[csw-maintainers] incoherent checkpkg result related to libXaw

Peter FELECAN pfelecan at opencsw.org
Sun Mar 3 18:48:19 CET 2013

"Maciej (Matchek) Bliziński" <maciej at opencsw.org> writes:

> 2013/3/3 Peter FELECAN <pfelecan at opencsw.org>:
>>> Could it be a race condition where the package was being upgraded
>>> while checkpkg was running? There would be a brief amount of time when
>>> the file is missing (between pkgrm and pkgadd).
>> It's not the case.
> Are you sure? Why are you sure?

Because I didn't upgraded the packages while uploading.

>>> I ran the same command myself and it seems to work.
>> Inded, I just received the notification.
> Why did it work then? I didn't do anything except running the command.

A mistery which should be solved.

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