[csw-users] Minor bug in CSWzsh

Christian Walther cptsalek at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 16:13:14 CEST 2009


there seems to be a really minor glitch in CSWzsh: While the package
is deinstalled, the entry in /etc/shells isn't removed:

## Executing postremove script.
//etc/shells is UNCHANGED because entry //opt/csw/bin/zsh was already wiped.
## Updating system information.

So, during reinstall, the following messages appear:

## Executing postinstall script.
/etc/shells already exists.
/etc/shells is UNCHANGED because entry /opt/csw/bin/zsh does already exists.

Yeah, I know, there won't be any amageddon because of this, the sun
will continue shining, and zsh will continue to perform nicely. I just
wanted to point out. ;-)

But I have to say that I'm really glad that zsh is contained in CSW,
and that it is being kept up to date so nicely.


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