[csw-maintainers] Subversion on bender

Mike Watters mwatters at opencsw.org
Fri Jul 24 22:48:48 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ben Walton wrote:
> Excerpts from Philip Brown's message of Fri Jul 24 15:46:30 -0400 2009:
>>> such that database connection info is stored only in a single
>>> place, thus facilitating the possibility of storing this code in a
>>> non-local (read: not live) repository in the future[2] with the db
>>> details excluded for security purposes.
>> the trouble with that, is that it affects performance.
> No it doesn't.  The live copy on the web would simply be a current
> checkout.
> The pattern would become:
> 1. Develop, develop, develop.
> 2. Commit (which if svn[1] were used, is also a push to central).
> 3. <optional>Review of changes</optional>
> 4. Login to bender, proceed to web directory, update local copy.
> This could all be done on the live copy to, but with a repo living
> outside the code tree, easier testing is facilitated without affecting
> the live stuff.
> -Ben
> [1] I have a personal distaste for svn but it's likely the logical
>     choice given that all other project-wide type stuff lives in svn
>     already.
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I use Bazzar [1] when checking in/out of Fedora's PackageDB code repo.
not that I do it all that often anymore... but IMO better then svn ( don't take
much ) for those that are stuck in windows it runs nicely on that as well as
linux and solaris...  I can't vouch for mac though... never tried it on my
kid's mac book or the wife's mac book pro.

- --


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