if there already is a package with that pkgname.
-      res = c.GetConflictingSrv4ByPkgnameResult(
-          srv4, srv4.pkginst.pkgname,
-          sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel)
-      if res.count() >= 1:
-        # Removing old version of the package from the catalog
-        for pkg_in_catalog in res:
-          srv4_to_remove = pkg_in_catalog.srv4file
-          applogger.info('Removing %s from %s', srv4_to_remove.basename, catspec)
-          c.RemoveSrv4(srv4_to_remove, osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name)
+      with Transaction(models.Srv4FileStats) as trans:
+        applogger.info('Looking if catalog %s already contains a package '
+                       'with catalogname %s', catspec, srv4.catalogname)
+        res = c.GetConflictingSrv4ByCatalognameResult(
+            srv4, srv4.catalogname,
+            sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel,
+            trans)
+        if res.count() >= 1:
+          for pkg_in_catalog in res:
+            srv4_to_remove = pkg_in_catalog.srv4file
+            applogger.info('Removing previous %s catalogname from the %s catalog, '
+                           'matched by catalogname',
+                           srv4_to_remove.catalogname, catspec)
+            c.RemoveSrv4(srv4_to_remove, osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name, trans)
+        else:
+          applogger.info('Package with the same catalogname (%s) not found in %s',
+                         srv4.catalogname, catspec)
+        # See if there already is a package with that pkgname.
+        res = c.GetConflictingSrv4ByPkgnameResult(
+            srv4, srv4.pkginst.pkgname,
+            sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel,
+            trans)
+        if res.count() >= 1:
+          # Removing old version of the package from the catalog
+          for pkg_in_catalog in res:
+            srv4_to_remove = pkg_in_catalog.srv4file
+            applogger.info('Removing %s from %s', srv4_to_remove.basename, catspec)
+            c.RemoveSrv4(srv4_to_remove, osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name, trans)
+        else:
+          applogger.info('Package with the same pkgname (%s) not found in %s',
+                         srv4.pkginst.pkgname, catspec)
-      # This is set by basic HTTP auth.
-      username = web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_USER')
+        # This is set by basic HTTP auth.
+        username = web.ctx.env.get('REMOTE_USER')
-      applogger.info('Adding %s to the %s catalog', srv4.basename, catspec)
-      c.AddSrv4ToCatalog(srv4, osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name, who=username)
-      web.header(
-          'Content-type',
-          'application/x-vnd.opencsw.pkg;type=catalog-update')
-      response = cjson.encode([
-        u"Added to catalog %s %s %s" % (catrel_name, arch_name, osrel_name),
-        u"%s" % srv4.basename,
-        u"%s" % srv4.md5_sum,
-      ])
-      web.header('Content-Length', len(response))
-      return response
+        applogger.info('Adding %s to the %s catalog', srv4.basename, catspec)
+        c.AddSrv4ToCatalog(srv4, osrel_name, arch_name, catrel_name, username, trans)
+        web.header(
+            'Content-type',
+            'application/x-vnd.opencsw.pkg;type=catalog-update')
+        response = cjson.encode([
+          u"Added to catalog %s %s %s" % (catrel_name, arch_name, osrel_name),
+          u"%s" % srv4.basename,
+          u"%s" % srv4.md5_sum,
+        ])
+        web.header('Content-Length', len(response))
+        return response
     except (
         sqlobject.dberrors.OperationalError) as exc:

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