[csw-maintainers] GAR RFE: Variable(s) to tag files for classes instead of PROTOTYPE_FILTER

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Sun Jul 12 15:23:02 CEST 2009

Hi Sebastian,

Am 12.07.2009 um 14:54 schrieb Sebastian Kayser:
> Done (r5569). I have also added the variables to the GAR variable
> reference [1]. What about cswpycompile, do we want to have that as  
> such
> a variable (PYCOMPILE) also?

Should be done. Something like this is needed for Python (taken
from x11/xcb-proto):

> PYTHON_PREFIX=$(BUILD_PREFIX)/lib/python/site-packages
> EXTRA_PAX_ARGS = -s ',^.*/\(xcbgen/.*\.py\),.$(BUILD_PREFIX)/lib/ 
> python/site-packages/\1,'
> EXTRA_PAX_ARGS += -s ',^\.$(libdir)/python.*,,'
> EXTRA_MERGE_EXCLUDE_FILES = .*\.pyo .*\.pyc
> PROTOTYPE_FILTER = awk '$$$$3 ~ /.*\.py$$$$/ { $$$$2 =  
> "cswpycompile" } { print }'
> SPKG_CLASSES = none cswpycompile
> REQUIRED_PKGS += CSWcswclassutils
> PKGFILES_CSWpyxcbproto = .*\.py

The detection would however be slightly more complicated as the presence
of .py-files should be automatically detected. If present, the filter
should be put in place and the class changed for the .py-files.
As of the current implementation of the cswpycompile class the .py-files
must be put exactly where they are relocated in this example via
pax-relocation during the merge phase. If they are anywhere else
a warning (error?) should be printed.

Best regards

   -- Dago

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