[csw-maintainers] FYI: Hosting provider for Solaris

Daniel Pocock daniel at opencsw.org
Thu Sep 3 00:43:57 CEST 2009

Ihsan Dogan wrote:
> Am 2.9.2009 20:32 Uhr, Daniel Pocock schrieb:
>>> We (Uplink AG, the company where I work) provide Solaris hosting as
>>> well, but at the moment only Solaris and not OpenSolaris.
>>> --> http://www.netofficeservices.net/
>>> (currently only in German)
>> Many providers offer physical server hosting (using your hardware or
>> their own) - you can then install Xen on top of the supplied Linux
>> distro, and run any virtual machine you like, including Solaris or
>> OpenSolaris
>> My own personal setup has Solaris 10 x86 inside a Debian lenny box.  I
>> use iSCSI to export raw LVM volumes to Solaris, this provides a
>> convenient and standardised way to manage the disk space across multiple
>> VMs.
> We address actually more the professional market. Xen and iSCSI are,
> well, not really for production.
I'm certainly not advocating any solution as better than any other.  Xen 
and iSCSI are certainly sufficient for me to do Ganglia and OpenCSW 
development/packaging, but that is obviously not the same as production 
ecommerce systems.  The production environment I work in is completely 
different, both in scale and choice of technology.

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