[csw-users] problem with php5

Mike Watters mwatters at opencsw.org
Fri Jul 17 03:56:05 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1

pjama wrote:
> ----------------original message-----------------
> From: "Ihsan Dogan" ihsan at opencsw.org
> To: "questions and discussions" users at lists.opencsw.org
> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 22:45:04 +0200
> -------------------------------------------------
>> Am 14.7.2009 11:24 Uhr, pjama schrieb:
>>> Ihsan, would you have a list of php packages you have installed?
>> CSWphp5		php5 - A High-Level Scripting Languages
>> CSWphp5apc	php5_apc - APC Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5devel	php5_devel - Development files for php5
>> CSWphp5gd	php5_gd - gd Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5gettext	php5_gettext - gettext Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5imap	php5_imap - imap Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5mbstring	php5_mbstring - mbstring Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5mcrypt	php5_mcrypt - mcrypt Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5mysql	php5_mysql - mysql Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5openssl	php5_openssl - openssl Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5pdo	php5_pdo - A database access module for PHP applications
>> CSWphp5pdomysql	php5_pdomysql - A MySQL specific database ...
>> CSWphp5pgsql	php5_pgsql - pgsql Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5posix	php5_posix - posix Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5session	php5_session - session Extention for PHP5
>> CSWphp5xdebug	php5_xdebug - Xdebug Extention for PHP5
> OK, I've done a pkgutil -Uc and it's upgraded all my php5 stuff from 5.2.4
> to 5.2.9 and the error has returned.
> bash-3.00# pkgutil -c | grep php
> CSWap2modphp5 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.30 SAME
> CSWphp5 5.2.9,REV=2009.05.06 SAME
> CSWphp5apc 3.0.19,REV=2009.02.18 SAME
> CSWphp5bz2 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5curl 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5devel 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5gd 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5gettext 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5imap 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5ldap 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5mbstring 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5mcrypt 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5mhash 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5mysql 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5openssl 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5pdo 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5pdomysql 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5posix 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5session 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5snmp 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphp5xdebug 2.0.4,REV=2009.02.17 SAME
> CSWphp5xsl 5.2.9,REV=2009.04.29 SAME
> CSWphpsysinfo 2.5.4 SAME
> bash-3.00#
> which is everything that Ishan has and more except CSWphp5pgsql (I'm asuming
> that's PostGress databas module).
> Have to revert again back to 5.2.4
> Cheers
> P

going through the thread you posted earlier, it seems that for some reason you
can not open the file.  try adding the path to the "missing" files in your
php.ini file include_path and see what happens.

in that thread, you mention you are using a CVS snapshot and patches...  can
you try to use the latest / greatest "release"

I am trying to reproduce the problem but I am using a sparc solaris 9 machine.
I have access to a sparc sol10, I will try to get it loaded on there and try to
reproduce there next week.

- --

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