[csw-maintainers] Upstream check for sourceforge not working?

Roger Håkansson hson at opencsw.org
Mon Jan 4 23:22:48 CET 2010

William Bonnet wrote:
> Hi Roger
> Could you please tell me which packages have problems ?
>> Anyone else noticed that there is something wrong with the upstream 
>> check for sourceforge packages?
> There are a some packages which have a problem with the upstream check. 
> There are at least two known bugs.
> . If catalog name is different from garname, then the maintainer will 
> not always be reported accurately.
> . Some url are just not working...
> I'm still working on a new version. Maybe for early february.
>> I haven't gotten any mail regarding updated sourceforge packages in a 
>> while now and when I runt "gmake check-upstream" manually I don't get 
>> any output at all.
> This can be normal... once you have run check-upstream, a timestamp is 
> created. If you run gmake check-upstream again, it will not report 
> anything if the version has not changed. You should do a gmake clean 
> before running it again.

Well, lets take an example, lcms.
In the Makefile, i have:
GARNAME = lcms
UFILES_REGEX = (\d+(?:\.\d+)*)

Taking a look at http://sourceforge.net/projects/lcms/files/ (where 
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=26289 is 
redirected) the latest release is 1.19

I've checked upstream_watch and from what I can tell, it's supposed to 
get some output from "$wget_command -qO- $url 2>/dev/null | grep class | 
grep selected | grep li | grep Download | "
However the output from sourceforge must have changed because running 
that command gives no output at all and running the wget manually and 
checking the output tells me that upstream_watch cannot work with their 
current design.

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