[csw-maintainers] [csw-devel] SF.net SVN: gar:[8091] csw/mgar/pkg/libsoup2/trunk

Roger Håkansson hson at opencsw.org
Tue Jan 19 16:26:17 CET 2010

Jan Holzhueter wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 19.01.10 15:04, schrieb Roger Håkansson:
>>> Noticed that you committed some stuff for libsoup2, I've been working
>>> on releasing a updated version, but I've not committed my stuff yet.
> Sorry didn't know you where working on it.
> I will leave my work as it is atm and you can scrap or enhance it :)

No problem, its a work in progress, I'm updating some packages which 
have a huge list of requirements and libsoup >2.4 was one of them so I 
started looking into that.

>>> However I was going to update libsoup to current and scrap libsoup2 as
>>> a separate package since there is only a few packages needing
>>> libsoup2. So keeping them as separate packages is in my world not
>>> necessary.
> I don't now how many packages need libsoup2. A few weeks ago someone
> drop by in the irc chat and reported that rhythmbox seems to be broken.
> So I looked at bulding a new one since the CSW Version is kind of old.
> Thats why I started updating libsoup2.
> So I don't know what to do with libsoup2
> Maybe you should forward this to maintainers@
> as I can't post there I think. To see what others think.

Regarding the dependencies to libsoup (1.99) and libsoup2 (2.2.96), 
there are one package which need libsoup, multisync. There are four 
packages which need libsoup2, all of them evolution plus related plugins.

My plan was to release a new libsoup-package which include the old 
libraries plus a empty dummy libsoup2-package which only has a 
dependency to libsoup so the evolution-stuff won't be broken (although, 
I don't know if it still works, there are a bunch of bugs reported for 
those packages).
Then when the evolution-packages are updated (also on my TODO) they will 
have libsoup as a dependency and not libsoup2.
But this maybe isn't the "right" way to do it (that's why I also send 
this  to the maintainer's list)...

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