[csw-maintainers] sendmail and dbus packages

Jeffery Small jeff at cjsa.com
Tue Sep 1 09:19:53 CEST 2009

Can someone please provide an update on the status of the following two
open issues:

1:  Is there a revised release of sendmail pending for use with the Berkeley
    DB 4.x problem, and have all the Berkeley DB issues been resolved?  I
    am in a state of confusion about all this and very afraid to touch anything
    for fear of getting things out of sync once again.  I really don't know
    what version of the BDB I should be running. I currently have:

    	berkeleydb4           4.2.52,REV=2005.04.28_rev=p4
	berkeleydb44                 4.4.20,REV=2009.07.28
	sendmail                     8.14.2,REV=2007.12.17

2:  Is anyone still working on the dbus package problem that is keeping
    Solaris SPARC from being able to disable the service and also making it
    impossible to cleanly shutdown the system, since we never get to the boot
    PROM, apparently because this service will not stop.

One additional question regarding CSW sendmail.  In the /opt/csw/var/spool
directory, there are the following two links:

    ..clientmqueue -> /var/spool/clientmqueue
    ..mqueue       -> /var/spool/mqueue

These links are not listed on the webpage for sendmail as part of the
package.  Do these links exist on other people's systems, and if so, what
is their purpose?



C. Jeffery Small           CJSA LLC                       206-232-3338
jeff at cjsa.com              7000 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA  98040

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