[csw-maintainers] where is testing ?

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Sun Nov 23 23:16:25 CET 2008

Hi William,

Am 23.11.2008 um 23:10 schrieb William Bonnet:
>> When you're satisfied that the package is worthy of public release,  
>> copy
>> your finished packages to /home/newpkgs on www.opencsw.org and let
>> Phil know
> Could you please check that i have write access to this place ? or  
> maybe
> i am not using the good scp argument ?
> scp firefox-,REV\=2008.11.14-SunOS5.8-*
> www.opencsw.org:/home/newpkgs
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname www.opencsw.org: host/servname not  
> known
> scp firefox-,REV\=2008.11.14-SunOS5.8-* www:/home/newpkgs
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname www: host/servname not known

You must do this from 'login.bo.opencsw.org', the build-machines
are not directly connected to the internet.

Best regards

   -- Dago

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