[csw-users] problem with php5

pjama pjama at optusnet.com.au
Sat Jul 11 14:27:54 CEST 2009

I've recently migrated my csw driven webserver from solaris 10 on sparc 
to solaris 10 on x86. The sparc was built some time back using the pre 
blastwave split (I think) packages for Apache, php, mysql, etc.

My web site runs egroupware that ran fine under the old 
packages/platform but has some issues under the new platform which I 
think are PHP related.

I've posted the issues on egroupware lists for assistance but it's been 
limited with the invitation to buy commercial support.
The posting is detailed here:

To sumaraise:
CSWapache2 installed and configured, minor upgrade from 2.2.6 to current 
2.2.11. Confige files copied over and slightly adjusted.
Mysql remains 5.0.51, database exported, re-imported on new server. The 
egroupware content was migrated as is (ie working copy)

PHP 5 seems to have undergone the most significant change with version 
5.2.4 to changed from 5.2.9 but libraries are now shared. In the process 
  of trying to troubleshoot AFAIK I've installed all the modules except 
the unwanted database ones. "php -i" now seems to be comparable between 
old and new servers.

The problem *seems* to be that apache/php is not loading some of the 
functions in files of files per say from egroupware.

I'm after any assistance on how to pinpoint the problem.


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