[csw-users] Matching up binary package to source + build recipe

Mike Gerdts mgerdts at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 20:46:06 CET 2009

Does OpenCSW provide a way associate a particular source release +
patches + build recipe with a particular binary package?  I'm thinking
of either something similar to the relation between .rpm and .srpm in
the Red Hat world or well-known tag names in gar.  In other words, if
there is a problem with a package (maybe affects only me) is there a
generalized way that I would go about getting the source and
rebuilding it with only the changes I need.

I've read what I can find on how maintainers are supposed to maintain
packages, but I don't see anything that would create such a tie-in.
Perhaps I'm missing something...

Thanks in advance,

Mike Gerdts

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