Broken login

Peter Bonivart bonivart at
Mon Apr 14 17:09:47 CEST 2014

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Maciej (Matchek) BliziƄski
<maciej at> wrote:
> 2014-04-14 13:29 GMT+01:00 Peter Bonivart <bonivart at>:
>> should we use syslog to be more resilient against a new
>> run erasing valuable logs?
> How much data can be put in a syslog message? I was thinking about
> something like this:

Isn't it only 1K or similar?

> "running pkgutil; if this invocation runs, you can repeat it as
> follows: /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i pkg1 pkg2 pkg3 ..."
> This way you can go to syslog, and run pkgutil again to reproduce the problem.
> Or maybe an own pkgutil log in with the same information. It could be
> a long line with lots of packages, but it's 4k packages max, so still
> manageable. It wouldn't crash your text editor.

I think we will probably break the syslog limit so a dedicated file
would be better to avoid that risk, logrotate can take care of
maintaining it.

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