[csw-maintainers] [Fwd: [csw-pkgrequests] package request]

Sebastian Kayser skayser at opencsw.org
Thu Aug 27 10:46:52 CEST 2009

Peter FELECAN wrote on 27.08.2009 10:25:
> Why did you forward this requests from pkgrequests list? Those interested
> subscribe to the list and receive that information, isn't it? The
> requests forwarded by you or Maciej were received from the cited
> list. Lets avoid redundancy folks!

The list was hidden from the lists.opencsw.org listing until Oslo and
only a few people knew about it - although it is mentioned in the
welcome mail / page that Phil sends to new maintainers. The idea was to
auto-subscribe all maintainers to the list to raise awareness (those
that don't want its occasional emails, can easily ignore them or

I would think that Trygve's forwards served as a temporary work-around
while the subscription part hasn't take place yet.


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