Removing stale packages

Laurent Blume laurent at
Mon Oct 13 14:33:31 CEST 2014

Le 2014/10/13 14:26 +0200, Matchek a écrit:
> - Deleting old/stale packages can be good, because when a package is
> not there, potential new maintainers are motivated to rebuild/update
> them. As a backup, allpkgs still contains all of the old packages in
> case somebody has their back against the wall.

I somewhat disagree on just that point. If a stale package is not a 
blocking dependency for another, and has no overly sensitive breakage 
(eg security), I think it's better to keep it.

In my view, it's psychologically easier to get somebody to fix something 
already present than if they have the feeling they start from scratch 
(even though the actual work here is often the same if there is no recipe).
Maybe because they can see it has worked in the past, so they can do it 


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