[csw-maintainers] need help for CGI::Session::serialize::yaml

Gerard Henry ghenry at opencsw.org
Mon Jul 9 10:12:48 CEST 2012

On 07/07/12 10:07 AM, Peter Bonivart wrote:
> Could you please update the old project page on the wiki? I assume
> most of it is still current but we need to know if there's more
> modules needed that we don't have and if those we have are too old.
> http://wiki.opencsw.org/project-koha

hello peter,

i did it and put in red the missing modules on my machine. I'm using the 
perlmodver.pl script to find the missing modules.
Actually, the missing one are:
Module                Installed       CPAN
Authen::CAS::Client           -       0.05 *
Business::ISBN                -       2.05 *
CGI::Session::Driver::memcached          -       0.04 *
CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml          -       4.26 *
DBD::SQLite2                  -       0.33 *
DateTime::Format::ICal          -       0.09 *
Email::Date                   -      1.103 *
Gravatar::URL                 -       1.06 *
HTTP::OAI                     -       3.28 *
Lingua::Stem::Snowball          -      0.952 *
Locale::Currency::Format          -       1.30 *
Locale::PO                    -       0.21 *
MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore          -       0.02 *
Memoize::Memcached            -       0.03 *
Modern::Perl                  - 1.20120521 *
PDF::API2::Simple             -   1.001004 *
PDF::Table                    -   0.009005 *
Template                      -       2.24 *
Text::CSV::Encoded            -       0.10 *
UNIVERSAL::require            -       0.13 *
XML::SAX::Writer              -       0.53 *

Can i use your CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml freshly created?

thanks in advance,


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