[csw-users] gtk 1.2.10 libraries missing

Mike Russo miker at readq.com
Wed Jan 26 17:07:25 CET 2005

To james lee: I found the libgmodule for gtk-2, not gtk-1 which is what 
xmms requires. Also, on my system /opt/csw is a symlink to /usr/local.

Okay, I just changed my mirror and ran pkg-get -u and no packages got 
upgraded, so I removed the gtk package and reinsalled it, but these 
libraries do not get installed. Then I read Oscar's message about these 
files being included in CSWglib, and removed THAT and reinstalled and I 
finally got them and was able to run xmms.

[root at gobi /]# pkgrm CSWglib

The following package is currently installed:
   CSWglib         glib - utility library commonly associated with GNOME 
                   (i386) 1.2.10

Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q] y

## Removing installed package instance <CSWglib>
## Verifying package dependencies.
    The <CSWgtk> package depends on the package currently
    being removed.
    The <CSWxmms> package depends on the package currently
    being removed.
    The <CSWespgs> package depends on the package currently
    being removed.
    The <CSWORBit> package depends on the package currently
    being removed.
    The <CSWimlib> package depends on the package currently
    being removed.
    The <CSWgnomelibs> package depends on the package
    currently being removed.
Dependency checking failed.

Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y
## Processing package information.
## Removing pathnames in class <none>
/opt/csw/share/man/man1 <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/share/man <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/share/aclocal <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/share <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/lib/pkgconfig <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/lib <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/include <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw/bin <shared pathname not removed>
/opt/csw <shared pathname not removed>
## Updating system information.

Removal of <CSWglib> was successful.
[root at gobi /]# pkg-get -i glib
No existing install of CSWglib found. Installing...
           => `glib-1.2.10-SunOS5.8-i386-CSW.pkg.gz'
Resolving blastwave.berlios.de...
Connecting to blastwave.berlios.de[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
           => `glib-1.2.10-SunOS5.8-i386-CSW.pkg.gz'
Resolving download.berlios.de...
Connecting to download.berlios.de[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 535,945 [application/x-gzip]

100%[====================================>] 535,945      150.70K/s    
ETA 00:00

11:02:21 (150.31 KB/s) - `glib-1.2.10-SunOS5.8-i386-CSW.pkg.gz' saved 

Analysing special files...
3727 blocks

Processing package instance <CSWglib> from 

glib - utility library commonly associated with GNOME programs
(i386) 1.2.10
                       Version 2.1, February 1999

## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
   9 package pathnames are already properly installed.

Installing glib - utility library commonly associated with GNOME 
programs as <CSWglib>

## Installing part 1 of 1.
/opt/csw/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 <symbolic link>
/opt/csw/lib/libglib.so <symbolic link>
/opt/csw/lib/libgmodule-1.2.so.0 <symbolic link>
/opt/csw/lib/libgmodule.so <symbolic link>
/opt/csw/lib/libgthread-1.2.so.0 <symbolic link>
/opt/csw/lib/libgthread.so <symbolic link>
[ verifying class <none> ]

Installation of <CSWglib> was successful.

So is there a package "out there" (on some mirror sites) with the same 
revision that does not include the proper files? Anyway thanks everyone 
for helping out!!!

Alex S Moore wrote:

>On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:28:18 -0500
>Mike Russo <miker at readq.com> wrote:
>>That's not the problem on my machine -- the files are just not there:
>>Installation of <CSWgtk> was successful.
>>I don't see the missing libraries anywhere in the install.
>This sounds familiar.  Please try the following mirror instead.  I use
>this mirror and just installed just now and the package ran fine.
># German mirror.  Usually very up-to-date.
>users mailing list
>users at lists.blastwave.org

Mike Russo
ReadQ Systems, Inc.
(212) 425 3680 x105

Random quote of the day:
<tigah_-> i have 4gb for /tmp
<Knghtbrd> What do you do with 4G /tmp?  Compile X?
<tigah_-> yes

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