gnutls 3 round 2

Riccardo Mottola rmottola at
Mon Oct 5 18:35:25 CEST 2015

Hi All,

Dagobert Michelsen wrote:
> Just jump to the latest version, we can then see how the soname works out, GnuTLS 3 still ships with a .so.28 sonar AFAIK.
after a new libnettle, getting back to GnuTLS 3.4.5 which would be latest.

Things look compilcated... I'm playing with options to get the minimal 
stuff, we can in case analyze them later.

Building on solaris 10x fails with:

copying selected object files to avoid basename conflicts...
   CC       psk.o
   CCLD     psktool
ld: fatal: file /opt/csw/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ld: fatal: file processing errors. No output written to .libs/psktool

anyone has already encountered a similar problem?

According to:

it could be a problem with compiler flag consistency, but I don't set 
those flags, mgar sets them.


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