[csw-maintainers] [Fwd: [svn] mercurial upstream update notification]

rupert THURNER rupert at opencsw.org
Sat Jul 4 20:36:52 CEST 2009

i put the packages onto http://mirror.opencsw.org/testing.html, and
made them writeable for others as well.


On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 20:03, rupert THURNER<rupert at opencsw.org> wrote:
> the test result is: # Ran 345 tests, 30 skipped, 8 failed.
> Failed test-command-template: output changed
> Failed test-convert-cvs-branch: output changed and returned error code 1
> Failed test-convert-git: output changed
> Failed test-gpg: output changed
> Failed test-hook: output changed
> Failed test-repair-strip: output changed
> Failed test-template-engine: output changed and returned error code 255
> Failed test-transplant: output changed
> and some tests are skipped which probably should not:
> Skipped test-convert-hg-svn: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-branches: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-encoding: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-move: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-sink: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-source: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-startrev: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> Skipped test-convert-svn-tags: missing feature: subversion python bindings
> is there a possibility to make this working on the build servers?
> for some failures i have no idea where the failure is coming from,
> will ask the mercurial mailing list. i noticed that also for fedora
> the test cases failed sometimes and they were disabled for release
> building.
> rupert.
> 2009/7/4 Trygve Laugstøl <trygvis at opencsw.org>:
>> rupert THURNER wrote:
>>> i compiled it with gar v2, upgraded the version number, and it runs
>>> through without any noticable prolems. i also checked this in. did not
>>> yet try to fix the tests though ...
>> Do you have a URl to the version in testing?
>> --
>> Trygve
>>> rupert.
>>> 2009/7/2 Trygve Laugstøl <trygvis at opencsw.org>:
>>>> If someone feel like getting this mostly python package out, feel free.
>>>> I almost got 1.2 working but there where too many test cases that failed.
>>>> Most of the failures was because of missing gnu'isms in the tools the
>>>> test
>>>> used from what I could tell. Would be nice to patch up the test suite to
>>>> be
>>>> able to control the path to the tools it uses.
>>>> --
>>>> Trygve
>>>> Hello dear mercurial maintainer,
>>>> The upstream notification job has detected the availability of new files
>>>> for
>>>> mercurial.
>>>> The following upstream file(s):
>>>>   mercurial-1.3.tar.gz
>>>> is/are available at the following url(s):
>>>>   http://selenic.com/mercurial/release/
>>>> Please consider updating your package.
>>>> --
>>>> Kindest regards
>>>> upstream notification job
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