[csw-maintainers] Library problem?

Mike Watters mwatters at opencsw.org
Wed Jul 8 15:29:27 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1

William Bonnet wrote:
> Hi
>> Thanks to everyone who responded to my query.  Yes, apparently the
>> problem
>> was with the pango.modules file and after running the above command (the
>> binaries under sparc and sparcv8 are the same) my problem was resolved.
>> I am using the latest 1.24.3,REV=2009.07.01 version of libpango and I
>> typically update once a week or so.  I do not know exactly when the last
>> update was to libpango on my system.  Does this look like a general
>> bug in
>> the post-install script that failed to automatically regenerate the
>> module list?
> I was able to re produce the same problem on a 64 bit VM and thunderbird.
> Is it possible that the problem comes from the fact a 32 bit application
> (thunderbird) is running on a 64 bit machine, when loading pango modules
> it retrieves the 64 bits modules from the pango.modules config file and
> this produces a warning / error.
> If this is the case i don't really see how having two different version
> of the executable used to generate this file may solve this.
> Any clue is welcome :)
> cheers
> W.
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This unfortunately is a known bug in this version

I think I saw some threads bouncing back and forth with regard to the best way
to correct this issue.  the ticket above has a temporary fix in the notes from

- --


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