[csw-users] solaris 9 pkgs on solaris 10

James Lee james at blastwave.org
Wed Feb 1 11:00:57 CET 2006

On 01/02/06, 03:11:15, Neal "A." Lucier <nlucier at math.purdue.edu> wrote
regarding Re: [csw-users] solaris 9 pkgs on solaris 10:

> Thank you for your response.  In checking unstable/sparc/5.10/ again I
> see that there are only 2 pkgs built for 5.10 (flightgear_base and
> tkdiff), neither of which I use, and I was unaware that the libz message
> didn't matter.

Those 2 package are just wrongly labelled by naughty maintainers.
They contain "all" arch files so no compilation and linking to system
libs was done.  The same package files are use for 5.8 and 5.9.

> The problem I was having was with:
> /opt/csw/bin/convert filename.ps filename.jpg
> producing bad jpg files.

Look in www.blastwave.org/testing/
and get:


It's built in coexist mode (with imagemagick) so run:
$ /opt/csw/bin/gm convert filename.ps filename.jpg

graphicsmagick does several things better than imagemagick, especially
multi-page conversion (not using 99GB of RAM).  It's quicker too.

Try using just Ghostscript to convert, after all the above only delegate
the format conversions:

$ gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -r72 -sOutputFile=out.jpeg in.ps



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