[csw-users] problem with php5

Mike Watters mwatters at opencsw.org
Mon Jul 13 16:05:47 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1

pjama wrote:
> pjama wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've recently migrated my csw driven webserver from solaris 10 on
>> sparc to solaris 10 on x86. The sparc was built some time back using
>> the pre blastwave split (I think) packages for Apache, php, mysql, etc.
>> My web site runs egroupware that ran fine under the old
>> packages/platform but has some issues under the new platform which I
>> think are PHP related.
>> I've posted the issues on egroupware lists for assistance but it's
>> been limited with the invitation to buy commercial support.
>> The posting is detailed here:
>> http://www.nabble.com/egroupware-edits-broken-after-migration-td24407308s3741.html#a24427312
>> To sumaraise:
>> CSWapache2 installed and configured, minor upgrade from 2.2.6 to
>> current 2.2.11. Confige files copied over and slightly adjusted.
>> Mysql remains 5.0.51, database exported, re-imported on new server.
>> The egroupware content was migrated as is (ie working copy)
>> PHP 5 seems to have undergone the most significant change with version
>> 5.2.4 to changed from 5.2.9 but libraries are now shared. In the
>> process  of trying to troubleshoot AFAIK I've installed all the
>> modules except the unwanted database ones. "php -i" now seems to be
>> comparable between old and new servers.
>> The problem *seems* to be that apache/php is not loading some of the
>> functions in files of files per say from egroupware.
>> I'm after any assistance on how to pinpoint the problem.
>> Cheers
>> P
> I've reverted to php5 version 5.2.4 from opencsw stable and my issue is
> resolved.
> I did a pkgrm of all things CSWphp5* and pkgutil -i of php5 and friends
> from stable. Not the best solution because of dependencies but it works
> ATM.
> I guess the question is: Is it that egroupware is not compatible with
> 5.2.9 or is there some configuration difference between php 5.2.9 and
> 5.2.4 at compile/install/configure time? I've posed this question in the
> egroupware forum so we'll see where it progresses.
> Cheers
> P
I will be setting up egroupware on my test server today or tomorrow. and I will
report back what I find.

- --


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