[csw-maintainers] Docbook test failing

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Sun Jan 17 17:36:23 CET 2010


I am currently rebuilding mutt and the autoconf-test for docbook  
doesn't detect
the docbook stylesheet, although it is installed.

> build8s% pkginfo | grep -i docbook
> application CSWdocbookdsssl      docbookdsssl - Norman Walsh's  
> modular stylesheets for DocBook
> application CSWdocbookdtds       docbookdtds - SGML and XML document  
> type definitions for DocBook.
> application CSWdocbookxsl        docbookxsl - Norman Walsh's XSL  
> stylesheets for DocBook XML
> application CSWdocbookxsldoc     docbookxsldoc - Documentation for  
> the Docbook XSL stylesheets

The test looks like this:

>   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for openjade docbook stylesheets])
>   dslosfile=`ospcat --public-id="-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook  
> Print Stylesheet//EN"`
>   DSLROOT=`echo $dslosfile | sed -n -e "s/.*SOIBASE='\(@<:@^'@:>@*\) 
> \/catalog'.*/\1/p"`
>   # ospcat may spit out an absolute path without an SOIBASE
>   if test -z "$DSLROOT"
>   then
>     DSLROOT=`echo $dslosfile | sed -e 's|<OSFILE>\(.*\)/print/ 
> docbook.dsl|\1|'`
>   fi
>   if test -f $DSLROOT/print/docbook.dsl
>   then
>     have_openjade="yes"
>   else
>     AC_MSG_RESULT([not found: PDF documentation will not be built.])
>   fi

But the result of the first line is empty:

> build8s% ospcat --public-id="-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook Print  
> Stylesheet//EN"

Any idea why this is failing?

Best regards

   -- Dago

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