[csw-maintainers] Perl experts wanted: Possible to update Storable.pm (core module)?

Peter FELECAN pfelecan at opencsw.org
Thu Jun 18 10:26:49 CEST 2009

Mike Watters <mwatters at opencsw.org> writes:

> Ben Walton wrote:
>> Excerpts from Sebastian Kayser's message of Wed Jun 17 19:45:28 -0400 2009:
>>> our perl 5.8.8 contains Storable.pm 2.15 as a core module. Now i would
>>> like to package POE [1] which requires Storable.pm >= 2.16. What would
>>> be the options to deliver a Storable.pm >= 2.16 that POE can use?
> if moving to 5.10.0 is not possible.
> It is technically be possible to replace the Storable.pm in core with a "new"
> version.
> I don't know what the policy would be on this, but you would need a
> "pre-install" that does a backup of the existing files. and a post-remove that
> puts them all back -- only if the core perl package has "not" been removed.
> this may be more hassle then hacking @INC

Maybe, but it's an ugly kludge doomed to fail if somebody out of our
control needs the module in the current form.

Subsidiary question, how comes that we are still with Perl 5.8.8?

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