CSWr-base Solaris 11 SPARC: Broken after updating

noskcaJ leahciM jackson at encompasserve.org
Mon Dec 14 01:16:23 CET 2015


Thank you for porting R.

I had both your R and Oracle's R installed and working.

I updated OpenCSW R which updated:

Package             from                      to
CSWlibgfortran3     4.9.2,REV=2014.11.07      5.2.0,REV=2015.07.31
CSWlibgomp1         4.9.2,REV=2014.11.07      5.2.0,REV=2015.07.31
CSWlibpcre1         8.37,REV=2015.04.30       8.38,REV=2015.11.23

now R complains on startup about its Fortran library libfai.so:

$ R
ld.so.1: R: fatal: /opt/csw/lib/libfai.so.3: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

Dumb question: As a work-around how do remove the 5.2 and 8.38
versions and re-install the 4.9 and 8.37 versions.

Thank you for providing this service and happy Christmas.


ReSent-From: Michael Jackson <jackson at Encompasserve.org>
ReSent-To: users at lists.opencsw.org
ReSent-Subject: CSWr-base Solaris 11 SPARC: Broken after updating
ReSent-Message-ID: <Pine.PMDF.4.64L.1512141840560.392800 at Encompasserve.org>


Thank you for porting R.

I had both your R and Oracle's R installed and working.

I updated OpenCSW R which updated:

Package             from                      to
CSWlibgfortran3     4.9.2,REV=2014.11.07      5.2.0,REV=2015.07.31
CSWlibgomp1         4.9.2,REV=2014.11.07      5.2.0,REV=2015.07.31
CSWlibpcre1         8.37,REV=2015.04.30       8.38,REV=2015.11.23

now R complains on startup about its Fortran library libfai.so:

$ R
ld.so.1: R: fatal: /opt/csw/lib/libfai.so.3: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

Dumb question: As a work-around how do remove the 5.2 and 8.38
versions and re-install the 4.9 and 8.37 versions.

Thank you for providing this service and happy Christmas.



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