[csw-maintainers] OpenCSW summer camp: What were your impressions? Brainstorming for further camps.

Trygve Laugstøl trygvis at opencsw.org
Mon Sep 14 14:12:01 CEST 2009

Sebastian Kayser wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks again to Ihsan for dealing with organizational stuff and Trygve
> for setting us up with the gorgeous venue above Olso. "After the game,
> is before the game" (as the saying goes in soccer), hence i would like
> to capture some of the impressions that you took away from Oslo while
> they are still fresh so that we know what to take care of for further
> meetings.
> - How would you sum up the weekend and what you took away from it?
> - What would you like to see again?
> - What would you have wished to be different? How?
> - Any other ideas that don't fit into the two above? Stuff that we
> should try next time?

I liked it that we just sat until we got hungry and everyone was fed up 
with hacking. It makes it kinda harder to prepare a place up front, but 
if you don't go for anything very fancy it was quite easy to find a 
decent place to eat at.

Being able to bring a laptop or at least notes is probably nice as not 
everyone feel like getting drunk and would like to continue to talk/work 
throughout the evening.


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