[csw-users] Why support Solaris 8 onwards?

Ihsan Dogan ihsan at blastwave.org
Mon Sep 17 14:54:35 CEST 2007

Am 17.9.2007 13:07 Uhr, James Dickens schrieb:

>     It's true that nobody is installing Solaris 8 anymore, but it's still
>     widely used and they are not going to be replaced that quickly. I don't
>     see any reason, why we should drop the support for Solaris 8 
> sorry lots of people are still installing Solaris 8, we are deploying 4
> new database servers running oracle, all are running Solaris 8. On large
> servers I think the number of Solaris 8 instances are growing still...

This just proves again, that Solaris 8 is still alive and that companies
can't change their policies and processes that easily.


ihsan at dogan.ch		http://blog.dogan.ch/

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