[csw-maintainers] libcairo failing to build on build8x

John Ellson ellson at opencsw.org
Sun Jul 26 01:12:13 CEST 2009

On 07/25/2009 07:07 PM, John Ellson wrote:
> On 07/25/2009 03:38 PM, John Ellson wrote:
>> I can build libcairo on build8s, but on build8x I'm getting:
>>     gar/gar.conf.mk:352: *** The ISA 'amd64' can not be build on this 
>> kernel with the arch 'i386'.  Stop.
>>     gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ellson/mgar/pkg/libcairo/trunk'
>>     make: *** [merge-isa-amd64] Error 2
>> Sould I be using a different build host?
> OK, I see, its from BUILD64=1, and I'm supposed to do:
>     build8x $ gmake merge   (builds all 32 bit ISAs and merges them)
>     build10x $ gmake merge   (builds the remaining ISAs and merges them)
>      build8x $ gmake package (makes package, so it is installable on 
> Solaris 8)
> Painful!   And it doesn't work either due to this other previously 
> reported problem with libm:
>     One more thing: What you are trying to do here
> >/  # Solaris 10 on build10x has libm.so which points to 
> libm.so.2.//libm.so.2
> / >/  # is however not available on Solaris 8. So we have to 
> explicitly use
> / >/  # libm.so.1 during linking and get rid of the -lm reference. 
> Otherwise
> / >/  # the package check on build8x when running "gmake package" fails.
> /
>     is also a flaw of checkpkg: When a package is build on Solaris 8 
> and Solaris 10
>     the complete package may fail when checkpkg'ed on Solaris 8 with 
> the reason above.
>     You were able to link to a specific version, but this may not 
> always be possible.
>     I have no idea on how this could be fixed in checkpkg apart from 
> not making
>     mixed packages or checking only on Solaris 10.
> So, Dago, how were you building libcairo before?

gmake ENABLE_CHECK=0 package

seems to work.    Doesn't feel like the right solution?


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