[csw-maintainers] [csw-users] Munin 1.3.4 in testing

Trygve Laugstøl trygvis at opencsw.org
Tue Jul 7 03:35:05 CEST 2009

Juergen Arndt wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 20:48:00 +0200, Trygve Laugstøl 
> <trygvis at opencsw.org> wrote:
>> Juergen Arndt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>  I've put Munin 1.3.4 into testing. It's the initial version for 
>>> OpenCSW. The software consists of the packages munin_master and 
>>> munin_node.
>>>  Feedback is welcome.
>> (I sure hope you're able to collect all my comments :)
> I'll try my very best ;) (I use for such purposes a mind map tool - 
> http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page, which is 
> really capable for such things. Maybe it's interesting for someone too)
> So, I have the following points:
> 1) Use of monospaced font for the graphs
> 2) Moving executables from /lib to /libexec (thanks for your attention, 
> I absolutely didn't see that)

You probably want to make sure that your use owner:group consistently 
throughout the file objects.

> 3) Provide Apache config files ready for including - where should the 
> files be placed? Already in /opt/csw/apache2/etc/extra ?

I would suggest /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache.conf and 

> 4) The problems with pango and the cgi mode. I guess, this will take the 
> most time, actually I don't know yet, where the problem is located - in 
> pango or in munin or in both.

I would ignore this for now as Munin only calls out to rrdtool and the 
HTML etc was generated perfectly.

> 5) Maybe packages for 1.2.6 are needed.

The package is working just fine for me now, so I think this should be 
ok. I've even made a plugin for it and it work :)

> Did I forget anything? :) I hope, I can solve the first three issues 
> tomorrow.

I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow so I probably won't be able to test it 
much, but I can do it as soon as I get back home.


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