[csw-maintainers] reminder on contributing on recipes

Ben Walton bwalton at opencsw.org
Wed Jan 9 20:17:35 CET 2013

This would be fine with me for all of the reasons you've listed. It's not a
trivial change though as maintainership info is derived from package
metadata. A gar override its the answer...

In fact, simply making that info part of the recipe instead of storing it
in .garrc would allow versioned take overs.

Am I missing a downside here?
On Jan 9, 2013 7:10 PM, "Peter FELECAN" <pfelecan at opencsw.org> wrote:

> "Maciej (Matchek) BliziƄski" <maciej at opencsw.org> writes:
> > 2013/1/8 pfelecan <pfelecan at opencsw.org>:
> >>   On the maintainers mailing list, announce your intention to work on
> >>   the recipe and eventually take up the maintenance.
> >
> > What if I want to make a change and upload it, but not become a
> > permanent maintainer of the package? I had loads of such cases,
> > especially with packages depending on old libraries. I want to remove
> > an old library, so I rebuild packages depending on it. Obviously, most
> > of these packages are not maintained. But I only care about them not
> > depending on a legacy dependency I want to kill, I don't want to spend
> > weeks on all the bugs that such package might have filed in Mantis.
> >
> > Currently, the result is that I have a lot of bugs assigned to me,
> > which are legitimate bugs, but I have no intention to fix them,
> > because I didn't want to take over these packages. But the mechanics
> > of our uploads work in such a way that it's impossible not to appear
> > as the main maintainer after you've uploaded a package.
> Indeed, this is bothering me also: a maintainer correcting a lot of
> packages that are orphaned acquire, by default, the maintenance of the
> those packages.
> What if we change the uploader to have an option saying that the action
> is on the behalf of the current maintainer --- even a retired one; we
> can log that the upload was done by somebody else. Debian has a similar
> feature...
> --
> Peter
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