[csw-maintainers] Conflicting header file

William Bonnet william at wbonnet.net
Wed Jul 1 14:32:00 CEST 2009


A conflicting header is installed by qt package. It is the file 

When including this file, it generates the following error

"/opt/csw/include/npapi.h", line 1: Error: #error 
must be provided by Netscape".

A mantis entry exists, but unfortnatly package has no maintainer and was 
not fixed. Would it be possible to nuke this file on the build farm 
please ? (well at least rename the file to .old...). This file is 
blocking for compile FF3.

npapi.h is provided by mozilla packages, especialy firefox, not by qt.

[wbonnet at build9x:~/mgar/pkg/firefox/branches/firefox3.5-packaging]$ grep 
npapi.h /var/sadm/install/contents
/opt/csw/include/npapi.h f none 0644 root bin 225 20260 1091716908 CSWqt
/opt/csw/kde-gcc/include/npapi.h f none 0644 root bin 225 20273 
1110647274 CSWqtgcc

Thanks in advance


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