[csw-users] Minor bug in CSWzsh

Maciej (Matchek) Blizinski maciej at opencsw.org
Thu Jul 30 00:37:18 CEST 2009

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Christian Walther<cptsalek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> there seems to be a really minor glitch in CSWzsh: While the package
> is deinstalled, the entry in /etc/shells isn't removed:
> ## Executing postremove script.
> //etc/shells is UNCHANGED because entry //opt/csw/bin/zsh was already wiped.
> ## Updating system information.
> So, during reinstall, the following messages appear:
> ## Executing postinstall script.
> /etc/shells already exists.
> /etc/shells is UNCHANGED because entry /opt/csw/bin/zsh does already exists.

The postremove file is here:

For an svn client::

Do you feel like writing a patch for it, Christian? :-)


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