[csw-maintainers] libiconv and --fast --xnolibmopt, ./configure hangs at "checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99"

Sebastian Kayser skayser at opencsw.org
Mon Jul 6 22:12:14 CEST 2009

Philip Brown wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 05:34:51PM +0200, Sebastian Kayser wrote:
>> Trussing the acomp shows a myriad of brk()s and the process hogs
>> memory like there is no tomorrow.
>>  29072 skayser   684M  670M cpu13   30    0   0:01.23 3.1% acomp/1
> yes. this is known behaviour of cc.
> (although I havent seen it with libiconv specifically)
> certain obscure optimization cases, explode, so to speak, taking extreme
> memory usage and disk space for it to "traverse the problem space", if you
> will.
> Your choices are:
> a) wait for a long time, and it will eventually complete, if the machine
> doesnt run out of resources
> b) reduce the optimization flags to -xO2 or -xO3

Thanks for your feedback Phil. Reducing to -xO2 or -xO3 didn't help
though. Now comes the fun part. When i keep the --fast --xnolibmopt
flags as they are and run the configure command that GAR would issue
manually, it completes just fine :/

There is someone over at the OpenSolaris forums who has observed
something similar. cc hanging when invoked from make, but fine on its
own [1]. Unfortunately, neither the forum thread nor the referenced bug
entry [2] help with a working solution.


[1] http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=209219
[2] http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6668199

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