[csw-maintainers] libtool

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Sun Mar 29 22:49:58 CEST 2009

Hi Roger,

Am 29.03.2009 um 20:42 schrieb Roger HÃ¥kansson:
> Philip Brown wrote:
>> The "generic, and permenant fix", is to track down the dependant  
>> packages
>> that are using libtool, and hound the maintainer to remove the .la  
>> files
>> :-)
> And in this case, the maintainer is "retired" and the "dependant  
> package" is the one I'm trying to build...
> A recap:
> CSWlibgsf consists of two libraries, libgsf-1.so(.114.0.11) and  
> libgsf-gnome-1.so(.114.0.11)
> Both libraries get built without any problem, and libgsf-gnome-1.so. 
> 114.0.11 gets linked to libgsf-1.so.114.0.11
> But during the install (to work/pkgroot...) libgsf-gnome-1.so. 
> 114.0.11 is relinked (as usual when using libtool) get linked to / 
> opt/csw/lib/libgsf-
> My thought was that someone might have seen this problem (with  
> another package) before and had a solution for it.

After re-reading your post I propose to use the standard-process:

- release libgsf to current
- request installation on the buildfarm
- build and release libgsf-gnome

Best regards

   -- Dago

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