[csw-maintainers] Including directory paths in prototypes using PKGFILES_CSWfoo

Maciej (Matchek) Blizinski maciej at opencsw.org
Fri Jul 24 18:55:29 CEST 2009

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Dagobert Michelsen<dam at opencsw.org> wrote:
> You usually specify PKGFILES for all but one packages which gets all
> the rest not included in any package. And you can say
>  PKGFILES_CSWcupsd = $(sbindir)/(cupsd|cupsfilter)
> and leave out PKGFILES for CSWcupsclient.

More on that matter... There seems to be a problem with including
directories. I'm getting warnings like the following:

## Building pkgmap from package prototype file.
## Processing pkginfo file.
WARNING: missing directory entry for </opt>
WARNING: missing directory entry for </opt/csw>
WARNING: missing directory entry for </opt/csw/lib>

My package's PKGFILES:

PKGFILES_CSWlibcups  = $(prefix)
PKGFILES_CSWlibcups += $(libdir)
PKGFILES_CSWlibcups += $(libdir)/libcups.*

The $(libdir) variable is /opt/csw/lib, after implicitly adding ^ and
$ it becomes ^/opt/csw/lib$, which should match the directory:

$ [[ -d work/install-isa-i386/opt/csw/lib ]] && echo yes

How to convince GAR to include the directories in the prototype?


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