[csw-maintainers] Assessing catalog quality

Peter FELECAN pfelecan at opencsw.org
Tue Jun 28 22:33:01 CEST 2011

Philip Brown <phil at bolthole.com> writes:

> How do you measure the "quality" of a programmer's work?
> At one point, IBM said, "We'll measure it based on KLOC".
> Epic Fail.
> After 40 years, there is still no uniform "metric" for that sort of
> thing. Nor is it possible to uniformly create one.
> Some kinds of quality are simply not possible to reduce to "metrics".

LOC is the beginning of effort measure. Not really a failure except when
used as a silver bullet. Quality measure starts when you assess cyclomatic
complexity, function point, regression, &c. But that is CS 101...

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